News - Is The Expedite 12 The Best Shotgun Now. Infinity Ward Keeps Buffing This Gun (warzone 2)

best class iso45

Welcome back to another Shotgun Haven article. In today's article, we're going to be talking about Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. And you might be thinking. Well, to be honest. I just wanted to go revisit it again since it's nearing the end of its life cycle, and what I wanted to do was talk about one gun in particular that's been getting a ton of Buffs that I don't really see people run, and that is the expedite, 12.

If you're an avid fan of Exclusive Ace like I am and you watch a lot of his content, you'll see in a lot of his patch notes articles that he always seems to bring up the expedite 12 because they always seem to be buffing it up. I don't really think it's gotten many nerves, but even in the last update, this thing did get another buff, so what I want to do is talk about this gun as a whole, comparing it to the other shotguns.

If it's really the best shotgun that we have in the game now, just share. My overall thoughts on it, so if that sounds good to you, let's just go ahead and hop into it. So, like I said, one of the reasons I'm bringing this up is because they seem to keep buffing the expedite 12; they just don't seem to want to stop, and they really want you to use it.

best expedite 12 class

So, is it really worth using? Well, what I want to do is talk about one-shot kill potential that's really important for shotguns in a game like this where the time to kill is just basically immediate, like you have to have a good shotgun with some decent one-shot kill potential in a game like this where you die so fast, so check out Sim.

Of course, we're going to check out some one-shot kill ranges to give you an idea of what exactly has changed, so if we scroll down, you can see here if we have it set to 100 hit points. This is basically what you can expect. Now the expedite is this orange one right here, and then the rest are in these colors, so you can see the expedite actually has an on-shot kill potential that is just slightly.

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I think, 210 of a meter behind the lock with 300. With the base gun, it looks like they're basically identical when you look at them like this, but yes, the one-shot kill for the base guns, the expedite 12, is one of the best. It used to be kind of the one that was sort of medium in the middle ground, and now it is basically one of the best.

best shotgun modern warfare 2

Of course, you have attachments to stack on it for other guns as well, but with the XED 12, you don't really have any barrels you can use. All you really have is the SX50. And one of the other suppressors to get range, and you can tune it some, and that does give you more range, of course, but if you put on the tests for other guns like the Bryson 800, which is sort of the one known for its one-shot kill potential, you can see that the onot kill range for that just extends past the others, and of course the lock with 300 is the same way, but basically, for the base gun, for how fast the expedite shoots, this thing is kind of a monster.

To be honest, 16 m is kind of insane for a gun like this, and of course that's with a SX50. Attack, but if we take it off, it's up to about 14 m to me. That's kind of insane again, given how fast this thing can shoot. What I want to bring up is how the expedite was at launch. If you remember, we had this as the only shotgun in the beta when the game came out.

bryson 800 shotgun

We basically tested it out and saw the one-shot kill was about 10 m on the dot. The other shotguns were much better in that regard, but this one was still pretty damn good, and it was one of my favorite shotguns to rock. Now that the one-shot kill potential is out to 14 m with the base gun, that's a pretty big glow-up for a gun like this that shoots moderately fast.

That's a semi-auto, but it has on-kill potential like that. That's absolutely crazy to me. Now there are some things to keep this in check, like The recoil is a bit much, especially when you're not kidding. For recoil control, if you're trying to be very fast, you really have to get that one shot kill or, you know, you just kind of have to die because it's really awkward to aim down sides with this thing with the recoil that it has.

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But now what I want to do is show you guys my preferred class to run in multiplayer when I use this thing, so here we have my quote: Unquote quick scope expedite 12 I say that because this is sort of what you want to do is you want to run around in close quarters, and you want to aim down sights, shoot, and then stop aiming.

bryson 890

Get your gun up again, aim down, sight-shoot, and then that's basically it. I typically don't pre-aim that much; I don't hit fire with this thing a lot, but I do try to at times, and it gets me killed quite a bit. This is not a hit-fire-friendly shotgun. I've noticed it is much better when you aim down sight, especially when you're pushing ranges.

So this build is geared towards speed and aim-down sight speed, and we're also having that Bryson choke to kind of get it a little bit tighter so we can actually hit those one-shot kills at a little bit further distances, like the 12 M mark. One of the other really nice things about this shotgun is that its base aim-down sight speed is better than the other shotguns, at least the other heavy-hitter shotguns.

dmz shotgun

So this thing is just going to be speedy, and you're going to be aiming down sights very fast, which makes this a lot of fun to use on small maps. It's still kind of an awkward shotgun overall because you'll still get some weird hit markers, and it'll still kind of, you know, bite you in the ass at times, but to be honest, if you have the AIM for it and you can get those one-shot kills, just kind of aim, shoot, get the kill, and then stop aiming and run around or something.

This gun can be absolutely devastating, and in my eyes, it has the potential to be one of the best shotguns, but again, the only reason I'm kind of holding back on saying it's the best is because it is a little bit inconsistent, especially compared to the Bryson, which is a lot more consistent when it comes to that one shot kill potential, and King it out for range, but this thing, do not sleep on it.

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It is very much a strong shotgun, and after all the buffs it's gotten, it's pretty damn crazy, and I don't see anybody using it, so now is the time to try it, especially before Modern Warfare 3 comes out in basically two weeks, and basically no one plays Modern Warfare 2 after that, so that is just about going to do it for this article, guys.

The OG sniper shotgun of Warzone 1 is back! The Lockwood 300 is the 725 reincarnated, and this build is the perfect send off for it.
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