News - This Is Ruining Your Warzone Gameplay. Stop Making These Mistakes. Warzone Tips To Improve

Stop making these mistakes in mw3 warzone!

Stop making these mistakes in mw3 warzone!

ladies and gentlemen. Within the war zone gamepl right now, obviously, things are very different from the past year with the new MW3 integration.

Stop limiting your mini-map information in warzone

You could be seeing that on the square mini map and not be seeing that on the circle mini map, and that is quite literally the difference between potentially pushing for that kill or knowing that squad is over there, and you know per chance you don't see those red dots because you're using a circle mini map.

They push you from that side, and you're in the goog all of a sudden, which could have been avoided very easily by using the square mini map, so always always. Have that on another setting.

Make your looting & interactions more fluid in warzone

Make your looting & interactions more fluid in warzone

that is going to make a serious impact on your game play is the tap options in your interact and reload Behavior: Some people here are going to prefer to tap to interact, which is always tapping to interact, then always holding to reload; others are going to prioritize and interact more, which allows you to use both, but it just depends on the situation.

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Sometimes you could be tapping to interact, or you could hold to reload, and sometimes you could tap to reload if there's nothing around to interact with either way. Using one of these, whichever one you find to be more comfortable, I'd recommend testing out both. Using these is going to make your game much more seamless and fluid.


And that's really the end goal here. You can quickly loot chests and pick things up off the ground rather than having to stop. Hold your button to actually open the chest. Hold your button to loot it. It's going to be way quicker. This is going to help in the early game when you're landing and trying to get guns up to fight people that are right next to you or maybe flying over you.

It's going to help with interacting with world doors, zip lines, and all sorts of stuff like.

Slide maintains sprint is a huge settings for movement

And then lastly, when it comes to the settings, real quick here, this is actually one that they just updated with, like a hot fix update when War Zone had the integration, update go live, and that is the slide maintain, means sprint, option in your game playay settings, and with this, it's a huge change because it's basically just going to make your slide cancel, more fluid and seamless when you are integrating this into your gameplay.

Previously, I thought this setting was slide cancel Sprint instead, so obviously you'd want to have that off because you didn't want your slide to be canceling your Sprint. Now that they changed it so that it maintains it, you just want to flip that to the inverse and have this on, and it'll make it so you're not getting those dead slides.

It feels like when you're trying to maintain consistent slide cancellation in your gameplay, like I said, fluidity and the ability to have seamless gameplay are right away just a huge difference maker, a huge game changer overall, and this is another one you really want to focus on to just have that available and readily available.

Stop using slide cancel to navigate the map ␜faster␝ in warzone

Stop using slide cancel to navigate the map ␜faster␝ in warzone

I guess at any point in gameplay where you might need it, and speaking of sliding , there are also some mistakes you might be making here, and really the big one is thinking that using slide canceling or sliding mechanics in general is the best way to get the fastest move movement from point A to point B in game, basically if you were unaware, and it's unfortunate that we don't have this live in war zone as of now there is a basic stamina bar in game and it's something you can actually see on your screen in multiplayer and zombies.

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And the stamina bar relates to TX Sprint, which is the fastest way to get from point A to point B on foot in MW3, in war zone, and when you're trying to regenerate the stamina bar and get back up to Max so you can tack Sprint again every time you slide, it's actually pausing it; it's not allowing it to continue to refill there, so the more you are sliding after an attack Sprint, the longer in theory it's going to take to get back to that tack Sprint capable, time, so that's actually something that is going to regenerate over time as you're sprinting even your tax Sprint will automatically refresh. As you are sprinting, on top of that, you could use something like an infantry vest to get that refresh even faster, but really, it seems like the focus for slide canceling this year is to use that as a movement mechanic in gunfights to outmaneuver enemies and not as something you need to spam to get across the map from point A to point B, so don't think that because you're slide canceling all the time that you're going to actually be moving faster and navigating the world quicker, because that actually is not the case right now.

Stop making your warzone loadouts have worse control

Stop making your warzone loadouts have worse control

I also want to talk a little bit about aim and weapon choice, because there are some simple mistakes that you could be making right now that are actually severely limiting you in certain fights. The first tip here is focused primarily on mid- to long-range, especially with an emphasis on long-range gunfights.

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Aiming idle sway is a stat that definitely shines more on MW2 guns, and I'll talk more on that here in just a second, but this is the weapon sway that you have when you are aiming down sights, and this causes a bit of that RNG. With percentages and with numbers on the advanced stats page, you could be destroying that and really hurting your gun's behavior without even realizing it, so definitely pay attention to some of those pros and cons, because not all those stats are actually, you know like I said translated to the detailed stats, so you might overlook that and end up making a big mistake with your setups there.

Mw2 weapons are putting you at a disadvantage at times␦

Mw2 weapons are putting you at a disadvantage at times␦

Also speaking of weapons and heavy idle sway, straight up right now, MW2, guns over long range are at a distinct disadvantage. Simply because of how they behave, they do have a little bit more noticeable idle sway, but the main thing here is their visual recoil and the weapon noise, like the bounce and the shake of the sights that you're using there too.

It's a lot worse on MW2 guns versus MW3 guns, and there are some MW2 guns that are easier to use than others, and you could use those for range, but for the most part, if you're building your loadouts and you're trying to force MW2 weapons into your super longrange play style, you are just straight up putting yourself at a disadvantage versus the MW3 guns because those are inherently easier to use, so definitely, you know, focus on that when you're making your setups.

Breaking down the BIG WARZONE MISTAKES You're Making, and how to avoid making them again.
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