News - Another Nerf. Is The Lockwood 300 Still Overpowered And Meta. Warzone

best shotgun modern warfare 2

And to me, that felt much more rewarding than having to play this gun like it was just a one-shot. I went into engagements thinking this was going to be a two-shot kill; I didn't expect a one-shot. I was always surprised when I got it, but I basically went in thinking, Okay, this is going to be a two-shot kill.

I was treating it like a Bryson 800, with a slower fire rate but much more consistent and much higher damage potential, and when I treated it like that. I had to move in and out of cover, reload my shot, and get my second shot on. That was incredibly fun, and that, to me, was way more satisfying than getting those one-shot kills.

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Of course, nothing beats running up to someone. Barrel stuffing and getting a one shot, but really, this type of gameplay that I like is a sort of finessing with the movement that you have to do, and that's what I like about this thing being more of a two-shot now than a one-shot. I know that probably sounds weird, and a lot of people might disagree and think it should just be one shot, but I feel like the two shops are totally manageable, even though it's a slow reload.

It's not that bad, and a good player can really make it work with the damage output it has, so that's pretty much going to do it for this article, guys. I hope you learned something different. What are your thoughts on this Nerf? Was it enough? I don't know what you're smoking if you think that, but some people might.

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