News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

New top 10 best loadouts in warzone after update

New top 10 best loadouts in warzone after update

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Warzone best taq-v & iso 45 loadout after update

I'm always running smoke; I go back and forth between throwing knives and sexes if I'm playing Resurgence. I'm always going for knives if I'm playing standard BR.

best loadout 2

I go for sxes. And vice versa there then perks pretty much always stay the same as well I got Overkill double time fast hands high alert there will be one load out later on in the article where I have like my regain or my ghost load out and we'll talk about that in a little bit as well but initially when it comes to these setups here for the weapons that do exist but not in the preview here for the TAC V this thing is like I said really good for ttk, in the mid to long range here and we're just focused on making it as easy to use as possible I love the iron sight so I don't actually use an optic here because they're just super clean even in like 50 60 70 meter fights you can stay on target so I got the combat rear grip straight up better control, 50 round drum nice extended M getting the job done there High Velocity ammo just because I don't use a barrel and I don't use an optic so might as well throw this on it helps out makes the weapon feel a little bit more consistent, rip Runner Bail for that better stabilization.

It is obviously a bit easier to predict the recoil pattern there than with the bore 490 compensator. Really focuses on horizontal control, which in turn makes this very easy to predict, and it's super easy to shoot over long range. Even though this is one of the bouncier guns in the game, it still feels nice and stable and nice and reliable, so definitely a great choice for a main primary here, and throughout the article, you can mix and match the primaries and secondaries as you want.

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The ISO 45 setup here literally has not changed. Since it was implemented, basically, this gun just never gets nerfed. It's been like arguably the number one SMG in the game since it was added in 45-round drum sheer rear grip for better ads and Sprint to Fire cheetah stock for better mobility all around, 7 m laser for better ads and Sprint to Fire, and then because there is some bounce on this SMG versus others.

I like to have the kt8 compensator on there just helps out a little bit with vertical and horizontal control, but hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. This thing has been crazy good for, like I said, basically forever. When it comes down to it, there's no point in updating it because it still fries.

Warzone 2 best tr-76 geist & mp7 loadout

Warzone 2 best tr-76 geist & mp7 loadout

I see we're just not going to get any weapon previews today anyway. The next setup is a combination of the gist, which caught some slight Nerfs recently, but it's still a super reliable rifle, and the MP7 sort of does all SMG. Right for the gist, here this setup is really focusing on mid- to long range, and it's super low recoil, so you're going to be able to actually have a really great realistic ttk.

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That's best for some weapons that might have better damage than them just because you'll land more shots at them. We got the Amot V4 on here; if there's a different optic that you prefer more, always, always go ahead and run that instead. 45-round extend mags are the max here, but the fire rate's not crazy, so you don't really run out of ammo too fast at all.

best loadouts

Rip the Runner barrel for better stabilization and stability yet again, 4490. As well, here for that better horizontal control, which just makes the pattern a whole lot more predictable, then I go for that 3 in 1 combo barrel, which has better recoil, better range, and better velocity. Pizza Papa John's on here just again optimizes it for the mid-to-long range, making it nice and efficient for that so fantastic rifle choice and truly my favorite rifle in the game at the moment, and then the MP7, setup also Al One that really hasn't changed all that much as of late because this thing is so versatile and you can use it at like 10 m or 30 m.

I do have the KT5. Compensator on here for that better control just makes this thing an absolute laser beam really 7 m laser on here yet again rxt, stock for better Sprint speed and ads speed the soldier rear grip for ads and sprit to Fire and then whatever extend mag you want 50 round works fine 60 also would work fine as well on there, either or there is no real wrong answer but MP7, one of the more reliable SMGs right now anyone can pick this thing up and do well with it hey we actually see this one the COV 545 a weapon that's really bumped up sort of indirectly lately it's become a lot more competitive in the rifle category and I pair this with the iso 9mm, that's also invisible this thing is my favorite close range gun right now for hipfire for ads.

Best kastov 545 & iso 9mm loadout after warzone update

Best kastov 545 & iso 9mm loadout after warzone update

It's so snappy and aggressive. I love the feel of this. It's just so good for those first 10 meter fights, which is primarily where you're using this Resurgence or standard BR. It just gets the job done, much like ISO 45. There is a bit of balance here, so I like having the flash heater on there.

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It just helps out a little bit with recoil steadiness and doesn't have a huge ad penalty. Outside of that, it's a very standard 7-meter laser, and as always, the RS-2 stock is basically the same as the cheetah over on the ISO 45. The rear grip is the same deal here, as is the 50-round drum as well, so definitely not a unique setup by any means, but it feels great in game and absolutely fries up close, and then for the 545.

Here this is a super low recoil rifle, so you don't really have to focus on much outside of just optimizing it for mid to long range. I like the AOT V4 on here, but yet again, irons aren't really doing it for me here. 45, round mag, or 60 are going to work just fine here. 60 would be better for trios and quads and whatnot, but 45 is totally sufficient as well because it's just so accurate.

Now here's the thing: like I said, it's super low recoil, so I'm personally comfortable with it. I go for the high velocity ammo in here just because, why not right, but throwing on, you know, a riper on a barrel or something instead of that just for straight up added control is going to be clutch for a lot of players as well, so you could go either way.

The Harbinger suppressor will add a little bit of control because it's a heavier one. It does have a slightly slower ad because of that, but you're also getting better velocity and range, and I go for the K30 barrel for better control velocity and range on here as well, so very consistent rifle that I've been running for.

You know, a little bit behind the scenes here and there, but now that all the other rifles have seemingly been nerfed to a certain extent, this one's now way more competitive.

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