News - White Lotus Faction Tier 4 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



This one is, of course, unlocked once you've completed the final mission in Tier 3. This one does consist of seven total missions. Of the first six, you have to complete five of them in order to unlock the final one, and once you complete the final one, you will unlock Tier 5, but before we dive into it.

Cover no concealment

Up we have cover no concealment; this guy's going to be a two-parter, and it's not going to be too challenging. Part one is asking you to snapshot eight enemies and lock strongholds using a snapshot grenade, so of course you're going to need to have equipped a snapshot or find one during your run.

You're just not going to want to unlock the door. You're going to throw these on the outside walls, and it should snapshot the enemies through the walls, making part one pretty straightforward. Part two is a little bit more challenging, but it's still along the lines of part one. You need to kill 20 enemies in locked strongholds, and again, you're not going to be opening the door at all.

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You're probably wondering, "How do I eliminate these enemies?" If the door is locked, the best way to go about this is to throw on the drill charge and, the same way you're going to rack up your snapshots with the munition boxes or however you decide to do so, do the same thing for the drill charges, and you'll be able to eliminate quite a few enemies per stronghold that you actually go to snapshot. The outsides of the walls are charged in areas where you see those enemies, and you should eliminate them through the walls, eventually killing all 20 and.



Completing this mission, next up we have an omnivore. This is going to be a three-parter; part one asks you to kill 35 armored enemies in Sawah Village.

The good news is you're just going to go over to the Sawa Village area, and there are a ton of enemies in this area that are armored in general, so you're probably going to see more armor than not. So, just spend enough time in this area eliminating enemies that you can obviously break armor on or that armor shows up on when you shoot them.


The armored enemies that you need once you've completed killing 35 of them will be finished. Part two is going to be a little bit more time-consuming as you won't be able to find a ton of these enemies; it's going to ask you to kill 15 enemies wielding riot shields in Almazara, the city now. There aren't a ton of places where you run into Riot shielders, but I can for sure tell you that they're almost always in the strongholds -- actually, they are always in the strongholds, and there are usually two of them, so alongside doing your first mission for this cover no concealment, you'll actually be able to eliminate Riot shielders through the walls in those strongholds as long as you have this one equipped as well, so same thing, you're going to want to rack up some of those.

Honestly, if you can hit like two or three strongholds per run, you'll probably get this done in a few runs, so I definitely recommend just hitting the strongholds using that, you know, snapshot, slash drill, charge technique. Part three is going to ask you to kill four enemy helicopters. I have some bad news with this one; it's either extremely bugged or, as it's just worded, totally incorrect.

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I've never gotten a single one of these to count. I know you guys are probably like, Well. I came to this as a guide, and the only thing that I know will for sure work. I was unable to replicate in essence. I believe that this challenge is just worded incorrectly, and you will actually have to kill four enemy operator helicopters.

The only thing that makes me believe this is that one of my friends reported that he was able to get his own Sam turret to destroy their helicopter as they kind of jumped out of it, and it counted as one of these eliminations. We weren't able to replicate it again either, but I think overall this one is just extremely bugged, and once it gets fixed , I'll probably cover it in its own article.

Hero run

Hero run

Next up, we have Hero Run, which is going to be a one-and-done. It's asking you to complete three rescue hostage contracts, each in under two minutes.

You're going to need to complete three of these in total, and under that, two minutes. This is actually a lot more difficult than it sounds, and there's a little bit of RNG factored in. Just based on how far away the X-Bill is from the actual hostage now, the best strategy for this, honestly, is to find a vehicle that has an open back.

It's a flatbed, truck, or just anything that another player could jump into or onto. That way, the person holding the hostage is able to kind of hop onto the vehicle, and you can use the vehicle to transport that hostage significantly quicker now. You're going to want to have put the hostages in the back of the helicopter and dropped them with at least 15 seconds left over otherwise.

It's not going to leave fast enough, and it will not count towards your progress. You have to do this three different times. You're going to have a couple of different runs where maybe you get the hostage and it's just entirely too far away or it's just unrealistic to get to, and you're just going to come across these from time to time.

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Not all of them are going to be easy. Not all of them are going to be doable, you.

Grenade supplier

Grenade supplier

You just have to complete three of these in under two minutes. Next up, we have the grenade supplier. This one is going to be in three parts. So the dumpster dead drop in all of Monster City in a single deployment again, this one isn't too crazy to only need five thermites if you spawn in with one that automatically gets you one, then if you come across two missions, one of which you will have automatically and we're with somebody else, they'll have one too, you can rack up five thermites pretty quickly.

Now this one is a little challenging, and you're going to want a medium backpack at the very least, probably a large one, and you're going to be filling your backpack with mostly munition boxes if possible. If you want to do the Munitions Box route, you are more than welcome to try to just loot for 13 frag grenades, but I don't think that's the fastest way to do this obviously. Getting yourself some munition boxes is the best way, and it also helps out teammates because you're going to be filling a majority of your bag with these frag grenades in order to get out with them, and it's going to be kind of hard to carry anywhere or anything of that nature, so it kind of helps having somebody else who can carry some other items for you.

Heavy gunner

Heavy gunner

Next up, we have the heavy gunner. This is going to be a two-parter. Part one is asking you to kill 25 enemies with an HCR 56 at all Serene Pass this. This is one of those areas where you're going to run into quite a few players, or enemies, I should say, and this will overall go pretty quickly.

White Lotus Faction Tier 4 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 4 missions for the White Lotus faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 4 for White Lotus which will be covered in a future video.
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