News - The Ultimate Guide To Slide Canceling Warzone



If you are new to War Zone or maybe you've been around for a while and are just looking to improve, today I'm giving you the Ultimate.

How we slide cancel

And it's important to note that if you played War Zone 1, whether it was Verdance, Caldera Rebirth, or Fortune's Keep, how we do it has actually changed. All you need to do this year to slide cancel is hit your slide button and then your jump button, so it's sprint, slide jump, and that stops you in place, at which point you can make your next move.

5 must have settings

5 must have settings

Next up, we have to talk about settings. We're going to focus on five settings that will not only make it easier for you to slide cancel but also more effective when doing it.

First up, we need to talk about our button layout, which is probably the most important thing. The whole goal is to keep your right thumb on the right stick as much as possible, especially when slide canceling, so I'm going to keep this very simple. Next up, we need to go to the automatic sprint.

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We are going to put this on automatic tactical sprint. It's going to allow you to get into a tactical sprint much easier and quicker, and it's going to make your movement feel a lot more fluid. This is a setting that every single Pro Player is running. Now that the default slide-maintained sprint is actually turned off, we want to turn it back on.

This is really going to kind of help you with dead slides. What you are doing is you are going to continue to sprint. Finally, here, let's go down to Dead Zone inputs. This is probably one of the least talked-about settings out there. I have my left stick minimum on zero and my left stick max on 60.

Now keep in mind that your left stick moved your character around, so you're not really going to get stick drift with this. What this does is basically the minimum, which means that as soon as I push that left stick in any direction, in this case with slide canceling forward, it is going to activate that and put me into an attack sprint in terms of the max.

That allows me to get to my maximum full-tax sprint much quicker because it registers the full, like me being at a full-tax sprint at 60% of the Dead Zone as opposed to 100% of the Dead Zone, so those are the five settings that we want to focus on. Let's go and jump into the next section.

Why we do it - peeker's advantage

Why we do it - peeker's advantage

Next up, let's talk about why we slide cancel, and there are three main reasons. First up, peer's advantage: what is peer's advantage? Peer's advantage basically means that the person who is peeing at the angle or peaking at the corner has an advantage over the person who is holding the angle.

This is actually just due to the amount of time it takes for the data to travel over the Internet. Between the players and the server, how many times have you died because you're holding an angle and an enemy flies around the corner and you feel like you die before you even see them? That's the peer's advantage, so how does that apply to slide cancellation?

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When you slide cancel around a corner, you are going to see that enemy a split second before they see you, giving you that first-shot advantage. Notice in this clip right here that I slide around the corner, and this enemy is looking to throw a knife at me. I'm able to break him before he even lets go of his knife because of my peer's advantage, and that allows me to easily get down.

Why we do it - harder target

Now the second thing is harder, Target. Movement is all about taking less damage, and the more we're moving around and changing direction, the harder it is for our enemy to track us, allowing us to potentially win that gunfight. The other situation where it's important is when you're caught out in the open.

Sliding and slide canceling potentially give you the ability to get to cover, but more importantly, by slide canceling, we are a much harder target to hit. You are also constantly changing your head level when you're slide canceling, so it's going to be harder for that enemy to mix in a head shot, which in essence slows down their time to kill. Once we get to cover, we can reset the fight and figure out our next move.

Why we do it - create windows

Why we do it - create windows

Now, the number three reason why we slide cancel is creating windows, and this really goes hand in hand with being a harder target to hit. One of the biggest things that we lacked with the MW2 mechanics was the ability to create windows of opportunity; you were either shooting at an enemy who wasn't looking at you or you were in a head-on 50/50.

Gunfight slide canceling gives us the ability in those head-on 50/50 gunfights to create a window of opportunity where we are shooting at the enemy and they are not shooting back at us, allowing us to win that gunfight. It's also crucial in those low-health three-challenge situations where we're broken or low-health and we have no choice but to challenge, and the only way we'll win the gunfight is if we create one of those windows.

Using it - centering

So now that we talked about why we slide cancel let's talk about how we use it and there are four things we're going to focus on number one centering around corners and in stairwells, this is the most basic way that we use slide cancelling, so many of you just run around corners you get caught off guarding a Sprint animation and then you end up dying because of it instead you want to be slide cancelling around corners and centering your crosshairs where you think enemies are going to be it's going to allow you to better anticipate, enemies and more importantly it will allow you to capitalize on peer's Advantage helping you get that first shot off now next up we're talking about breaking cameras and this one goes back to creating a window.

Using it - breaking cameras

Using it - breaking cameras


Breaking someone's camera is essentially when you slide or jump around an enemy leaving them looking in the complete wrong direction, in a normal gunfight where we are full health this just allows us to take less damage but learning to break cameras is crucial to winning gunfights when low Health we have to challenge and the only way that we win the gunfight is if we use slide cancelling and break their camera so that we are shooting at them and they are not shooting back at us quick lesson on breaking cameras three simple Steps step number one is to break the line of sight now the enemy doesn't know whether we're going to run away or we're going to rechallenge, step number two is going to be a quick tack Sprint and then you're going to slide cancel or jump to break his camera at which point you can step number three hit your shots now the third thing that I want to talk about when it comes to how we use slide SL cancelling is timing, as you get more comfortable with slide cancelling depending on the situation that you're in you can actually fine-tune.

Slide canceling is officially back in Warzone so today I am giving you the ultimate guide to slide canceling, teaching you EVERYTHING that you need to know.
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