News - The Ultimate Guide To Slide Canceling Warzone

Using it - timing

When you cancel your slide, we have our normal slide cancel, which is what we generally do around the map. Just keep in mind that you can ta Sprint out of a slide cancel, but slide canceling does not reset your tax Sprint. Then we have a fast slide cancel, which allows us to use a quick Snappy movement in close quarters, and we have a long slide that allows us to slide around enemies and get to cover if we're caught out in the open.

Using it - advanced combinations

Using it - advanced combinations

The fourth way that we use slide cancellation is through advanced combinations.

how to get better at slide cancel

Where we really start to win more gunfights and take less damage especially against sweatier players is using simple movements in advanced combinations, and if you are subscribed to me you know exactly what I'm going to say here remember when we slide cancel that stops Us in place then from there we can do another simple movement that makes us even more unpredictable, and harder to track you can slide cancel and then strafe you can slide cancel and then drop shot you can slide cancel and then jump or my favorite which is even more advanced, is going to be a slide cancel and then you jump back in the direction that you came from this causes them to over correct side to side and the jump allows you to hit head shot while they're hitting your legs, now let's go ahead and jump into some Pro Clips here and really see how Pros use slide cancelling to finesse full teams now we're going to be breaking down three different clips here one from Knight one from biffl and the first one here is actually from myself I'm a 4 KD player and this was just a super clean 1v3.

Clip breakdown #1

I was really using slide cancellation to my advantage. I'll play the clip, and then we'll break it. Down, that thing's a. Them okay, so let's go ahead and break this down like I said—just a super clean 1v3, and while we're breaking it down. I'm just going to point out the different things that we've talked about in this article.

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First up, right here, slide the can around the corner center or crosshairs. Now that I'm able to get down, I'm still using this pistol, so I go ahead and grab the swarm. Now I did kind of hear this guy pushing in, but what I didn't realize is that there was a second enemy right behind. So there is our real challenge right here.

how to slide cancel

We break the line of sight, slide can around the corner, this guy's camera is broken, and what's going to happen? He's going to overcorrect. And I'm able to kind of give myself that window of opportunity but like I said I did not realize this guy was here so we use a quick slide cancel to turn around we're able to get that down now we use slide cancelling in this moment to be able to get away and break this line of sight at which point we can start to work our way around of course I get caught with one behind me now so little bit tough situation, we slide cancel around the corner right here I'm out of am so we swap we're going to slide cancel right there to kind of give ourselves an opportunity, and then from this point we just kind of play a little bit smart here we're going to get this thirst at which point I see the guy on my level around the corner so let's go ahead and challenge this immediately. The very basic slide-canceling tactics that I used in this clip.

Clip breakdown #2

Clip breakdown #2

Okay, so next up, we got a clip here from Biffl's nice little 1 V4, and what we're going to see here is the balance between movement and positioning. Slide cancellation is great to use, but we don't always have to use it. Yeah, that's going to, Hit, I like that I like, That, no, he just deed, what?

how to slide cancel 2

is, only the World Champ would do that. no, not the World Champ; that's the Champ for you. Keep the comment composed. My i got this guy in the L of the SAU, and in the third, there's no out of this. Team spit on, come on. So obviously Biff hands down one of the best players in the world and this is a nasty 1v4, but let's break this down to Basics let's keep this very simple now he gets that first down and thirst notice this isn't Resurgence this is normal BR, he's by himself right here now as he goes to peek this doorway he gets broken gets put in a really tough spot so what do we do sprinting while plaing slide cancelling to get away breaking that line of sight now this is where I kind of intro this and said the balance between positioning, and movement you don't always have to be running and gunning sometimes you could just play a little bit smart, he's going to wait for this guy and this is the situation a lot of you get caught in you turn the corner you're not ready your crosshairs are not out and you go down, before you even realize what happened now right here he's going to challenge this sweat around the corner who also has pretty good movement but what do we notice that is the simple movements in advance combinations right here so let's slow this down for a second we're gonna see the slide cancel.

Crosshairs are out, he's going to stop it, and then he's going to jump to his right there now because of the ttk and how fast it is. He gets broken as well, but now he's in a much better position. Quick reload here, and that guy, of course, challenges him. There's enemy number three, so we shut the door.

how to slide cancel 3

Why do we shut the door? Play unpredictable this guy doesn't know whether you're running away or whether you're going to push back through. He has no idea. So that's exactly what Biff does. Little slide cancel to get behind cover right there. He's able to get that down with just crazy movement, for which I am doing a full movement guide at some point.

In the near future for you, but then we go ahead once again. We just finish this off by centering around the corner, jumping peek backwards, or kind of jumping backwards to open up that fov, so you don't always have to jump side to side. Sometimes in those super close quarters, you can jump back and open up that fov a little bit, and you can easily get that kill, so let's go ahead on to Knight's clip, which is absolutely.

Clip breakdown #3

Clip breakdown #3

I do want to make one comment before we break this down. Knight is hands-down one of the best players in the world.

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I'm not expecting you to be able to go out in 1v4 teams because you watched a article on how to slide cancel, but what we can learn from this is the importance of the basics and how, when we piece them together, we can start to win more gunfights and fight outnumbered. What we're going to see a lot of in this clip is that he's being pushed by multiple enemies, is constantly moving, and is looking for little windows of opportunity.

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Where he can get a down now on top of that, we're going to be using movement and slide canceling to take less damage, etc., but let's go and jump in here. Right here, he's going to go center around the corner to challenge this guy, but he gets shot in the back, so we immediately go for a rechallenge.

Slide canceling is officially back in Warzone so today I am giving you the ultimate guide to slide canceling, teaching you EVERYTHING that you need to know.
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