News - The Last Major Warzone Update

The final warzone/mw2 update was a bit strange

The final warzone/mw2 update was a bit strange

ladies and gentlemen. We saw what the final major update for MW2 in War Zone was. Go live with the haunting update. AKA, what is, I guess technically, season 6 reloaded? There was no marketing for a reloaded update this season. Back at the launch, it was all haunting oriented and haunting focused, and obviously, with the update for the haunting now live, we've got the new haunting road map, and again, it's all just haunting focused, so that's the remainder of the content that we've got for the MW2.

Year in this first initial year of war zone, and this being the final update, the sort of final sendoff if you will, this update sort of lacked in some areas, and I think it surprised a few people as well with what it did or did not implement, so that being said. I wanted to sort of break down this update and explain what to expect in the aftermath of it.

Drop a like on it; it's always appreciated, and if you're new here, you want to guarantee we're up to date with literally everything going on in COD between MW3 and War Zone. A crazy couple of days, weeks, and months are coming up here, so you're not going to want to miss a thing.

We␙ve seen a lot of large updates lately

We␙ve seen a lot of large updates lately

Initially, when it comes to the haunting update for MW2, War Zone, and DMZ, this is like our third title update in three weeks, which is pretty unheard of for Call of Duty. Usually the title updates that require you to download, you know, 10 15 20 gigs worth of stuff, usually only happen once or twice a month.

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Xbox, in particular, will glitch out on updates. And make you download old ones and new ones at the same time, which is why you get like some crazy download sizes. I don't think there's any way around it other than just having to suffer through that download, but it's a weird situation where this was a major update, and while it did introduce the haunting event.

The haunting event gameplay is awesome, but␦

The haunting event gameplay is awesome, but␦

And not all of the haunting is actually live at the launch. We know later on this week we're going to have another new update go live to bring in Von Dead at Night in Zombie Royale, so for the haunting update to go live this week in the middle of the week and only include part of the update, and then outside of any haunting, specifically themed stuff, there's not really much going on, which is a little disappointing in my opinion for the final update, what's going to hold us over to MW3, and for those not getting that game at launch, live beyond the launch of that game as well, so that initially was a bit surprising, a major update for just this one specific event, which Yes, the event itself is awesome, but outside of the haunting, this update for season 6 reloaded, or this midseason update, is one of the least productive elsewhere.

The non-haunting updates in warzone/mw2 are lacking content

The non-haunting updates in warzone/mw2 are lacking content

This is the first time we've had a mid-season update, basically without a brand new ranged weapon. We obviously got the gist and the ISO 9mm back at the start of the season. There are no other ranged weapons outside of that, which, like I said, is a first for this year in terms of content. We always see one or two weapons drop in the middle of the season, so it's really surprising there were no major weapon changes or meta updates.

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In the patch notes, they did say that there will be a meta update later on in the season; that could be next week, that could be the week after that, that could be the week of Early Access for MW3, we just don't know on that. As of right now, multiplayer has some map revamps; there's going to be two Halloween and haunting themed maps for LSO and Embassy, which is fun, but those aren't permanent maps, so no new map for the midseason. Another thing that we usually see for the multiplayer side of things, and in general, this update just felt kind of lacking elsewhere , and that means that for the remainder of MW2.

The remaining mw2/warzone updates for season 6

The remaining mw2/warzone updates for season 6

We don't really have all that much going on surprisingly now we've got a bit of an extension coming to The Haunting as mentioned later on this week we see a new playlist update go live and then next week we see the remainder of the rewards for the Soul Eater event go live including a new Mastery camo in a sense but with that being said once the haunting event ends and you know I think it's 17 or 18 days from now, it's not going to necessarily feel like season 6 was a full-on season by comparison when you look at the content and the changes that were made meaning the end of MW2, definitely I feel like was somewhat representative of the Year kind of felt a little bit odd and out of place in some areas In fact, the only major update that we're still waiting on in MW2 at this point is the announcement on the true state of DMZ moving into year 2, because, as we know.

The final update we␙re waiting on in mw2

dmz final update

Call of Duty mentioned DMZ. Not continuing into MW3. Not continuing with War Zone; it's basically discontinued for all future projects, and it's just going to be an MW2 exclusive thing moving forward when we don't know if that means that it's still going to remain free to play as a part of the MW2 app, which will be a little bit weird, or if it's going to be tethered to an MW2 download entirely, if there's going to even be any content updates for it besides, maybe some mission refreshes or what because it's Infinity WS project now they're going to be moving on to whatever their next title is very strange situation going on with that but we know DMZ is not getting a new map New Movement anything like that it's just basically what it is now.

dmz new update

Not being completely Thanos snapped out of existence; it's just existing. This update didn't really do much for the game, which I feel like most of us were expecting it to, considering it is the final sendoff and the true end of MW2, at least in terms of updates, content refreshes, and whatnot. Are you all that concerned about anything outside of the haunting?

Are you bummed that we don't see a new weapon or anything like that? But that being said, that is going to wrap things up. If you're new here, you want to guarantee you're always up to date with all things going on in COD.

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