News - How To Complete The Nuke Warzone 3. Tips & Tricks


Or 30 wins in the season starting with season two; all your previous wins don't matter starting in season 2 alone, in BR. You know, in Battle Royale solos, duos, trios, and quads, you can get two wins in a row when solos hop into duos and get the third win, as long as it's in Battle Royale on Ersan.

Okay, so yeah, like I said, five wins in a row, which is pretty difficult to do. I'm not going to lie; it does require a lot of luck. If you don't have, you know, a top-tier team, if you don't have a top-tier team, then I recommend just doing Intel contracts. That usually works out for you. You know, if you know where the last zone's going to be, you know where the last building is.

Just camp there for the rest of the game, but like I said, you can also get 30 wins in the season. It doesn't have to be 30 in a row; it doesn't have to be five in a row. Just 30 wins total in the season, and you can get a nuke contract. So nowadays, the nuke contract is pretty viable to get; you just need to put some time in, and you can easily get those 30 wins.


All right now, this is like a little tip number one: once you have the nuke contract, as you can see, you want to make sure your contracts are in the zone; it doesn't have to be the center zone, but as long as it's in a good spot. You know, sometimes we do a new contract and it'll spawn out here, but you don't want it spawned outside; you want it to spawn inside the zone, so since these contracts spawned inside the zone, we're going to pick that ass up.

I know a lot of people are confused about how the contract works. Let's say I'm playing in quads. You know, I'm playing with this group of four right here. We get five wins in a row. We all get our own contracts, but let's say I were to pick this one up. Then my contract is gone. You know whether we win or lose.

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My contract is gone; however, they still have their three all right, so as you can see, my teammate Daddy Chill is about to pick up the contract. Now once this contract starts, you're in it, okay? You want to make sure you get a whole bunch of vehicles off the rip. We kind of messed up our land right here because we were going for money.

cod tips

But, honestly, you do not need money. What you want to do off the rip is land and get some vehicles; you want to get an armor truck, the LTV. You want to get a Hummer, maybe even a chopper, but honestly. The best vehicles to use are the armored trucks and the LTVs. I'm not going to lie; you're probably going to need to get two people to get their own separate TVs, and we'll come to that later once we pick up the first element.

So yeah, once you start the Champions Quest, you want to make sure that you know one guy gets the contract and everyone else gets vehicles. You do not need to loot up off the rip. Like I said, you do not need to loot off the rip. Once you get the first element, it's literally going to drop you, like, $25,000.

So you can easily get a load out, and you can easily get some supplies. As you can see, I got a quick kill right here. I told my boy to come pick me up because we're about to go to that first element. A good thing about doing the nukes in War Zone 3 is that you can do them instantly. You don't have to wait until, like, the third zone, because you know once you pick up the first element, it pings you on the map.

how to get a nuke in 3

You can do these nukes, you know, like a speedrun, but I'm not going to lie. The biggest way to actually complete a nuke is luck, and you'll see how luck plays into a factor in this game, but yeah, we're on our way to pick up the first element. The first element is BE. Be is the one that pings you on the map; it might even king you through walls like if you're holding it, but be is definitely the hardest element to control, especially when you have the whole Lobby chasing you.

But what we're going to do over here is pick up a guy at your counter, but look at this; see, that's living proof right there. Let me rewind it really quickly to get there. You got to pick up like some tracking device or whatever, so we pull up to the spot. Look at how much money it drops. Look how much money it drops.

how to get nuke in 3

Look at all that cash. Are we playing plunder or what? This is why I said you do not need to worry about looting up, because once you pick up the guy you're countering, you're going to get all that freaking stash. All right, so as you can see right here, I picked up a guer counter. It drops four of them, you know, because we're in quads or whatever.


The guer counter, like I said, is like a tracking device to find the first element. As you can see right here on the map, it's hidden. In this little green circle. So you're going to want to use the guer counter to just go try and find it it's pretty easy to do no lie so yeah once we picked up that guer counter we got the money as you can see we're about to get a load out and get our supplies, right here I'm currently with the three of my two of my boys I'm with Franklin and daddy chill and together we have like so much money already so we can easily get you know a load out we can get an armor box you know munition box, we can get streaks off the rip just because of getting that little first element so they lowkey did make the nuke a little easier you know by giving us all this cash but as you can see since we haven't officially picked up the first element yet we haven't you know used the tracking device to go find it the other elements haven't spawned in the elements spawn in back to back once you pick it up once you pick it up they spawn in but they each have their own little Quest, their own little challenge to do and we'll get to that later so yeah we get our load out we're ready to go Vibe.

I got the armor box and threw it down. You know, we had so much cash that we could get so many supplies. All right now, we're on our way to pick up Be. Once you use the little gagger counter, it tracks you until you find a chest, and this is the chest. This is how it looks, as you can see the radioactive container.

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This drop is not the only does it drop be. I am the rat, Lord, so obviously I'm going to be the one. That holds true since I know how to survive, I know how to outcamp, and I know how to outrat the rats in War Zone 3. So yeah, we're in an armor truck, and as you can see, we're already getting chased.

jr4 nuke

Let's just pause it right here, though. So I'm currently with my boy, Daddy Chill, and our other two teammates are doing the nuke. They're trying to get the second element, and to get the second element, you have to do a safe cracker. Since I don't have your POV of me doing the safe cracker, I'm going to show my boy doctor disrespect.

JR4 shows some warzone 3 tips on how to get a nuke in warzone 3. Here are the best warzone tips and tricks to get the nuke in warzone to get the new warzone nuke skin.
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