News - White Lotus Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



This one is a little bit more challenging than tier one of the Legion faction, which you will have to have completed in order to unlock these ones now; there will be seven challenges. You have to complete them, and five of them you will have to do in order to unlock the final one, but you will have to complete all of these to move on to the next tier now.

World traveler

Up next, we have one of the easiest challenges yet, which is going to be World Traveler. This one's going to require you to travel to six different countries or points of interest in a single deployment. Now obviously, this means that before you even X-fill, or hopefully before you get eliminated, you will visit six different locations.

There are a couple of easy ways to do this. If you spawn near a boat, you can get in the boat and kind of go around the outside of the map. You'll get a majority of these before you can get forced onto land, and then you can jump in a vehicle and go that way, or you can even just find a helicopter and fly pretty much directly over the map.

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You will get this done really quickly.



Next up, we have convenience. This one's going to be a two-parter. Part one is going to require you to fuel and repair vehicles at five gas stations now. This is pretty straightforward and easy if you just find a reinforced enough vehicle that you're able to drive from gas station to gas station without too many issues, and you'll be able to get this done in one shot, obviously.

By the time you get to the next gas station, you'll need to repair or fuel at some point, so that'll be pretty easy, and then you'll get this part completed. Now, part two is going to be a little bit trickier. It's going to require you to extract it with seven gas cans. A lot of the gas stations that I stopped at only had one gas can, so I did kind of have to end up traveling to one extra gas station than I needed to actually stop at, but I was able to get all seven of these in the same match and an x-fill with them, making this challenge complete.

Badge of honor

Next up, we have a badge of honor. This one is a little bit more of a pain just because part one of two parts, the way it is written, requires you to acquire a basilisk, commonly found in police stations. Now, I did make a few attempts at actually going to the police stations and finding this, but I didn't have much luck, so I actually just came in with it. My insured weapon was a basilisk, and it actually still counted, and then later I did end up finding a basilisk in the police station, so they are available there as well, but it was easier to just jump in with that as an injured weapon, and then part two, once you actually have the baskless, is going to require you to kill 13 enemies with headshots using.

Health conscious

Health conscious

Next up, we have health-conscious This one is going to be pretty straightforward and easy. It is a three-parter, though, and what you're going to have to do is loot first a medicine cabinet, which these are found in, and then the bathrooms all over the map. Now, part two is going to require you to X-fill or extract.

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With nine stems, it does not have to be in a single match; your squad mates will also count towards it as well. Essentially, I just filled up my inventory with stems as I was able to find them all over via taking out enemies, looting in general, and obviously in the medicine cabinets. The third and final part goes along with part two if they extract it with six bandages.

Now if you guys do manage to go to where I am on the map, it's basically a hotel or two buildings side by side with a bunch of different rooms and tons of medicine cabinets. I was basically able to find all the stems and bandages I needed in this building and, essentially, in the building next door.


Leaving me to only have to ex-fill with these items and complete , The challenge Next up, we have demolitions.


This one is going to be a three-parter, and it's pretty straightforward because it involves a contract. What you're going to want to do for Part One is acquire a destruction supply contract.

If you open up your TAC map, you will be able to look for the contract phones with the little bombs on them. This will be the contract you're looking for. I just want to go and pick this up, and Part One will be complete. Part two is going to require you to complete the destroy and supply contract, which essentially means you're going to go to the two different locations, mark them, plant the bombs, and defend them once they explode.

The steps are now complete, obviously completing the first two parts, which leads us to Part 3: opening a safe. You can obviously choose to open a safe at any time as long as this mission is selected, and it still should count. However, by completing the destroy supplies contract, it will actually ping nearby safes on the map, so it'll make it pretty easy to go and find a safe.

We'll just open that by defending it for a period of time, and it will open and you'll be able to complete this mission.

Fully encumbered

Fully encumbered

Mission Next We have fully encumbered this, which is an easy one-parter. It's just to extract with a full backpack. There is a stipulation with this, however: if you run across the bug where your weapon slot disappears from your backpack, you won't be able to really fill that sucker up, and it will lead to you not being able to actually complete this.

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I do want to mention, on the side, make sure your bag is full, make sure you have the weapon slot filled, make sure obviously those slots are filled, but if you have a medium or large backpack, you do not have to fill the extra slots as long as you have at least five of the slots filled, this one should count on.

Flight recon

x-fill, and for our last mission, we have flight recon; this will obviously have required you to complete five of the previous missions that we already covered, and then this one will be unlocked. This is a three-parter, and part one is going to require you to land a light helicopter at the half and port helipads.

dmz tips tricks

Now you're going to have to track down the light helicopter once you spawn in. Basically, open your attack map, look around the map, and find the helo. Go over there and grab that; you're going to want to take this all the way to the Haffid Port, essentially. The helipad is not going to be where you normally would look, so make sure you look out into the water.

White Lotus Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 1 missions for the white lotus faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 2 for white lotus which will be covered in a future video.
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