News - Black Mous Faction Tier 3 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 Dmz (dmz Tips & Tricks)



Guy has seven total missions; out of the first six, you have to have completed five in order to unlock the final one, and once you complete that, you will unlock Tier 4. We reached an easy goal of 50 likes on today's article.


articles First up, we have perfection. This is going to be a one-and-done; it's asking you to complete a raid weapon stash contract without taking body damage.

Now, what this is going to require you to do is open your attack map. On the contract phone that has a stronghold, you're going to go to it to activate it, and of course it's going to take you to a stronghold. That's the point when you're not going to want to take body damage, and this is much easier if you have a group; however, you can do it solo.

All you need to do is not take damage beyond your plates, but anytime you take any damage, you're going to want to plate up as soon as you can, and you're obviously if. You can go without taking that body damage; it will be completed now. I kind of found it easiest to do so. I kind of funneled the enemies toward the top floor of the building in which I was defending, as it was easier to take out many more of them there. a quick succession, and it avoided me getting shot in the back or getting challenged for multiple angles, and it made this pretty easy.

Quick and dirty

Quick and dirty

Next up, we have "quick and dirty." This one is also going to be a one-parter. It's asking you to complete and eliminate HVT and contract in under two minutes, so if you open your Tac phone once again and you're looking at those contract phones, you're going to be looking for the one with the crosshair; you're obviously going to pick this guy up, go over there, activate it, and you will have to get there and eliminate the guy two minutes after activation.

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There is a timer for this one as well at the top of your screen, essentially. I recommend that once you activate it, you make sure you grab a vehicle. You're going to want to beeline it to the enemy. You're going to be looking for the guy wearing the different outfit; sometimes it's like jogging.

black mous faction dmz

Suit There's always something to differentiate the main target from the rest of the enemies, and you're going to want to take them out as quickly as possible as long as you do it under the two-minute time limit. This will be completed next; we have the roof.

Roof rat

Now, this is probably one of the most challenging in this tier, if not the most difficult.

It has two parts, and part one isn't too bad. It's going to have you kill 20 enemies in All Majra City by headshot with a sniper rifle, so you're going to want to infill. With a sniper rifle, maybe one that you have as a contraband weapon or you're going to want to go and find one or buy one at the shop once you've acquired your sniper rifle, you're going to want to take on any high ground you can in the desert or city because, essentially, if you're high enough on a building, the AI will not shoot at you at all, making it pretty easy to kind of aim at them and take them out with those headshots.

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Once you've eliminated 20 enemies, this part will be complete. Part 2, however, is going to be very difficult; it's going to require you to kill six operators in all of Mazda City with a sniper rifle. Now, a lot of players are going to the top of the buildings just to wait for any enemy operators in the area to kind of come through and just snipe at them.

The best plan of action here will be to actually use a primary weapon to take down the players that you're looking to eliminate, and then eliminate them fully with the sniper rifle once they're down. This will count for the eliminations, and it was a much easier way to go about it than just sitting on high ground and trying to get people to go where you need them to go.

This way, you can kind of force engagements; you can do close quarters; as long as you actually finish them off with the sniper rifle, they will count. I found the best spot for me to be the male place because I was just sitting on top of it with an axeville in the near-hit area, and I was able to pretty much just pick people off as they were trying to go for the x-fill.

This obviously caused me to have to hit multiple snipe shots, but it was worth it, and in enough time I was able to eliminate six total enemies by completing the quest.

Unarmed and dangerous

Unarmed and dangerous

Up we have unarmed and dangerous This one can be a pain only because you have to complete it solo. It has two parts. Part one asks you to infill solo without any weapons, so before you actually load, infill, or deploy, you're going to want to make sure you take any weapons you have on your loadout off that, so this part will be completed upon loading.

Now this next part is a little bit more challenging; it's going to ask you to x-fill in that same deployment that you loaded in without any weapons without actually picking up any weapons throughout your run. So, essentially, what you're going to want to do is, once you've actually infiltrated and you don't have any weapons, you're going to want to beeline it to the nearest most armored vehicle you can find.

black mous mission guide

You're going to want to jump in there and make your way to the nearest exit—at least the safest. You're going to exhale as soon as possible. The good news with this one is that if you manage to fail it, you're not really losing much, and you can just dive back in and give it another shot.

Vintage connoisseur

Next up, we have the vintage connoisseur.

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This one is going to be fairly similar to one we've done in the past. It is going to be in three parts. Part one is asking you to deliver 20 wine bottles to any dumpster. Now the best place to find wine bottles is going to be at Yum Burgers if you're in Allara City. I went to a few of these different locations and found quite a few.

Or, if you're on a different part of the map. I definitely recommend Serif Bay, as there is a pretty large kitchen in one of the buildings that has a ton of fridges and will give you quite a few of these. Part two is asking you to deliver 11 aged wine bottles to any dumpster Dead Drop as well similar.

black mous mission guide dmz

To the first one, you're going to go to those same locations; anywhere that you're really finding wine bottles, you should be able to find aged wine bottles, and of course at any point that I am dead-dropping. Now the last and final part of being a vintage connoisseur is going to be extracting free vintage wine bottles.

These are going to be found in the same locations that we were referring to in the other two parts of this mission, however. They are extremely rare, but in some cases I only found one in a single match there; there were multiple matches and I wasn't able to find any, and then once I was actually done with this challenge or no longer had it equipped.

Black Mous Faction Tier 3 Mission Guide For Warzone 2. 0 DMZ DMZ Tips Tricks. In this video I bring you a guide for each of the tier 3 missions for the Black Mous faction. After completing these you will unlock tier 4 for Black Mous which will be covered in a future video.
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