News - Warzone: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Meta Changes

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Ladies and gentlemen. We saw what could end up being the final meta update for War Zone before we get to the Modern Warfare 3 integration. Obviously, with Modern Warfare 3 on the horizon, once that drops, that's where all the attention is going to be. We might not see all that many war zone updates while we're waiting on the preseason.

As we know, with season 6, we saw some changes, but the haunting update didn't really add in anything, and admittedly, with this new meta update that we got, it was surprising. You know, the advantage of multiplayer was more changes than there were in War Zone. MP got a lot of meta updates, and War Zone got a few very specific ones.

We're starting first with, in my opinion, a pretty important one in my opinion the COV, 762. This ends up getting close to mid-damage with a headshot multiplier and a neck multiplier Nerf, along with a Nerf to the upper torso as well, so basically, upper body shots on the COV 762 are now valued a little bit less.

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It's also not as good up close now. To be fair, you weren't using this up close, but its damage over range was unaffected unless, of course, you're hitting those upper body shots. That in and of itself is unfortunate, given the power of the 762. This is basically just making it more necessary to hit your shots consistently if you want to compete with some of these other lower-damage rifles, like maybe the M13 B or the Razer Back.

For instance, they're going to have similar TTKs now, and the 762 won't be as rewarding if you have good accuracy, but statistically, it can still compete and still be a top-tier option. I'm actually quite glad to see this one adjusted here. The Lochman 556 ended up getting a headshot multiplier buff, just rewarding that better accuracy with this, and luckily for the Lockman 556, it's already super easy to use because it's solo recoil, one of the most easy weapons to use in the game; it's point and shoot, so now having more of a reward for hitting shots consistently, that's definitely something that brings it more in line with some of these other rifles as well.


Now this is one that I'm disappointed in. It's probably my favorite rifle and maybe my favorite gun in the game as of late since it dropped. They ended up nerfing this a lot; its mid-damage is worse, and its headshot multiplier, limb multiplier, and limb multiplier, It's worse now as well, so I mean, that's a lot of Nerfs.

Luckily again, it's, you know, ttk, over range is not going to be affected unless you are hitting head shots or limb shots because the multiplier reduces there, but it's still going to be a solid option that is also super easy to use but not as effective and not as versatile as it was pre-update, so I would say that this probably is still going to be a lot of people's number one choice for rifles, but definitely you know gives more of an option to the Razer back the advancer.

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You know, even some battle rifles like the TAC V are a little bit higher risk and higher reward because the control opens things up a little bit more for rifles in general, but I was really enjoying the Guist, which is like the number one obvious AR choice, so I'm a bit bummed that got nerfed. Another one that I find a little bit surprising is the M13.

new meta

They nerfed its close damage, which is pretty useless if you're not fighting close range with this, but they also nerfed its neck multiplier and torso multiplier, but they buffed its headshot multipliers, so part of the upper body is worse but head shots are better. As an aggressive primary or maybe even sniper support, in the mid-range it does thrive, so the fact that it got a bit more versatile with this buff.

I feel, does bring it up a notch, and then this is an important one, but there's a lot of asterisks. Here the lock with 3 00 caught, several Nerfs in this update, they nerfed the dual trigger matched with the 12 gain rounds, the range is going to be nerfed, for that in general, so it's not going to have as much of a one-shot capability.

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There, the dual trigger with dragon's breath got range and damaged Nerf, so if you're using dual trigger and dragon's breath, it's definitely going to be worse than before, and then slugs in general got damage to Nerf as well. Here's the thing: if you're just running the standard Lockwood 300 through rear, you know, dual trigger whatever the case may be, and like the standard build that we've talked about on the channel, it's still going to one shot up close, and it's not really you know something that is completely taken out of the meta with the Nerfs here, so it's still going to be a problem, but it's still going to be very good for the close range meta, which is unfortunate if you're not a fan of being one-shot by this thing now.

Of course, the reload is still super crucial; if you miss one shot, you have to reload and you're probably dead, but it's also super easy to land those shots up close, so it is definitely nerfed if you are using ammo upgrades, but in general, it's still going to be pretty good. Now, those were all the actual meta updates and things that changed in the patch notes, but inadvertently, you know, indirectly, some other things were adjusted here because of various Nerfs.

new meta update

To me, the TAC 56, as true game data has talked about recently, actually I feel like make its way into the top-tier area because of the ttks. Now that all these other rifles are sort of dropping a bit, the TAC 56 is now more in line, and then, actually, the same deal with the castoff 545 I've really got my eyes on this as a potential rifle that could be, you know, almost borderline absolute meta now because it's so low recoil and so consistent over range.

That's another one that you're going to have a really good realistic ttk, with all the rifles obviously pretty much in the top tier at this point. The only thing is that they're all also about the same level in terms of TTK, which is good for diversity, for sure, but not great in The style of Hey, this definitive weapon is clearly better than the rest I should use.

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There is a lot of confusion and question as to whether this is better than that or what I should be using. Also, with this situation. I feel like there's definitely weapons in the top-tier category that stand out more than others, so we are bumping a few up into absolute meta, starting first with the subs.

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These weren't adjusted initially with this update, but we've seen several, you know, times now throughout the past couple of weeks postseason, even though some of these subs are absolute standouts, the ISO 9, and then the Lochman Subber, the MP5. It's an option that is just great for any level of skill; you can pick it up and do well with it right away.

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