News - The Truth About Console. How To Get More Kills As A Console Player Warzone

console tips

Today we are back with another Community member gameplay review where we break down gameplay that was submitted by a member of the community, now today we have gameplay here from Phil who is a 2.2 KD console player so overall really good player but he is on console and I do want to quickly address that in the beginning of this article but overall we're going to be focusing on you know mistakes that he makes things that he does well overall areas that he can improve upon in hopes that you can take a few things away.

Implement them into your gameplay and start to improve now. Right here, low health has to back off. Let's quickly talk through the console while he's disengaging and then re-engaging. In War Zone 1, the console was a crutch. Not even going to deny it, 60 FPS 80 FV was tough to play on, but in War Zone 2, it's not a crutch anymore.

You've got the favorite slider. You can play at 120 FPS. If you have a next-generation console, you can play in 1440p (I mean 1440p), 120 FPS on 110 to 120 FV, which is basically PC; there's no disadvantage at that point to being on a console, and this is actually in 1080P. So he's not playing in 1440p; he's playing in 1080p, and you can still drop high kill games, but a lot of you are using it as a big time crutch as to why you're not as good as you want to be.

console tips vondel

Now, what do we notice with this UAV? A lot of people around here are playing trios, so there are probably three or four teams in this area, but you also want to remember these guys back here. Start to work in the market, but when we push into a building without concrete information about what level people are on and where they are, on top of the fact that it might be multiple teams, just be very careful.

He does a really good job here, kind of scouting out and trying to check corners, a little bit checking this corner, and now he pushes in and checks this corner real quick before acting on the information outside of this guy shooting. Notice the mini-map here. Do not miss the mini-map pings when you are in this crazy hot early game.

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You cannot miss mini-map pings. Two guys above him shot from right there. Now, what would you do in this situation? Think about what you would do. Okay, you played up. What would you do in this moment? You're replated what I would do personally is push the guys on the rooftop. He goes to challenge and gets caught in this weird position.


Watch what he does here I want you to I want you to pay attention if you notice what he does really well. Did the teammate I don't think the teammate got the kill there. What else do you notice here? Look at his cash flow when you play with randoms. I think he's playing with randoms, but I'm not 100% sure you've got to be the one to collect cash.

You know, 16 Grand, we want to get loads out down here as quick as we possibly can. I would rather you get the load out and die doing it, then die before you get the load out because then you don't have the load out. I know that sounds obvious, but if you have to get the load out, Chuck, and then die, that's not a bad thing because now you have the load out to regain.

get more kills on console

Just be careful where you throw it. You should throw it in a circle, not out of a circle, so he should have like he would have had to chuck it this way somewhere, kind of towards these buildings. Good shots right there and that's the execution component like I said 2.2 KD player we see that he has the ability to use movement he obviously hits shots really well and now we're just going to keep focusing on that gameplay strategy and decision- making because that's kind of The Next Step once your aim and movement gets good and you're really improving on those then we start going into like the decision- making the how to fight out number the using information you know endgame strategy mid- game strategy regaining all of that stuff that goes into, keeping pace for high kill games, now let's see what he does from here this is a really tough decision and again I want you to think about what you would do right so you get all of this information.

What would you do? You've got a team here, you've got a team here, you've got a team here, and you've got multiple teams here. With a lot of this and the skill level of where a lot of you are, I'd be okay with you pushing any one of these individual teams, any one of one, two, or three. Up top, yeah, don't forget that guy; he's still up there.

tips for console players

He is absolutely still up there. Now let's see what he does from here. Again, seven kills in the first circle. Really good start right now. Good live ping by his teammate. Okay so what did he do wrong right there, right, when I say trust high alert right that means trust that you are getting looked at from somebody that doesn't mean you have to look at them because he's completely out in the open, he is never going to win this gunfight there's no point in even trying to win it because he's never going to break the line of sight get inside the building get to cover then remember that information that there's a guy over there and then you can rechallenge right then you can think about how you want to play it from there but there's no reason to look at that guy I would even be okay if he dolphin did a dolphin dive to cover and then from there kind of immediately rechallenge that to see if he can catch that guy off, guard.

tips for console players vondel

Multiple still got a team straight ahead and a team I all around right there's a team over to his right side and team Straight Ahead here it's always tough when they're spinning to try to tell you exactly what I'm thinking here there's a team there's a team right here and there's a team right here there we go use the cursor.

Now let's get back to Rooftop. We're not doing any good down here; even if he got it down up here, he's not getting The Thirst right. It's going to be really difficult to get a thirst before they revive, so go play Rooftop, go play adjacent rooftop, and see what you can find, and try to go challenge that way.

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Now he's working on the adjacent rooftop, which is a good kill right there. Hey, we'll take it. That guy's on Kick too. I don't know what that was—eight kills. So we're again at a really good pace. We've got to build here. You know, when we get eight kills before the second circle even begins closing, we want to be shooting for that 10-12-13 mark, and from there.

tips for vondel console

I mean I would, I would say, you try to get any cash that you can pop into a UAV, and that gives us the information. Let's go and push this forward. Okay, so we got the UAV up now once again. What do we notice here? What do you notice? Who are you pushing? The same thing as earlier: you can potentially get these kills right here, but there's a lot of action over here, and that's one of the biggest things when it comes to that decision-making component.

Today we're back with another Community Member Gameplay review, this time taking a look at gameplay from a 2. 2 KD console player.
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