News - Warzone 2: The Season 3 Meta Update. Best Weapons

Now the route actually got a headshot damage Nerf and then also a lot of changes to its semi-auto properties. That's not something that's super common, especially not in the meta conversations, so those are kind of irrelevant in this case. The headshot multiplier being a little bit lower and the headshot damage being a little bit lower is something that's going to be noticeable.

warzone 2

But it's still a powerhouse anywhere; it's hitting the body, whether it's a limb, the torso, or the head. As long as you can control it, the route is still going to be a fantastic option. This is one that I didn't see coming. I feel like that's something that drops it into the competitive area. I mean, I was so sold on the RPK just being a standard weapon, right?

It was nerfed a lot from when it was the absolute meta weapon, and it just felt like it was decent, and then they went ahead and nerfed it even more, which I did not expect whatsoever, so unfortunately, the RPK is catching a lot of stray animals right now. This is another strange one. The Tempest torrent caught a lot of nerfs: all of its damage ranges got nerfed; its close-to-mid-range damage also got nerfed; and the headshot damage got nerfed.

warzone 2 best weapons

Quite frankly, I don't think the Tempest torrent is really worth running that much at all. I'm dropping this one into the average category. The other rifles marks and rifles battle rifles that are super similar to it are gonna outperform, it now in a lot of ways so kind of a strange Nerf there that hurt a weapon that wasn't anything that crazy to begin with now the bass P actually got a new update too got a buff to its ads speeder its strafe speed there also its damage ranges got buffed which is nice so it's gonna have a few extra meters of damage before that drops off the, problem is that its damage still is not anything crazy for SMG gun fights now in the mid-range it's really good for Sniper support but overall I feel like without its close range damage being really good it's gonna stay in competitive but it's definitely borderline, competitive.

warzone 2 best weapons after update

And top tier, like it's super close to being able to jump up if its close range damage was just a little bit better now the lockman sub the MP5 actually got a headshot Nerf than a lot of changes to its burst fire which isn't really all that relevant but the headshot Nerf is going to make it a little bit worse than it was before still, a top tier SMG option in my opinion though, so it's going to stick around in this category but not as effective as it was pre-season, three now the mx9 This is actually a pretty fun one; it's got a sprint to fire a buff, and it's already feeling pretty solid.

Just needs the ammo, and that's why I don't feel like I can really bump the MX9 up into the top-tier category. We'll have to keep an eye on the MP7, which could potentially drop down, but for now I'm going to stick with each of those in the top tier. The SMG category overall is pretty competitive, as I said while we were talking SMGs.

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The P90, the PDS w528, didn't see any changes here, but it is by far the best SMG now, and I'm jumping that up into the absolute meta category because of that. All these other ones that were right there with it for whatever reason didn't, so it's absolutely the best SMG for Warzone 2 in my opinion right now.

warzone 2 best weapons season 3

great ttk, and incredible. Good movement, and usually here, after we've gone through all the weapon updates. I have to go through and adjust some other things based on usage and how things are evolving, but quite frankly. I don't feel like there's much that we have to change here. These are all going to fry in or unmatch when it comes to their ttks versus the other weapons beneath them in the top tier, which is very competitive right now.

You know, all these weapons have really good stats—a really good ttk, a really good recoil, or a nice mixture of both—or they can one-shot down the competitive option. All of these are close to being really, really good; they might just need one buff here or there to bump them up some. It really is what it is.

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All right, but there's not a huge point in using it. You know, to me, average and below average are kind of the same category here, if I'm being honest, but overall, we've got a lot of options here. That said, that is going to wrap things up for this one. Of course, most likely tomorrow we'll be going and breaking down all the best loadouts for these absolute meta and top-tier weapons, so stay tuned for that.

warzone 2 meta

If you're looking for the absolute best setups after the season 3 update, make sure you subscribe with those notes turned on to always get notified whenever I post a new article. That is going to wrap things up once again. I'll catch you guys later. Peace, Out.,.*.**.*

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