News - White Lotus Faction Tier 2 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



This will have seven challenges, or missions, in total, five of which you'll have to complete in order to unlock the final one. You only have to complete six, though, so if you complete the first five and then complete the final one, it will unlock the next tier also. When you complete Tier 2 of the White Lotus faction after also having completed Tier 2 of the Legion faction, you will unlock Tier 1 of the Black Moose.

Now, before we dive into it. Let's go ahead and set an easy goal of 50 likes on today's article as well as liking Funny Wayback's channel for more Call of Duty content.

Bombing run

The best way I found to do this was to loot in high-value areas, recommend. Looking at the airport, as I know it has tons of those "orange" or "high loot" boxes, I also recommend saving up a ton of money.

That way, you can go to a buy station and at least buy three streaks there, so you'll need at least like thirty-six thousand once you've acquired six streaks. Don't forget the supply drops as well. You'll want to move to your closest X-fill point and then exfil.

Bag em and tag em

Bag em and tag em

Next up, we have bagum and tagum. This is going to be a two-parter. Part one is definitely going to be a little tricky because you're going to actually have to face real players. It's going to require you to loot and extract four enemy dog tags, now of course once.

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You've taken out an enemy player; you're going to go over to their bag, open it, and there will be a dog tag available that you can take and put into yours. You're going to want to get four of these, which do not have to be in the same match, and then you're going to want to expel safely, and this will complete this challenge part.

Two is a little bit different, though, because you're going to have to loot and extract two pieces of black moose intelligence from Rohan oil. One can be a little tricky, as it wasn't as clear as maybe the White Lotus, where you went into a stronghold. In some of these buildings that I found down on the outskirts, I was able to find these documents.


They're not going to be in any sort of containers or caches or anything like that; they're just going to be laying out on tables or on shelves, and you'll be able to walk up to them. You'll say the black moose at Intel will be able to grab these and complete This challenge is next up, and we have Intel executing it.

Intel executed

This is also going to be a two-parter; it's going to take you a little bit to do this one as the first part is asking you to activate five UAP towers, of which you can go from tower to tower throughout. a single match and possibly get this done in one match, but it is important to note that once you activate a tower on the map, you will not be able to activate the same one again even once it cools down and has it count, so you will obviously have to move on to another part of the map.

The second part is going to require you to kill 20 enemies with the UAV towers, and now you're going to pretty much do this simultaneously, alongside. Activating them is just going to want to activate it and eliminate all the players that show up. You should be able to do this probably quicker than you will actually activate the towers, and this will actually come in at.

Death from above

Death from above

Completely next up, we have Death from Above, and this one is going to be a little bit of a pain just because it's going to have a little bit of RNG factored in. You will go to a shop, and it may or may not have a precision airstrike, which would lead you to having to go to another shop also.

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You're going to want to make sure that you have 12,000, and we highly recommend you get 36,000 so that way you can just buy the shop out of the Precision airstrikes once you actually find them. Part two is going to require you to use precision airstrikes to kill 10 enemies. This is the only challenge I've come across so far that involves your co-op partners or anyone else that might be in your squad's eliminations; they will not count towards your challenge, so it will specifically have to be you calling in the precision that will eliminate the enemies.

We found it was best to try to wait for one of those enemy helicopters to start floating toward the ground and kind of put the precision in that area and hope that I could eliminate as many as possible. It could take quite a few precisions to do this; in some cases I only got two eliminations, and other times I got six and a half. So within a few tries, I was able to complete this next task, which is hostage rescue.

Hostage rescue

Hostage rescue

This guy is going to be a two-parter and is based on a contract, so it's pretty straightforward. Part one is going to require you to complete a rescue hostage contract. If you do pull up your attack map, look for the little contract.

You're going to be looking for the one with the handcuffs on it, and once you obviously get there, you're going to activate it, and it's going to have you go to a location where you'll defuse a bomb and take a hostage, then carry the hostage to an x-fill helicopter, and then you're going to want to make sure that you put the hostage down so that way it'll actually begin its x-fill and take the hostage out, and you'll be able to complete part one.

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Part two is going to have you x-billing with the hostage. Evac. Kilo, so essentially once you've actually placed the hostage down, the countdown will begin for the helicopter to then take off If you stay in, it will successfully x-fill you, and then this will also be completed.

Hit and run

Next up, we have Hit and Run, which is also a two-parter.

Part one is going to require you to run over 16 enemies with a vehicle. Part two is going to require you to fully refuel and repair a vehicle at a gas station, honestly. If you jump into a vehicle at all and travel toward a gas station, by the time you get there, it will need to be repaired or serviced, too. Refueled, so you'll just sit there and wait till the bar fully fills up; it will not do anything further, and you will actually get this part.

Two birds

Two birds

Complete now our final mission Once you've completed five of the previous missions we just discussed, it's going to be two birds This is the only three-parter in this tier, and it is a little bit of a pain; however, if you find yourself lucky enough like I did, you might even spawn in the right area.

The first part is going to require you to travel to Al Safra Quarry; once you get into the area, it will obviously have this part, Complete Part two is going to be pretty straightforward. Once you are at the quarry, you're just going to need to kill or eliminate 18 enemies, and part two will then be finished.

White Lotus Faction Tier 2 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 2 missions for the white lotus faction. After completing these and legion tier 2 you will unlock tier 1 for black mous which will be covered in a future video.
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