News - Warzone 2: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts Ranked. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

Warzone 2.0 best vaznev 9k loadout

Warzone 2.0 best vaznev 9k loadout

This is fantastically aggressive. SMG perfect for those close range fights it's got that really fast ttk, within, the first 15 meters or so great Mobility like all you could ask for in a sub right so set up here pretty standard focusing mostly on mobility and making it nice and aggressive I got the true tack rear grip better ads and Sprint to Fire and of course we're tuning to maximize that R7 stock here better Sprint speed ads, speed Crouch movement speed which is not as big of a factor as the first two but still nice to have we're tuning for a little bit better ads speed here then some stability in case you're fighting in some of the mid-range, there I've also got the Olay laser on here as well better 80 yes and Sprint to fire we're always running this kind of laser on any of our subs of course tuning.

To maximize those stats as well, casting one barrel does help with the damage range a bit here, which is one of the drawbacks of the vosnev, hence why I have it at 10 here as opposed to 789. Its first damage drop-off is a little bit quick there, so this will help out some with that. I do tune for the inverse of better mobility to gain that back, and lastly, going for the 45-round mag, just your basic kick cinemag. I hate the reload animation on this; it's very slow, it's very obnoxious, but it's kind of necessary for duo, trio, and quad gameplay.

Warzone 2.0 best lachmann sub (mp5) loadout

Warzone 2.0 best lachmann sub (mp5) loadout

Now, number nine. I've got the MP5. In the lockman sub, you'll notice that the lower part of the top 10 here is going to be a lot of these weapons that are specifically good in one direct area of engagement, like SMGs only being good at close range; obviously, things like rifles and lmgs have much more versatility there, so that's probably why they're going to be up towards the top of the list, right?

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But MP5 is again one of the fastest SMGs in the game, one of the fastest weapons in the game, so it's great for movement, great for close-range fights, and a really good TTK as well. Up here, not changing too much as of late. I've got the TCG, 10 rear grip there's no great rear grip option here just because there's not one that ads and Sprint to fire, so we'll get the best of all worlds here, get summary coil control, and tune for some better mobility to kind of get it like an all-around well-balanced attachment right 40-round mag.

In this case, if you wanted to jump up to 50 feel, free to do so keep in mind you're just going to be a little bit slower. There's seven milliwatt laser, no surprises here, better ads, and Sprint to fire Tunes to match that Locker. Throughout any of the practical gunfight engagements and ranges you're going to get into with a weapon like , next up I've got the MP7.

Warzone 2 best vel 46 (mp7) loadout

Warzone 2 best vel 46 (mp7) loadout

Personally, my favorite SMG in the game at the moment is this thing. It got some spicy buffs recently with Season 2 reloaded. It was already very, very good before that, so it's just enhanced even more now.

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It's even more lethal. It's fast it's easy to use. It's great ttk, especially in the close to midrange here for some sniper support and whatnot. I just love this gun. It feels so good. It's so consistent, so Soldier rear gripped better ads and sprinted fire tuning to match that again. Stock is based around better mobility as well.

We tuned for a little bit better stability and a little bit better ads once more with the seven milliwatt laser; yet again, no surprises here. Same tunes as always, the Tango under barrel in this case, which, as I mentioned, is a great option, as well as better steadiness and hip fire accuracy tuning for that better mobility here, and lastly.

best loadout warzone 2

I go for the lock shot KT85. This will get rid of any potential horizontal bounce, making this gun ridiculously easy to use. You're not going to be missing shots of this thing at close range. It's very straightforward, very easy, has a very low skill gap, is low-risk, and high reward.

Warzone 2 best pdsw 528 (p90) loadout

Now at number seven, I've got the P90, the PD SW528.

Quite frankly, in the MP7, you could flip-flop and there'd be an acceptable argument for each of them; they're very similar when it comes to a lot of their stats; their ttks flip-flop for the first and second best tcks; a lot in the SMG category; great movement between both of them; this one in particular wildly.

Fast because you can just focus on mobility here per usual: Q900, rear grip, better ads, and Sprint to fire Tunes to match that behind-the-scenes game. We've got the TV tacome, comb attachment again for better ads, and Sprint to fire Tunes to help out with the aim walking speed or the strafe speed and ads.

I'm not a fan of the iron sights, nor am I a fan of the real sights. I tuned for the furthest eye position and faster ads. If you're okay with the irons or if you want to use a rail, go for that, or you could go for something like overpressured ammo or a stock for Mobility if you're, you know, looking for an alternative there because you don't need that optic seven milliwatt laser yet again, better ads, and Sprint to Fire, and then I also have the Lockshot KT85. Here as well, the same deals are made before getting rid of any potential horizontal bounce, making this thing super easy to use and very reliable in the close range where it is going to absolutely fry.

Best chimera loadout in warzone 2.0

Best chimera loadout in warzone 2.0

Now at number six, we start moving into some of the more versatile options in the game, and this is where I've got the Chimera.

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Very fun, very competitive weapon here because we're using this as an AR SMG hybrid, we're really just focused on making it more aggressive overall, so brew and flash rear grip will give you that better ads, and Sprint to Fire iTune for the better Sprint to Fire and slightly better control just for some consistency 45, round mag, pretty basic there, just your standard extended mag, seven milliwatt laser for that faster ads, and Sprint to Fire yet again, keeping in mind that better mobility is what we're focused on Tango.

Owner barrels for that nice aggression are not going to hurt you too much with your mobility, but they're also going to give you some good recoil properties, so weapons are going to be easy to use. I've got the vorpal barrel on here as well; this is going to be better range, movement speed, and ad speed—three fantastic pros to have on a weapon build like this.

I tuned for the better range and steadiness; you could also go the inverse for both of those, though, and that'd be totally acceptable too. This is definitely a very versatile and fun weapon to use if you're not a big Chimera.

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