News - The Legion Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



For the legion faction, this is the first one that you have on block. This is the first set of missions that you have available in DMT. We're going down. So in the first set of missions that you have available, you will have four total. If you have to complete three out of the four in order to actually unlock the fourth one, upon completing all four you will unlock the next set, which is tier two.

You will also unlock the tier ones for the White Lotus fashion as well. Now, these missions are definitely a way of easing you into the DMZ experience, and they will either get progressively harder later on in the tiers or just be easier.

Al-qatala informant

is The challenges move forward, so first up we have all katala, informant.

This is going to require you to activate one UAV tower, and when you dive into the DMZ mode, you're going to want to bring up your tactical map. You'll be looking for the little tower-like symbol, and you want to ping one of those to get all the way to that location. Your way to the tower itself actually activates the tower, and you will complete this challenge and also have a UAV available next.

Locate and scavenge

Locate and scavenge

It'll be medicine cabinets, tool boxes, or any of the ground boxes; I think even computer cases and things like that will count as well to make sure it does say cash as you are looting it. Now, the second part of this is essentially just eluding five items out of the loot caches that you look at, so if you loot five different caches, you will at least have five items, but it's also possible that you will find more than one item in a single loot cache Next up, we have to make contact.

Make contact

This is the last of the first three that you have to complete in order to unlock the fourth one. This one is a two-parter as well, and for the first part, you're going to essentially need to open your Tac Map and find any of the green walkie-talkies or phones on the map and, essentially, ping one; it doesn't matter which one you ping; once you ping that, it will actually complete the first part of this challenge now.

Also read:

The second part is that you're going to need to find a contract phone, so you're going to want to find a contract that you would like to do, and once you go to it and actually find it, activate it, and this will actually complete the full challenge. You do not actually have to complete the contract in order for this to be completed.

Storm the stronghold

Storm the stronghold

Next, we have the final mission for the first tier, which is going to be "Storm the Stronghold." This one is a little bit more challenging as it is basically wrapping up the introductory missions for the DMZ mode and will allow you to unlock Tier 2.

This one is in three parts. One will be acquiring a stronghold key card. There are multiple ways that you can actually come across this. You can just go around eliminating enemies and looting, and eventually you will find a stronghold key card. However, if you want something a little bit more direct, you can actually loot around the map and make sure you get enough money.

Also read:

You're going to need five thousand dollars. You're going to go to a buy station, and under the gear, you will be able to purchase a Stronghold key card. Now that you have your key card, you can go to Part 2, which essentially just requires you to go to a stronghold and clear it of all the combatants inside.

If you actually get to a stronghold and there are no enemies to eliminate, this part will not actually get completed, so you will need to make sure you are eliminating enemies inside the stronghold. Once you get all of them out of there, you will indeed get this checked off now. The final piece to this mission is going to be pretty easy once you've completed the second part, essentially.

You will run across the third part. You're going to be looking for the white lotus intelligence that the enemies inside the stronghold will drop. You're going to want to pick this up. You need at least one of them; although you can hold multiples, you actually need to extract or X-fill successfully.

In order to complete that final part, just remember that you will actually have to x-fill with that white lotus.



Now that's going to wrap things up for our guide on tier one missions for the Legion faction. Once I get through the Tier 2 ones, I will be putting a article out for that as well, and also for Tier 1 for White Lotus once I get the opportunity to complete those. I'll support the channel, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.

Legion Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Warzone 2 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 1 missions for the legion faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 2 for legion and tier 1 for white lotus which will be covered in future videos. Thank you all for the support and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.
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