News - Warzone: This Meta Update Completely Changes Your Best Loadouts. Update Your Setups Asap

best loadout 2

Ladies and gentlemen. We've got a very interesting meta layout when it comes to the rifle category in specific because, with the various different changes that they've made over the past couple of seasons, they've been buffing some strange ARs and nerfing some strange ARs here, and they're making some interesting changes there that we are kind of scratching our heads about, but it's led to this point in time now where there is a new factor in the rifle meta and the factor.

It is always really appreciated, and if you're new here, you want to guarantee you are up to date with everything going on in COD. As you can see here, we've listed out a bunch of the main rifles right now, including the Advancer, which is one of my personal favorites at the moment; the Hemlock, about which I've seen a lot of talk; the Castto, both variants of that; the Lockman 556; the M3B; and the M4 tag 56.

Now, we can only do up to nine in this particular case, but these are all based around mid- to long-range fights, and if you were to look at this just straight up and say. Okay, out of these nine, if I wanted to, you know, focus around 40 to 50-meter fights, what would I be going for? I mean, this graph would clearly show the advancers, crazy in the mid-range and even over long range technically, but that's important to note that that's maybe not always the case.

best loadouts

You know our hot pink bar. The M4 is really good in the mid-range here too, with its bright green 762. Not all that bad, but this graph does not tell the full story because it does not factor in any amount of personal level of skill. You might be frying with the advancer but be really bad at the 762, which probably isn't the case if you're frying with one.

You're probably okay with the others, but some players might prefer the feel of the M13. More than you know, the 545 We can see the hemlock right now on paper; it's ttk sucks. Beyond 47 m in comparison, it really drops off really harshly across the board, but if you love the feel of the hemlock over the Lockman 556, there might be a way where on paper it might not look better but in reality it actually is, so if we go into the firing range here, you can see it in one setup here.

meta loadout

I've got my lockman 5.56, and on the other hand, I've got my hemlock, and let's just test shoot at some dummies initially with the lockman 556, and we'll fire some shots. Take out the first dummy fire and some shots. Take out the second dummy fire and some shots. Take out the third dummy as well, although we didn't get the full kill because the damage here is different, but as you guys can see in the top left, my accuracy is 55%.

On Lockman 5.56, now let's look at the hemlock and go through and do this same deal. Take out the first dummy. Take out the second dummy, The armor is so weird in the firing range. Take out the third 60% accuracy here, so by going through and actually testing, you can see I'm a bit more accurate initially with my Hemlock versus my General Lockman 556 build, right?

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That's going to differ between my 762, my M13, and my M4. But because of the way that they've actually adjusted the various different rifles over the course of the past few meta updates, the real meta rifle for a lot of players is going to be the one that you end up being the most accurate with, so now we're back on true game data, and what I've done is actually turned on the true ttk simulation tool, and you guys can now see underneath the face cam.

meta loadouts 2

I've entered in accuracy inputs for every rifle now, and as we saw on the hemlock, I was about 60% accurate on the Lockman 556. I was about 55 and I've gone through and filled out you know accordingly based on these other rifles where roughly I would be you know 762, a bit more recoil so I'm slightly lower on that I've been using the gist a ton lately so I'm pretty accurate with that right now and if I go through and actually click simulate on here we get a very different graph we noticed that before, the advancer was absolutely King in the mid-range here at like 46 M now, but because of the accuracy factored in, you guys can see it's actually towards the bottom of the list now with around a 2, 000 millisecond ttk or a 2C ttk As opposed to the gist for me, which I've been super accurate with now being the fastest ttk at about 46 M, and that changes over range as well when you factor in the damage per mag, the actual damage values, headshot multipliers, and upper body multipliers of these various weapons.

modern warfare 2

When you factor in accuracy, it becomes a very different story for the controller, keyboard, and mouse. Right, you can see really overrange now that the gist is my go-to and the hemlock is as bad as it was on the real ttk. Just from the raw stat chart that we saw, it's now the second-best. Now the advancer does sort of come back over time, but if you're not using an advancer at 75 M because the recoil is a bit too much, your accuracy would be much worse at 35%.

Maybe you can see the M4's damage just doesn't hold up enough over range, even if I am relatively accurate with it, similar to the M13 or something. There's a pretty drastic difference in that, so this graph can change a ton if you are someone who is constantly using the M4, and you are wildly accurate with that in specific, the M4 suddenly becomes maybe your go-to number one rifle.

modern warfare ii

You know, if you're like me and you've been using the gist all season and you're super comfortable with that recoil pattern, you're now hitting more shots with the gist versus an M13 or even a 762, which has a better ttk. On paper, and with better damage than most of these rifles, it completely changes the game.

So long story short, here is that when it comes down to the overall rifle meta. I want to really emphasize that this doesn't necessarily apply the same to lmgs or to SMGs because there's some distinct damage differences, by which I mean the rpk. And the wrap is very different in ISO 45, and the bass P is different in the close range and even in the mid-range in ISO 9.

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And you know, hurricanes are very different. But with the rifles now, they've adjusted them in ways where the stronger-hitting rifles from the past are now a little bit weaker and the weaker rifles from the past are now a little bit stronger. It's very balanced across the board, and there is no definitive number one rifle in the coming days.


I'm going to give you guys my list of the ones that I think are the best for most players going off the overall skill gap, but also for what it's worth. I should mention that if you're ever just curious, or maybe you don't want to always wait on that initial article breakdown, for the new rifles, or whatever the case may be, my Cod Munity page does have my loadouts, and I do my best to keep things up to date over there, but if you're ever curious, maybe I want to try this rifle.

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