News - The Legion Faction Tier 2 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



All right, unlike the first tier, you actually have a few more that you will have to complete in order to unlock the final challenge or mission. You will only have to complete five of the available ones, but obviously, to unlock the next tier, you will have to complete all of them anyway.

Big spender

all right First up, we have a big spender.

This is going to be a two-parter, and it's going to be fairly easy and straightforward; it just might take you a little bit of time. You're going to first need to acquire $60,000 in cash. Now you're just going to want to loot the high-value stuff, which obviously helped. You can take this stuff to a buy-sell with those valuables, and you'll be able to generate quite a bit of money fairly quickly.

Do remember that if your squad gets money, that also counts. The second part of this is going to be $60, 000 at a shop. Now, this can be fairly easy if you buy the right stuff, but essentially, you're going to need to rack up enough money. My recommendation for this is saving 30K or racking up 30K going to the buy decision and buying the key as you can exfil with this and keeping it in your inventory for a future drop-in to DMC.

Buried barrels

Buried barrels

Next up, we have buried barrels. This is also going to be a two-parter, of which part one is going to require you to complete one secure radioactive source.

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Material contract Now this is going to be on the minimap as a little contract phone, as you're familiar with the little radioactive symbol. The second part will be pretty easy. Once you are in the middle of doing the first part, because essentially what you're going to need to do is loot four items from the radioactive caches, and obviously you're going to run across two of them before completing the contract, there's no reason why you won't get four items.


Next up, we have junker. This one's actually really easy. You're going to need to destroy six vehicles, and that's going to be all for this one. Easy enough though, because you will be able to destroy any vehicle on the map. It does not matter if there are enemies in it or if it's an enemy vehicle; you can destroy any vehicle.


ATVs, choppers, anything on the map—just run around and blow those things up. You can use an LMG, which is what I recommend, and you'll move through this fairly quickly.


Quickly, next up we have anti-air; this is going to be a three-parter, so a little bit of a longer mission, but it's going to be pretty straightforward as you will be doing all three parts in a row.

First up, we have to capture a Sam site. If you look at your map, it's going to show up as a little missile. On the map, you're going to obviously want to go to that location and capture it. That Sam site Once you officially capture it, you will get this first part done. Now part two is going to be fairly straightforward, because once you've captured the Sam site, all you're going to need to do is wait for your captured Sam site to shoot down an airplane, and the final part is going to be related to the blown-up airplane. It's actually going to drop a supply drop on the map; the supply drop will be indicated with a little missile-like symbol, the same as the Sam site; you'll want to go to that supply drop and loot it, and this will complete the mission Next up, we have key eliminations.

Key elimination

Key elimination

This one's also going to be a three-parter; the first part is going to require you to complete and eliminate HVT.

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Obviously, you're going to pull up your tech map and look at the contract phones. You'll be looking for one with a crosshair on it that is complete, and you will get this first part done. The second part, after you've eliminated the hVt, is that you want to go over to their body. They should drop a key that you can loot.

You'll just pick this up, and the second part will be done. You can also just loot any other key on the map and it'll give you this progress as well, and you will be able to use a key to unlock a locked space, so my recommendation is that if you have any keys available that have a POI symbol on them, take them to that POI.

Unlock one of those doors, and you will complete the quest.

Data collection

This was fairly quick, and next up, we have data collection. This one's going to be a three-parter as well. The first part is going to require you to find and loot a computer. These are found all over the map. I find that looking in office buildings or anywhere that has office space, you'll find quite a few of these.

The second part of the mission will be to extract data with four thumb drives. You're going to need to loot four thumb drives and keep them in your backpack, then lay extract with those; you'll be able to find these inside of the computers again. Like I said, finding office space will truly help with this if you go to this building.

You might even be able to complete it all in one shot. The next and final part is obviously going to be extracting data from five hard drives. Just as with the thumb drives, you're going to be looting through the computers looking. For the hard drives, you're going to want to extract five of them. You definitely don't have to do these all at once, but it makes it significantly easier.

Frame job

Frame job

It's easier to do it in one shot, and for our final mission, which requires you to complete five of the previous missions that we covered in order to unlock it, this is going to be a frame job. This is going to be a three-parter, as well, and can be one of the more challenging ones; it just kind of depends on how you look at it.

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The first part is going to require you to purchase an LTV with a turret at a shop. I believe this is 18K total for the second part. Once you've actually purchased the vehicle, you're going to want to take it over to Akdar, the village, and, then, you're going to want to use the turret to eliminate 10 enemies.

If you're playing with other people, they could be in the turret and you could be driving, and as long as they eliminate the 10 enemies, it will count and you will complete this part of the challenge, and for the final part, you're just going to take the LTV over to Maui's on the Marsh and you're going to destroy it; this will be the end of this mission.

dmz tips tricks

So that's going to be all the missions for the Tier 2 part of the Legion; this will also unlock Tier 3 as well, and we will be doing those in a future article.


I look forward to seeing you in the next

Legion Faction Tier 2 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 2 missions for the legion faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 3 for legion which will be covered in a future video.
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