News - Legion Faction Tier 4 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



I'm bringing you guys the mission guide for Tier 4 of the Legion faction. This guy is going to consist of seven total missions out of the first six, and you have to complete five of them in order to unlock the final one. Once you complete that, it will unlock the last and final tier, which is tier five now, before we dive into it.


articles First up, we have the pyromaniac. This guy's going to be a three-parter; part one is asking you to deliver 20 gas cans to the dumpster. Dead Drop by the training depot in between Software Quarry and Rohan Oil, so gas cans can be commonly found at gas stations. You will find them other places as well, but gas stations are guaranteed to have at least one, in some cases even two, and I've often found three at some of the locations.


It very much helps to have a squad with you because your inventory will be limited in inventory if. You have like a large backpack and you have nine slots and, so, at most you'd be able to hold nine at a time but it also gets a bit sketchy because depending, on how long it takes you to get to all of those gas stations you may not have time to get back to the other part of the map to, dead drop them so if you are playing solo I recommend dead dropping a little bit more often especially if you're already in that area and if you have Squad mates maybe have them hold some of the gas cans for you you, guys just work your way over there at some point once you've gotten quite a few make.

Sure, you guys just dead drop those, so the dead drop location, if you're not familiar, is actually right next to the railroad. I'll of course show you guys the map, but once you've collected those gas cans, you take them here and you dead drop them. Once you've done that with 20 gas cans, this part will be completed.

dmz tips tricks

Part two is asking you to extract 24 molotovs or thermite grenades. The best way to do this is to spawn in with either the molotov or the thermite, and you obviously just have to choose that in your loadout before you get started. Once you get in, you will be able to stow this; you can throw in a Munitions box right away if you want to pick up two more out the gate, but I definitely recommend going around and getting some money.

Get you up to at least $6,000 to $10,000, that way you can buy yourself some ammunition and boxes. Hopefully you'll have a medium or large backpack for this; if you have a large one, you'll be able to hold quite a bit more realistically. If you wanted to, with a large backpack, you could get nine Munitions boxes and pretty much switch them all out for multiples of two, for either the molotovs or the thermites, and you could then obviously extract quite a few in one run.

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I, definitely, think at least getting six, so that way X bill, or extract with 12, would be a good way that we could do it in two different matches without really pushing yourself too much, and you'll still have some space for other items like plates, which will keep you a lot longer, and then once you get 24 of these in total after a few runs, this part will be complete.

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Part three is going to have you extract 23 lighters, comic book bandages, or documents. This is actually one of the easier ones I've come across. I was able to actually do this in one run because you aren't limited to one single item. You can pick up a lighter, a comic book, a bandage, and a document, and then just continue to loot.

You will eventually stack up quite a few of all of these. Once you have 23 in total, you won't need to collect any more. I just want to safely extract those items, and once you get them out of there, this part will be complete. You guys are just going to want to make sure you pick up one of each of these so you guys can continue stacking.



As you glue up next, we have Joyride. This guy's going to be a two-parter; part one is asking you to kill 30 enemies while on the roof of a moving vehicle at all Sharif, pass now the good news with this guy is that although it says in a moving vehicle, it doesn't have to be moving at all.

You've eliminated 30 enemies, which can be kind of frustrating. Due to the amount of armor that could show up, you guys will get Part 1 complete. Part two is going to take you to a different area. It's going to have you kill 30 enemies while leaning out of a moving vehicle at Sarah Faye, so, same thing, you're going to take your vehicle over to Serif Bay.

The good news is that it doesn't have to be moving, so you're just going to want to lean out the window where enemies are eliminating.

Intelligence control

Intelligence control

Next up, we have intelligence control. This one is a one-and-done; however, it is extremely difficult because it requires you to have five UAV towers active at the same time. I definitely do not think you can do this solo; I think it would be insane. It's unlikely to be completed even as a duo, so it's more than likely that you will need a full squad for this one, or it's just not going to happen.

UAV towers only last for two minutes, which means you'd only have a two-minute cooldown to get to a second one, a third one, and obviously, by the time you get to the third one, you've probably already lost the first one, so the only real way that I saw this being doable was that, in a full squad, two of the people in the squad will have to get two UAV towers, and you're going to want to kind of plan it out so that they can go to two that are fairly close to each other, and another squadmate is going to have to get a two that are fairly close to each other and, then the third one.



Next up, we have the junkyard. This is also an extremely difficult one to do; it's going to be asking you to destroy seven vehicles in close succession, four times now. I will tell you right now that the only real way to do this is once you find or locate the vehicles on the map. I definitely recommend going for ones that are less armored, whether it's the ATVs, this little car, or an SUV.

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You're going to want to group seven of these in the same location, either parked side by side or in a little lob. Together, they're all just close enough that if they explode, they'll all kind of impact each other. I definitely don't recommend shooting bullets at these unless you're just trying to weaken them down to half health, which could be helpful in this situation, but I did not find it to be necessary in most circumstances, unless the vehicles were fairly armored and you just couldn't find any other vehicles now.

errl shatter

There are a couple waves where you can actually finish off the vehicles all at once. I definitely recommend if you get a precision airstrike or maybe even a mortar, what you could call the streak on the glob of vehicles. I also found that it should explode all of them at once, however. I also found it to be extremely effective to shoot an RPG or have another teammate who had an RPG kind of fire them at the same time into the pile of vehicles, and it destroyed all of them at once.

Legion Faction Tier 4 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 4 missions for the Legion faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 5 for Legion which will be covered in a future video.
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