News - The Verdansk Shotgun "sniper" Returns - Lockwood 300 Slug Sniper Build (best Class Warzone)

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Is if you take a look at my pinned tweet on my profile on Twitter, you'll see that I have a article dedicated to the 725 in War Zone 1 in Verdansk, and if you take a look at what I'm using, it's a sought-after 725. With slugs, it was such a fun build where you could get one head shot, and there was even a dismemberment bundle that you could use with it.

It was two shots. It was so much fun. It was just such a great gun and very speedy. I always used it when I was looking for a great time, but with the release of War Zone 2, we didn't really have that luxury until now. With this dual trigger we have for the lock with 300, we can now take a dive into the past and go back to the days of rans and use what I call the Gville Slugger, which is a KN off to the Louisville Slugger baseball bat, and you'll see that this thing actually is pretty damn ridiculous, but most importantly, it is a ton of fun, so today's article is dedicated to the Lockwood 300 with slugs and more specifically. With the saw off Barrel, first we'll get into the build, and then I'll share my thoughts on it and go over some stats with it.

One shot slugs build

One shot slugs build

This is my Gville Slugger build. As you can see, we're rocking the Bryson Special Barrel. The reason for that is because it's fun; it's really small, and it gives us a lot of speed and aim-down sight speed, which is really nice, and we're offsetting its wider spread with the Bryson Series 12 choke.

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We're also using slugs, of course, the high stock mod to make it even smaller and faster, and then we have the M Stom dual trigger. Now there are some fun things to note about this and some quirks that we're going to go over. The first thing I want to talk about is one-shot potential.

Basic stats and one shot ranges

Now one thing I did mistakenly say in my last article was that the Nerf that slugs got with this most recent patch took away the onot potential to the body with this gun.

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Well, it seems like that's not the case as long as you have chest shots mixed in and you're up close and personal out to about 2 m. Mark maybe three if you're talking the base gun; you can one-shot kill to the body again as long as you're hitting sort of above that stomach area, so yes, one-shot kills to the chest are entirely possible, but they're not really likely.

It's more of a sort of back pocket cherry on top type of situation where you're not going to be that close to people generally, but if you are caught with your pants down, you can one-shot kill someone that close, but the real kicker about these builds is that with slugs and this m stom dual trigger, you can in fact one shot head shot out to ridiculous.

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Distances now with the base gun meaning no Bryson special Barrel you can basically one- shot headshot out to as far as the eye can see from what I can tell, but the only issue with that is that there is some sort of spread this is basically two barrels at once two slugs at once and most of the time they're pretty condensed and tight, but of course as you get further away the Slugs will start to kind of Veer off from each other and so it makes sniping at distances a little bit more difficult and you might get a little bit more hit markers than you might think and it's also making it harder for me to test because I don't know if both slugs hit or what but from what I can tell it can pretty much one shot headshot no matter what you just got to hit both of those slugs, on someone's head now when you use that Bryson special Barrel you are cutting down your damage ranges a little bit but again with this sort of build it doesn't really matter you're still going to one- shot headshot at ridiculous, distances.

But the only problem is this isn't really a super sniper kind of build because at some distances the Slugs just start to Veer off more than they do with the base gun, so it makes it harder if you're really trying to kind of quote unquote snipe with this thing, but the real kicker about this build is that you are so fast and speedy and you can aim down sights so ridiculously, quick.

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This is something you can just run around with on resurgence modes and use a sort of medium-range rifle and one shot at headshot people. It's really a ton of fun when you use it like that. I'm not saying to go and snipe people, although if you want to try, go for it by all means; it's fun. I'm saying post-step at medium ranges.

Get up close to people's faces and try to get that one-shot kill with this thing. Yes, you only have one shot, but the reload time isn't really that bad. I promise you, this thing isn't that difficult to deal with when it comes to reloading. Now, the real challenge in using this is, of course, that you have to be accurate, and you only get one shot, and you got to hit the head if you're not Point Blank; you got to hit a head shot, which is pretty difficult to do.

bryson 890

It's definitely a high-skill, high-reward type of build. Now it's also difficult with this particular build because of the high stock mod in that barrel. You are getting a lot of aim down sight sway, so you'll notice if you move left and right, your iron sights kind of Veer all over the place, which makes strafing and sniping, or quote, unquote sniping, with this thing a little bit more difficult than normal.

If you want, you could use a laser, but I think this build is just more catered to close range and medium range, and as long as you're not moving too much, you can probably get your one-shot head shot pretty easily, as you'll see in a lot of the clips. It's not super difficult as long as you have good aim and you just don't move around or jump around too much, but like I said, the true strength of this build is how fast you are when it comes to moving and also how fast you can aim down sides.

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Just be warned; like I said, if you're trying to really, really snipe people from really long ranges, it's probably not going to work very well for you with this build. I can say it's fun to try and see if maybe you can get a ridiculous clip that you want to post on your social media or something, but generally it's not going to happen, and there's quite a bit of luck involved, since of course you have to aim but also spread. You're at the mercy of the slug spread.

How to use it

How to use it

So just be warned that this is a close-range, medium-range SLM rifle that you want to be hitting head-on with, and if you do that, I promise you it's a monster, and it is so much fun.


That's I'm just about to do it for this article, guys. I hope you enjoyed this trip back down memory lane, visiting the early days of her dance with the 725.

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Mar the.

The OG sniper shotgun of Warzone 1 is back! The Lockwood 300 is the 725 reincarnated, and this build is the perfect send off for it.
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