News - Warzone 2: Ranking Every Meta Weapon After Update. Warzone 2 Best Weapons


Of course, the season 2 update itself included a decent amount of weapon tuning, but since then we've seen a few additional changes, and we've also gone through and detailed some more in-depth information on certain guns that really highlights how some guns are way better than we initially thought.

And with Season 2 Reloaded on the horizon and presumably another large weapon update coming with that patch itself today, we'll see.

New crossbow in warzone 2 ␓ is it actually meta?

New crossbow in warzone 2 ␓ is it actually meta?

I wanted to prepare for that a little bit and go through our rankings of all the weapons here in Warzone, breaking down the Warzone 2 meta, and sort of adjusting things as needed and updating some things where we have them in quite some time, so We are here on the tier list, and like I said, we haven't updated this in a bit, and that's pretty apparent based on where certain weapons are currently standing in the middle right, so I've got my list of things that we need to go ahead and adjust here.

New weapon changes & meta updates in warzone 2

It'd jump out of its niche, but I don't see it really ever changing there if I'm Sincere now, initially on the first day of release, when we had gone through and played some and leveled up the broadside, it didn't seem like it was anything crazy, but then it was discovered just how good the dragon's breath were on it and also the fact that it could have that 25-round drum, and it's pretty obvious that right now the broadside is in the absolute meta category.

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That said, I would be shocked. If the broadside was not severely nerfed either, between this article going live and the launch of Season 2 Reloaded or with the Season 2 Reloaded update. I mean, the thing is very, very broken right now. For sure, there are some great subscribers, and we're going to talk about some of them, some of whom are increasing in popularity.

And value here in this article, but if somebody has a broad side, none of that matters because it's going to fry; it's insanely busted right now and way overpowered. I highly anticipate that's going to get nerfed, but as it stands, we want to be true to the current meta; it is an absolute meta weapon now.

meta after update warzone 2

On the flip side, the fennec obviously caught some large nerfs initially with these Season 2 Reloaded Updates. It wasn't anything all that crazy, but then they went through and severely nerfed it because they added the extra damage to plates, which really destroys. Its TTK close range makes it one of the slower options in comparison to some of the other top-tier ones like the Lochman SUB or the Voz Nev.

So really, this is just a competitive SMG. It's not really anything all that crazy; the mag size obviously is a huge hindrance to some because you do run out of ammo so fast, so the fennec nerf was actually really well done in my opinion. Another weapon that has definitely dropped off now is the attack V.

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For some reason, they just went all in on knocking down the attack V. It wasn't a super easy weapon to use, but it had a ridiculous ttk, and then they just destroyed the damage, so I'm going to say it's more of a competitive weapon now than anything else. I don't think average is something that low, but for most people, it's not something that is like crazy good now, so you could use it and get away with doing well with it if you are a good player, but for most people, it's not something that's going to be wildly used now.

meta update warzone 2

On the contrary, a lot of the other battle rifles saw some significant buffs, and we've actually talked about these in a article recently where, if you're looking at the stats between the semi-auto versions of some of these attack rifles, or battle rifles, and the fully auto versions. There are some really good builds out there that have extremely good TTKs.

So, for instance, here in Lochman, the 762 bumps up two competitive models. Absolutely in my opinion, the full-auto version of this has a phenomenal ttk, and the SO14 has the same deal; it honestly is competitive. Now keep in mind that when you do end up changing the properties of the gun and go from single fire to full auto, it is going to make it a bit harder to use in terms of the control of the muzzle flash, or like the smoke's going to be a bit more noticeable.

modern warfare 2

There are certain drawbacks to it, but if you are landing your shots and you can match with these guns, they're definitely very competitive. It's deserving of being in this category, and the same deal goes for the F-talk recon as well. Although this one is slightly better in single fire versus full auto, it's one that can be kind of spammed; its capacity is kind of meh; but its damage is really, really good now after all the buffs that it's received.

I love my horizons; I swear by them from the second I sit down in this room to the time that I step out for the night. They're game changers if you're looking at screens for long periods of time, whether you're creating content, working on school assignments, doing work, or whatever the case may be these.

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Are right for you, they offer prescription lenses. There are plenty of different frame options and codes. Now, here are some changes that I'm really excited to talk about. You know, a lot of these SMGs we just thought of as mediocre, but because of all the changes that have been happening over time, a couple have really risen in overall value here at the PDSW.

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I mean, in my opinion, the P90 is absolutely top tier, and frankly, the only reason I'm not keeping it in absolute meta is because I don't think there is one SMG in particular that is absolute meta, but it is now one of the top options, as we've talked about previously over the close to mid-range areas for subs.

The P90 actually has like the best ttk in the game and has extreme mobility, so it is an absolutely fantastic SMG choice right now, and another one that I would highly recommend that's kind of the same deal is the Vel46. The MP7 has seen some small tweaks here and there, but also with other SMGs being nerfed, it sort of inadvertently became a lot better and, also, now finds itself at the top in terms of having a phenomenal ttk over range.

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It's a little bit slower than maybe the P90 or the Vasna, but still a really good choice, and overall, the SMG meta in particular right now is thriving. I would say it's a super competitive category with a lot of really good options, and then frankly. I do feel like we need to bump up two weapons into that absolute meta category, namely the Chimera and the 74U.


These weapons are so similar to one another—the Chimera is still slightly edging out these 70s for you in terms of ttk, and I also prefer the feel of it, but others might prefer the feel of the 74U—and they're so similar to one another oftentimes that they've outgunned all these SMGs at close range while still having a fantastic mid-range.

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