News - How To Get More Wins Warzone 3. Tips & Breakdown

coach crowder 3

I hope you're all doing well. So today we have a game play on War Zone where I'm going to be breaking down the game and sort of talking you through how you can get some more wins towards the final circles, so I'm going to be breaking down some of the gunfights and decision-making, as well as sort of looking at the map and using it to your advantage on how to rotate and how to take out more players as well, and we just want to sort of talk you through this last little segment of the game, so let's get right into it now, and I hope you enjoy it.

So pretty much I'm in A Duos here towards the final circles, and my teammate is dead, so I'm on my own against Duos, so I was trying to play it a little bit more carefully just to give you a little bit of context. So pretty much here we're just holding out in a building, and I want to make my way in towards the zone, and then, as you'll see here.

I do see a bit of information where we see a team on the hill who are moving in who were previously holding it down up there, so now that I see them moving. I'm going to start to think you know it's safe towards the right there, and I can probably rotate that way, so I'm not trying to take on too many gun fights here.


I was playing More for the Win rather than Kills, so pretty much we're going to look at the map and we're going to rotate under the bridge, out to the left side of the screen. So we're going to try and get out of there safely, so we're going to back out the back side of this building as the zone starts to move in because it's going to push people in, so I'm just going to quickly clear it out and then go to pop a smoke, make a run for it now, and get a gold gas mask here, which is obviously pretty key for these final zones, so you can use the gas to your advantage to move up, people.

And to sort of get to a better position because, as you know, you can use it up for quite a while in the gas, although it does seem that gas masks don't last as long as they used to on this game. Maybe that's just me, so we're sticking to the edge of the zone here, which is always quite key. Now, as you can see, we're trying to move in towards the circle, so I want to try and keep the high ground if I can.

crowder 3

Advantage is always a good point to have in a gunfight because you can sort of head glitch and pop in and out of different covers. And yeah, so basically, we just keep moving in there slowly with the gas. I'm just going to keep waiting because once the circle moves in. I'm going to try and see where it's going to go, and I can sort of base my decision-making on that, so we're just going to hold down for a second.

I do hear some footsteps to my right, so I thought they may have been inside this little building. But they weren't; they sort of moved past, so clearing out buildings, like these small ones, is always a key point as well towards the final zones because, as you know, there's always going to be people inside the buildings and that sort of thing, so always check your angles as well as check behind you.

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Just look at the map of where the enemies could be; obviously, they're pretty unlikely to be inside the gas, unless they've got a gas mask and a lot of them, so it's going to keep moving around now, clearing out different buildings, and then we're going to get some information on where the enemies are.

crowder 3 tips

So it's always good to play a little bit slower, especially when you're outnumbered. Since I was on my own versus duos, that's why I'm not being overly aggressive with it. And then, just as we're clearing out these buildings. I'm going to catch this guy quickly, finish that kill off, and then I hear his teammate rushing in, and he's going to hit me, so I'm going to run around the side here, play up quick, and I'm going to repeat it.

And we're going to take that kill quite an easy little T piece, so pretty much there. Just something important: if you're getting shot at and you're running away, it's always a good idea to break the line of sight. With the enemy to give you time to play up, now this guy probably assumed I carried on running forward, or he maybe didn't have the best of headsets, but as you'll see, he's actually checking around to the right, thinking I was going to pop back up on the other side, but instead I rechell, and he did not quite expect.

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It so that gunfight would have made some noise, so I'm just going to play it slow as I loot up this guy's loot, and I'm just going to play towards the edge of Zone once again and just play for that information of where the Zone's going to go, and then I can base my next rotation off of this, so a couple more seconds here, as you can see, if I slow it down for you and zoom in, the zone actually pulls forward the other side of that load out drop there, so now we need to be thinking right, we need to get over there, so what's the best and safest way to do it?

So right here. I actually thought I had more of a gas mask than I actually had, but I did use the rest of it, so we're going to rotate through the gas and try and get into the zone before anybody else can. This does work in our favor; as you'll see, pick up a nice free little kill in the back there, but I need to quickly get into the zone before the gas kills me, so we're just going to hold this little point here.

crowder modern warfare 3

Now we have two enemies left who appear to be fighting, which is really good for our sort of position, so we're just going to let them fight for a second. So I'm just going to try to get some information on them; one's down low and one's up high with me. So he is just going to keep peeking in and out of cover, so we see him cross over to the left.

There, so here's the next gunfight pretty much the guy jumps out tries to drop shot but we managed to take him out with the pulam yach so as you can see there I'm always strafing my gunfights, which is going to make you a harder target to hit as well as if you're on controller it's going to give you stronger aim assist, so we're moving backwards and to the left and to the right as well and then we throw a little jump shot in the mix as well there a couple bunny hops which really does work in our favor cuz since he drop shotted his aim is going to be a little bit lower before he gets to track us and we're going to jump and manage to take him out as well.

crowder tips

So after that last kill, we are now in a 1V one, so we know the guy is towards the road, so we're going to quickly peek, and as you can see there, if I slow it down and zoom in, you're going to see him running up the hill. So now that we have information on where that guy is, you'll see me hit the load out here, and that's to restock my smoke grenade and SX.

Today we have a gameplay breakdown going over how to get more wins in Warzone. Talking you through winning more gunfights, using the map, how to rotate in Warzone, winning the final circles and more! I hope you enjoy.
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