News - Black Mous Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



This will have seven total missions, and you'll have to complete five of them you will have to do in order to unlock the final one, which will then unlock the next tier. In order to unlock Tier 1 of Black Moss, you will have to have completed Tier 2 of the Legion. White Lotus factions.

Always listening

Part one is going to require you to pick up five radios and drop them off at neutralized AQ members.

Essentially, if you kill enough enemies, you will notice—or probably have noticed up to this point—that they drop activated UAV little radios. You're going to want to activate that, and you're going to do this five different times before this one will be completed. Now part two is a little bit more tedious; it's going to actually require you to kill 15 hostiles, marked by the radios. However, when you do usually find these radios, there aren't that many enemies left over, so I did find it kind of difficult to get more than like three enemies in a single radio, and sometimes I was only getting one, so you might actually have to get more than five radios in order to actually get the eliminations, but once you complete 15 hostiles, marked , this will be done next up, and we have weapons research.

Weapons research

Weapons research

This guy is going to be a two-parter. Part one is asking you to complete one hunt contract, so if you guys open your attack map and you're looking at the contract phones, you're looking for the one with the skull on it. Obviously, you're going to activate it, and it's going to have you trying to eliminate a specific person in the game; it's going to be a real player.

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The good news here is that even if they get eliminated in some other fashion, as long as it happens during the time frame of the contract, this will still count as an elimination for you and it will still be completed. Part two is going to be a little bit trickier. It's going to have you extract with an enemy's or operator's weapon.

black mous faction dmz

So essentially, if you have eliminated somebody, you can go up and loot their bag and take their weapon now, at the time I'm making this article. This is actually bugged, and it does not count no matter what; however. I know a lot of you will be watching this in the future, and hopefully you'll still be able to do this, which is essentially just go into their bag and grab the weapon after you've obviously eliminated them, and put that in either one of your slots.

Vintage collection

Part one asks you to loot 12 liquor or wine bottles. Basically, you just have to find these and put them into your bag, and this will count towards the progress. If you guys watched one of my previous articles, there was the location on the map that I showed for medicine cabinets with hotels. If you go to this exact same location where there are two hotels side by side, you will actually be able to go to the bottom floor; they both have bars there and have some fridges behind them, and I was able to find a ton of wine or liquor bottles in those.

There are also some places elsewhere that are just bars that you can find; they will be pretty much identical to these, and they will help you get this completed as well. Part two is going to require you to sell 12 liquor or wine bottles at a shop, so once you've collected quite a few of these, or maybe you know you're going to have to exfil soon.

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I would say make your way to the closest shop, even if it's not all on the same match, and make sure you sell those valuables. Once you sell them at the shop, this will tally up towards your progress once you've obviously gotten.

Cargo keeper

Cargo keeper

Next up, we have a cargo keeper. This one is going to be a two-parter, and it is a little bit more of a pain than any of the other ones I've done up to this point. One is going to require you to complete a cargo delivery contract.

If you open up your TAC map, there are two different contracts. For this one specifically, one has a briefcase with a little wave on it; this is kind of the C version of the contract; the other one's just going to be a briefcase; and this is more of the Lan version of it. You can do either of these and it will still count now; neither of them is necessarily easier than the other, basically.

What happens is a helicopter comes in and follows the vehicle as you take it to the X-fill point or at least to where it drops off the supplies, and it pretty much just shoots the vehicle the entire time. So with this one, if you're playing solo or even in a duo, the best tactic might be to take the vehicle, whether it's the boat or the LTV, and park it under a bridge anywhere.

That way, you can make sure you get out, as the helicopter will just continue shooting at that same spot. Take out the helicopter, which will take quite a while. Once it's eliminated, you can jump back in the boat and finish this contract. Part two is asking you to fully repair and refuel the transport vehicle.

You're going to want to do it with the same one you are using in the contract, so once I actually eliminated the helicopter. I just took this over to the closest fuel station that I could before finishing toward the final end zone, where I was able to complete the contract, and I completed both at.

One man army

One man army

At the same time, next up, we have a one-man army. Now, this one is pretty straightforward; it can be easy, but it can be a little frustrating.

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The first part is going to require you to infill without any teammates essentially at the menu before you actually deploy. You're going to want to make sure you turn Squad Fill off so that you are going in solo, and as soon as you load in, this part will be completed. Part two, however, is going to have you extract, in that same deployment, successfully.

So, once you've actually loaded in Solo, you're going to want to go to the nearest X-fill point pretty much immediately, and you're going to want to call that in and X-fill safely, which will have one main army.

Team player

Operators, so basically, when you press up on the d-pad, it'll have a little wheel in the bottom right, and there's going to be one that says "Request to join nearby enemies." You're going to hit that.

The only real caveat with this is that I noticed I had to be pretty close to the players in order for them to actually receive the signal, and the first time I was able to get a guy to let me join him. In the second case, the guy actually downed me, and me and my companion just kind of kept requesting as I was downed, and he was close enough and accounted for my second one, so I was able to get this done, and for our last and final mission, after you've completed five of the previous ones we just covered, it's going to be who's watching this that's going to be a three-parter.

Black Mous Faction Tier 1 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 1 missions for the black mous faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 2 for black mous which will be covered in a future video.
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