News - 5 Ways To Get Better At Warzone 3. Tips And Tricks



YouTube, it is your boy, Jr. 4 welcome back to another War Zone article. In today's article, we're going to be discussing five ways to get better at War Zone 3. We are still in the beginning stages of War Zone 3. I mean, we have fortunes that keep coming soon. Rebirth Island is coming soon, probably even Verdance, coming later this year, so you're definitely going to want to be a better player so you can dominate on those new maps.

Not to mention, war zone rank is probably dropping soon as well, but trust me when I tell you these five little tips and tricks will turn you from a bot into a demon.

Upgrade the setup

Right here we go, starting off with tip number one: if you want to get better at War Zone, you have to upgrade your setup, no cap.

best 3 loadout

We know life itself is pay-to-win now. That could be anything, from upgrading your controller to upgrading your headset. That could be going from a PS5 to a PC now. If you're still playing on an old generation like the PS4 or Xbox One, you definitely need a new system. If you are still playing on that, you've been selling yourself this whole time, but yeah, if you want to get better at War Zone, definitely upgrade your setup.

That could be switching to a PC; that could be getting a PC. If you're playing on a 60-inch TV that has a low freaking frame rate, you're selling yourself, buddy. Stop playing on 60- or 70-inch TVs, thinking you're going to do something in the game. You need to get a good monitor now. When I say upgrade the setup, you don't even have to get like a little $200 controller; you can still use the standard.

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I've been using a standard PS4 controller this whole time. So you don't have to spend that much money to upgrade your system to become a better player, but like I said, life itself is pay-to-win. If you want all the cash, you better have all the cash. I mean, back in war zone one, I was like a 1.3 KD when I was playing on PS4, but then I switched to PC, and that KD jumped from a 1.3 to a 3.7.

No Cap, so definitely switching from a PS5 to a pretty good PC will definitely boost your KD just a little bit, even though the PS5 is pretty good as well, but if you want to take it to the next level, you got to upgrade your system. Upgrade the headset if you're still using the $20 headset you're selling.



You are now moving on to tip number two, which is to practice, practice. Practice your aim; practice your movement. War Zone 3 finally has a skill. Gap aim assist is still almost aimbot, but at least now we have a movement skill.

Gap now, how do you practice your aim in War Zone 3? Well, you just want to be in the shootaround. You know what I'm saying. Think about it: if you were an NBA player, you want to be in the shootaround. You know, always testing out the jump shot and always making sure your jump shot is perfect at all ranges, so you need to make sure your aim is good at all ranges.

Think about it: some of y'all are probably only playing multiplayer, and some of y'all are probably only playing Vonell, which means your aim is probably only good at mid-range, so you need to start playing, or you need to start stepping up in the freaking shoot around and practicing those long-distance shots.

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A lot of people say I got Aimbot, I got a cronis, no sir, I just practice. Usually, back in the day in War Zone 2. I would be in the shootaround probably for like 10 minutes before I started playing, but yeah, you definitely also need to be practicing your movement, like we said, and you better make sure their slide cancels are on lock, like I said.

War Zone 3 finally has a little skill. Gap with the movement, so you better make sure your movement is on point. You better know when to Chow, when not to Chow, when to like slide cancel around a corner, and when not to slide cancel around a corner. Breaking cameras is a skill in the war zone. Another way to get better at war zones is to practice your centering.

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Now what you're centering on is this little white dot in the middle of your screen. I'll have an arrow pointing down to it, but basically, the biggest problem that a lot of War Zone players face is that their centering is aimed at the ground. There are a lot of people when they're running around the map, and the little white dot is aimed at the ground even when they're going up staircases.

best loadout

They're aiming at the ground and everything. This is a huge problem because of the fact that if you're aiming at the ground, you're more likely to lose the gunfight. This is an example right here. As I'm running around through this area, someone pulls up on me from that doorway. I would have to flick so hard to get the kill, so instead, what you want to do is have this white dot aimed higher, almost as if you're predicting where an enemy could peak you from.

I'll repeat myself. You want to make sure this white dot is accurate, as if you're predicting where an enemy is. That is what centering is, and that is how you practice your centering. Let's say someone is about to peek through this door. I'm already almost adamant. If you know what I'm saying, it's as if you're predicting where the enemy is about to be, so yeah, like I said, you don't want to be aiming at the ground; you want to be aiming higher.

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That way, if someone were to pull you up, you could instantly flick on them and probably win the gunfight by 90%.

Use the best settings

Use the best settings

Of the time, Moving on to tip number three To get better at War Zone, you're going to have to adjust and use the best settings. In War Zone 3, as you can see in Call of Duty, we have so many settings. We have keyboard and mouse settings, controller settings, graphic settings, audio settings, and interface settings.

I mean, just look through all these settings that can make or break your game. Now the good thing is, I've already made a article on all the best settings to use in Call of Duty. It should be up here somewhere, where I cover the best controller settings, the best audio settings, and the best graphic settings, so go watch that article if you haven't already, but the thing is, sadly.

I play on PC, so some of those settings might work for you and some of those settings probably won't, so what I would do if I were you is go look up, like whatever system you're playing on, let's say you're playing on a PS5. I would go look up the best graphic settings for PS5 and the best audio settings for PS5, because those settings are different for everyone and play on different systems.

For example, since I play on a PC, I can have my audio mix set to the PC speaker, whereas some of y'all who play on consoles won't have this setting. Now, this setting is definitely the best audio setting in War Zone at the moment, but sadly, like I said, only PC people can use it. But yeah, if you want to get better at War Zone, you better be using the best settings.

JR4 shows some warzone 3 tips on how to get better at warzone 3. JR4 covers some of the best warzone 3 settings and best warzone 3 loadouts in this warzone tips and tricks video.
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