News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

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Ladies and gentlemen, hey. Season Two Reloaded had a decent amount of weapon and attachment tuning included in it, and of course the meta has changed a little bit. The meta has shifted up and down in certain ways, and today we are taking a look at the broad overview of the new meta update here in Warzone 2. Taking into account we've got a brand new weapon in the Tempest torrent, we also have several different buffs and nerfs that are going to change up a decent amount here in the overall meta, so I've got my list of all the changes on the side here, hence why I'll be looking back and forth.

New tempus torrent in warzone 2 ␓ is it meta?

New tempus torrent in warzone 2 ␓ is it meta?

First things first, though, we've got to break down The Tempest, and quite frankly.

I find this to be a super, super competitive weapon, and the reason I say that is because The biggest drawback here is that yes, it is great for damage and relatively spammable, but it takes sniper ammunition, which to me is the difference between it being top tier and it being competitive; it is very.

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When you land your shots, it can fry if you were hitting head shots, neck shots, or upper torso shots through armor or not. It's got great damage, but you're so limited on ammo that you have to go out of your way to play differently or to always be carrying Munitions Boxes compared to some of these other absolute meta and top-tier guns.

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They're just so much more inviting and so much easier to use, and you don't have to worry about changing your play style to make sure that the weapon's actually usable in a gunfight. So that's a huge drawback, in my opinion, but it is still a very, very powerful weapon. In the right hands, it absolutely could be top-tier, but for most players, it's.

All season 2 reloaded meta changes

It's just going to be a competitive choice now that the first actual weapon change is kind of an interesting one, the stb556. They got a long range armor buff essentially, so they added that long range damage option for when players have armor; that's what they're doing to sort of balance things out within War Zone 2 since they have the same weapon tuning for MW2 and War Zone 2, and keep in mind this list specifically is for War Zone 2; in the coming days, we'll do another list similar to this that's just for Modern Warfare 2 multiplayers; so this doesn't work both ways; things are very different between the two.

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obviously, but despite the fact that it's going to do different damage against armor, it's now a competitive option for sure. It's got pretty low recoil, but over range, there are some better choices. Now, here's an interesting one: the row, which was the king of TT, actually caught several. Nerfs gave it long-range damage.

Nerf a headshot. Nerf an upper torso. Nerf a recoil, and a close range damage buff. I'm not sure why they included the close range buff, but overall, its most effective places are mid- to long-range, and the recoil nerf is pretty severe, so in my opinion, the route drops down into the top tier category.

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It is still going to be great for those that can use it well and use it effectively if you master that recoil pattern and you're very accurate over long range. Still an absolute powerhouse, like very few things are going to outgun it because of its sheer power and damage output, but it's much more difficult to use and not as effective as before, so still very good but not the absolute meta choice for long range anymore.

modern warfare 2

I also caught a couple updates here: a walking speed nerf and a velocity nerf, and for that reason, I also feel like this one drops them more so into the top tier category. Similar to the round and similar to some of these other options as well, it's already been sort of on the decline as of late, and frankly, you could argue that it should have been a top tier before, and that'd be a perfectly acceptable argument ever since they started attacking it because it was the number one weapon for so long, it's definitely dropped off in lethality.

You could say the second also caught a slight range nerf, and quite frankly, I feel like this also drops down into the top tier category. The aim for the end of this article essentially is to have a more diverse top tier and competitive category, whereas absolute meta no longer has nine different options in it and it's very clear-cut what is the best and what is very, very good because there is a distinction there for sure, but the second.

modern warfare ii

I mean, its damage is similar to the rpk, a little bit better now after some of the nerfs that the rpk has seen; it's much easier to use than the realm, but it's not so much better in one area than either of these, so I feel like having them all on the same level of very, very good works. Well, now the MX-9 also caught a slight buff in this update; this is an interesting one; it got a mid-range damage buff.

Now I don't feel like the MX-9 will ever be top-tier absolute meta unless one of two things happens. One, it has some damage-breaking bug that makes it kill in like two shots or two; it gets a 45- or 50-round magazine because it's stuck at 32 limits. Thank you so much. And despite the fact that it has really good close-range mid-range damage now, especially after the buff, and the fact that it has great mobility, its ammo capacity is not enough to hang with the Vozniv, the Lochman, the PDW, the Vel, and so on and so forth.

new meta warzone 2

Interesting one here; the bass P caught a buff, and you might remember in my weapon preview article from a few days back I said man. I wish they would buff the Bass P because it's one of the few SMGs that's just not all that competitive, and here we are: it got a sprint to fire buff and it got a range buff, which I feel like absolutely makes this a competitive choice now, but it still doesn't have the craziest TTK in comparison to some of the top-tier SMGs.

It would be seriously appreciated now. The PDSW 528, aka the P90, did see one new update with this patch, and it's kind of an interesting one; they basically just made the iron sights more visible; they're cleaner now, so it's not a damage buff or a range buff or anything like that; they just simply made the iron sights easier to use.

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So that doesn't change its place in the meta, but it is still absolutely one of the best SMG options right now. Now this is one that. I'm not gonna lie. SMGs. In the game, it's got great movement, and because of some of the changes that we've seen to other SMGs, it now has one of the best TTKs.

warzone 2

Up there with the P90, those two really stand out over close and mid-range, making them the most versatile options, and with this update, the MP7 got a 30-round magazine buffer, so a small magazine buffer, to make it more aggressive. I wouldn't recommend using that, though we'll break down the loadouts for all the meta weapons here in the coming days, but then it also got a close range buff as well to make it even more effective there.

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