News - Warzone 2 Has A New Game Breaking Problem

call of duty warzone

Today's article is going to be a little bit of a public service announcement, if you will, and also a bit of a message to the devs for MW2 and more specifically. Warzone 2, in regards to some very broken mechanics currently existing in Warzone 2 gameplay that are honestly borderline, game-breaking in some instances, and we got some rumors to squash as well.

The one shot sniper is not removed from warzone 2

The one shot sniper is not removed from warzone 2

So getting into it here, you might recall that a couple of days back for St. Patrick's Day we had a bit of a weekend event going on in Warzone 2 gameplay where there was a rainbow on the map and at the end of said rainbow you could find the single most powerful weapon in Warzone 2 history, the Victus XMR blueprint, that could be one shot anywhere.

It didn't matter if you shot them in the torso, in the head, in a limb, or in their big toe; it did not matter if you shot an enemy with this victus blueprint, this specific victus blueprint, for a one-shot kill. It was live for St. Patrick's Day weekend, and then the green water and the rainbows went away, and it was no longer available.

cod mw2

So you thought, turns out that currently in the game right now hackers can access the one-shot sniper still, and they can use this to absolutely destroy a lobby by cheating and using this one-shot sniper and getting those one-shot kills at any range with their aimbot, or they could use it for profit and drop it for other players.

There are quite literally people out there offering to give hackers money for them to drop them this sniper so they can use it in the game now. Now, why exactly is this happening? While the One-Shot Victis blueprint is obviously no longer available to find in all of Mazura or on Ashika Island, it is still in the actual game files even though it's been taken out, so while it doesn't exist in game, it exists within the game itself, so hackers can go in and actually use that file to give themselves this blueprint, similar to how hackers in the past have been able to use various unreleased operator skins or unreleased weapons.

cod warzone

Hey I just got one shot downed by a sniper; I thought that wasn't a thing in this game; I know I thought that blueprint was taken out; what exactly is going on here? The simple answer is someone in your game was cheating; they either accessed this sniper for themselves and gave it to themselves and were using it as a one-shot sniper, or a hacker was in the game and dropped it for another player and they started using it, or somehow the hacker, who was very bad at the game, gave themselves the sniper, died with it despite being a hacker, and then somebody else picked it up and used it and took you out.

So currently, in the game, you can still get one shot sniped despite the fact that there are no one-shot snipers available to use for all players, so this is a very, very big issue. Obviously, it is somewhat niche in the fact that there's only one of these snipers per game, so there would have to be someone hacking into your game to have this happen to you, but still, one person can have the most powerful gun in War Zone 2 history while no one else can touch it.

cod warzone 2

clearly that is a major game breaking bug, so message to any potential devs or anyone working on Call of Duty who is watching this article. A quick side note when it comes to the balancing of the one-shot snipe, since obviously part of it is implemented. This blueprint was put into the game to see how players reacted to it.

I think we can all agree that it was a little too overpowered. A sniper should never one-shot you across hundreds of meters if you're getting shot in the knee or the forearm, you know, but if you're getting headshot by it or shot in the upper torso or maybe the neck, then yes, you could have a different conversation there about whether that should be a one-shot.

Also read:

What kind of sniper would need to be able to one-shot in that situation? Should it be heavy snipers or super-slow snipers only? Should it be any snipers so that, for instance, the signal could be spammed and still one-shot headshot things. Like that are up for discussion for sure, and I think we can all agree that clearly this one-shot anywhere sniper is way too overpowered and not the direction that sniping should be going.

Also read:

I think there should probably be one-shot snipers for that category of weapon, which is not completely useless and obsolete in The Meta, but it needs to be a lot more balanced than what the blueprint was that we had for St.

Warzone 2 birdseye perk is still not removed

Warzone 2 birdseye perk is still not removed

Patrick's Day now, curiously, Enough, this is not the only thing still existing in the game that needs to be removed and needs to be updated. We've actually talked about this one before, but I saw this as the perfect opportunity to bring it back up since nothing changed since the last time I brought it up, and that is the bird's-eye view.

It was a superpower perk to have here in War Zone 2. The thing is that for a lot of players, yeah, Bird's Eye is not obviously available in War Zone 2, and you can't select that on your custom perk package, but as we've talked about before. Call of Duty introduced custom perk packages into War Zone 2 at random.

Also read:

Players had the ability to create their own custom perk packages in which they could equip Bird's Eye with whatever other perks they wanted to use. Despite the fact that bird's eye was removed from the perk pool for War Zone 2, if you were someone who had that custom perk created or that custom perk setup created before that update happened and you had bird's eye equipped, bird's eye was not removed from that specific loadout from that individual perk setup, so as long as you were to not change that class and not change those perks, bird's eye would still be active for that player, meaning that certain players have the most powerful perk available to them in the game right now so long as they don't change their class ever again, while the rest of us obviously do not have access to that, creating a major, minor imbalance.

So between this and the one-shot sniper, certain players are getting some extreme advantages in game right now due to some bugs, so just a public service announcement to any devs, we might want to look into that so that we can have a much more balanced out playing experience, because right now both of those could be causing some major issues in any given game.

The problem is that these issues are so random and specific now.

Zombies rumored to be returning to cod soon?!

Zombies rumored to be returning to cod soon?!

Moving on, as mentioned at the start of the article, we do have a quick rumor to squash here today and some more information. In the past couple of days and weeks, there have been some rumors going around that round-based zombies could be returning to Call of Duty in the near future, despite the fact that it's primarily a Treyarch thing now and obviously Treyarch's next game isn't happening until the fall of 2024.

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