News - The Ultimate Guide To Slide Canceling Warzone

how to slide cancel controller

Step number one: the line of sight is broken, which means we can play a little bit more unpredictable. We go ahead and rechallenge there camera's broken, but this guy is an absolute sweat here and is able to adjust really well so what does Knight do little jump to the left allows him to hit that head shot now where do we go from here sprinting while plating and slide cancelling that's really how we start to outplay enemies pressure is on them to revive so he is right back in here, watch him push back in here, challenge around the corner centering the crosshairs a little bit of a jump to the right he's able to get that down so we're seeing a lot of centering, a lot of that advanced, combination that simple movements and advanced combination component where we're slide cancelling into a jump now what do we see at this moment is actually a slide cancel to a strafe there's the centering around the corner.

slide canceling

And he just strafes left to kind of get behind cover. He's going to go ahead and get a thirst. Finally, he's down to a 1v2. At this point, pressure is on them to revive. We challenge around the corner, we center our crosshairs, we're going to take out this guy right here, and then he just finishes it off in the 1v1 fight, which was a tough one, but he ultimately was able to win it.

I hope you found today's article helpful. As I always say, let's get better today, and I will see

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Slide canceling is officially back in Warzone so today I am giving you the ultimate guide to slide canceling, teaching you EVERYTHING that you need to know.
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