News - I Spectated The #1 Pro Warzone. How Biffle Drops High Kill Games On Vondel


So today we're doing something that I have never done before: we are going to be live coaching the finals of a 2v2 kill race, so basically, here we've got Biffle and we've got Shifty. That guy is flying back in, so he doesn't have himself; this guy does. Yeah, that's the reenock, and look, the pressure is on that guy.

He can't really do anything; nobody else is here, so let's see if he rotates out. He should rotate out here, and throughout this entire time, I guarantee you he's going to be playing. He might also, every once in a while, pull up the scoreboard, but we'll kind of see how this whole thing plays out.

The biggest thing for them is going to obviously maximize kill potential, so they're splitting, they're in the action, good shots there with the icus one guy, let's see if he challenges immediately here, he should go push this guy. He hears him up above, looking at the center. At the center, just wait for him to make good shots right there, strafing an assist, not really touching the right stick much, and letting an assist do as much as possible.

biffle 2

What's okay, so he's going with the Warden perk package just to make sure his uavs work Warden, and he's got fast hands as well. The biggest difference between Warden and Vanguard is what do you what do you prefer? Right, which do you prefer? He's got double time here, so do you prefer high alertness or do you prefer fast hands?

That's really what you're weighing. Shifty goes down, so again, it's Shifty and Biffle versus correct and r, and for the most part, they're probably just going to do their own thing; they're not going to be. Rechallenged, look at this: he's just waiting as soon as he realizes that he's trying to catch that guy off guard trying to catch that guy in a sprint animation because with the ttk, there's nothing that guy's going to be able to do.

biffle high kill game

The bomb drone is active, so we've got to be careful here. Still, a really healthy Lobby 17 team doesn't really hear anything. Correct got a kill over; as you can see in the kill feed, there's the bomb drone; he survived barely. You just have to be careful, though. Unlooted in here right so guys you should be listening for crates looking listen for crates look for crates and look for doors those are the three dead giveaways that people are somewhere around you, especially early game right at late game it's not as reliable but early game if doors are open and crates are open you got to assume that people are around you until they're not look at the action is far right side here but he's going to go take his he's got two teams look five dots here so this is clearly two teams, good shots on the nuke skin, can't quite get the thirst right there one across he's flying in so let's see if he looks backside right on him, good Shots, did he get that down?

biffle tips

Yeah, he did holy smokes. Good Li ping, live ping. Li ping. Li ping it's going to take away that guy's element of surprise it's going to take away his ability to play unpredictable, push right back up let's see if he plays the head glitch got to find a way to get it down here and keep control of this fight resets pushes right down low notice how he pushes right there he's out let's see what he does he's just going to chill here for a second he's got no plates, he's got to back off Here, he's going to use this to his advantage He's just going to keep playing unpredictable games.

Here, they're going to have no idea. Look at him. Just finesse here. They have no idea where he went to buy plates. I don't know how long those are going to stay around, but use those haunted boxes. He's going to play head. He should play head glitch. Was, up above him, he's going to challenge him here.

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Notice how he always pushes; notice how he's always the one putting the pressure on them. Yes, sometimes he waits if he's outnumbered, and he's got to find a way to get a different angle, but for the most part, Liing is not going to Liing; now he's going to go. He's immediately going to go here. He knows there's multiples in there from the previous mini map.

biffle tournament

How many of you missed that? probably a lot probably a lot of you can't quite get up now when he gets back to where this guy's going to be. Revived, good shots right there, just unfortunately lost that gunfight; both had really good shots. It's not over yet; yeah, it is now okay, so let's see what he does here, unfortunate death.

I mean, that guy was the yeah, good shots right there with the bass P. Bass P is a really good SMG right here. Is high alert, and getting shot is a great way to get information about where people are. A lot of you panic in those situations, but the reality is that it's just a good way to figure out where some people are fighting above him, so there are two teams here—two teams here for sure—where they might be down low.

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He's not quite able to get that second one, but he is going to be able to get that first one, and he's dead. He's dead to the police. That's the high-risk, high-reward situation, so Shifty is freaking frying; here, Shifty is kind of carrying them a little bit right now. I think that was in 1910 and 1312.

biffle vondel

So actually, not as much; there's still only plus4 here if I did my math right. No loadouts are available all the way at the top, but he's going to go right back for his stuff here. Play a little bit aggressive, and this is a this is a decent lobby here. As he kind of said, this isn't a bot lobby at all.

There are some good players in here, and they're going to have to keep finessing these 1v4s. Trust your high alertness, right? there, got caught out in the open again. This is tough. He's in the blender a little bit. Where are they coming from? Yeah, they're literally everywhere. A little bit of a tough decision might have to go back to load out in this.


Yeah, one right there, good shots there's one, yeah, team wipe High alerted left side, so now we get more information, right? So this is where we wander with a purpose; he's not just wandering out in the open running with no intention; he's trying to find people good shots, right? there, okay so what do we got high alert in the back again that team's all the way across there no maybe not he's going to work close let's see how he plays his positioning here watch him use his cover with the cars, there's that guy right there he jumped up and over the freaking thing, he literally used that railing to change his level, he's going to wait for this guy no aim assist here he's kind of getting use that smoke to his advantage that guy just got absolutely destroyed Another one straight ahead of him—yeah, he's dead He just got pushed again.

Today we are spectating the Warzone Pro as he competes in the finals of a 2v2 kill race on Vondel really taking a look at how Biffle drops high kill games.
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