News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Lowest Recoil Meta Weapons. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

best loadouts

So today we're breaking down the top five easiest-to-use weapons.

Warzone 2 lowest recoil taq-56 loadout

Warzone 2 lowest recoil taq-56 loadout

The top five lowest-recoil weapons, starting first with one of my personal favorites, the TAC 56, aka the scar This thing is ridiculous, straightforward, and very easy to use. Its recoil pattern here is basically to slide up into the right, so primarily vertical with a little bit of right horizontal movement.

It's very easy to counter over any range, whether it's 20 meters, 40 meters, 140mm, etc. It's going to be straightforward; it's going to be easy to use, and the setup here really enhances the control, so I go for the combat rear grip; this is going to help out with just general recoil and control, and I'm tuning to enhance that even more.

You can't ask for much more from an attachment. 40 rounded circles can be pretty basic here; you could always jump up to 62, although it will be a little bit slower. High-velocity ammunition is going to make those shots in the mid- to long-range feel even more consistent. iTunes for better velocity and damage range.

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Edge 47, under the barrel, is going to be clutched to make this super easy to use; it's going to limit that sway and just make it super stable and super consistent. I'm tuning for that better stabilization, and for that better stability, the echoless 80 suppressor will help out some with that velocity in that range, making it even more lethal over the mid-to-long range, where you're going to be landing more shots than other weapons with more difficult recoil patterns.

So despite the mediocre damage here, this thing's realistic and is going to be one of the better options for a mid-to-long-range gunfight switch.

Warzone 2 best m13 low recoil build

Warzone 2 best m13 low recoil build

You absolutely love to see another great mid-to-long-range weapon that's super easy to use, the M5 13. This thing has a crazy fire rate and a really good TTK over the mid- to long-range, and the recoil here is about as basic as it gets; it is just up and to the left consistently. Here So with that vertical movement and that slight left horizontal movement, you can counter that super easily, kind of like the inverse of the scar in some ways you could say so.

After you get used to that recoil pattern, you're going to be able to shoot this thing very straight when you're landing your shots. Those enemies do not stand a chance here. I do use an optic, but the scarred iron sights are just so clean, you've got to use them right. V4 If you have an optic you like more, whether it's a hollow therm, a 3.4, or a four times, whatever the case may be, always use what you're most comfortable with for this die position for faster ads.

On those Tunes 60-round extended mags, because the fire rate is so fast, you don't want to be reloading too much high-velocity ammo for that better range and velocity tuning to enhance that. Now for the control aspect, I really only use one attachment, and that is the echelon barrel. This is going to be for better range, better control, and better velocity.

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I tuned to enhance the recoil and the range even more; it's just that easy that you don't have to use an underbarrel in this case because the recoil is so straightforward, and frankly. I'd rather have high velocity ammo on there last. I go for the echolus 80 suppressor; I tuned for the better velocity and better ad speed to stack on top of the better range and velocity you're already getting here, so I'm just enhancing that efficiency over long-range m13s. It's been one of the lower recoil choices, and it stays one of the lower recoil choices, and you can't go wrong with this.

Lowest recoil mx9 loadout in warzone 2

Lowest recoil mx9 loadout in warzone 2

It's very easy to use now for some close-range action; recoil is not the biggest factor in those fights, right? It's not the most important thing, but it's still somewhat important, and the mx9 SMG is about as easy as it gets.

This thing just shoots straight, right? It's got a slight s-curve, but it's really just a mainly vertical recoil pattern, so in those close-range fights, you just gotta pull straight down, and this thing's going to be hitting consistently. And again, it doesn't have the wildest tck in the world, but because you're going to land the majority of your shots using this allow, there are some subs that might have a bit more sporadic recoil pattern, so first up here, 32 run accidents is a must-have.

That's the largest option, and that's still not enough, but you're going to have to make do with it. Q900, rear grip for better ads, and Sprint to fire, To maximize that even more behind the face cam, I've got the C11 Riser, comb attachment, which also helps out the ads, and Sprint to fire. I do tune for the better ads, but then slightly for the better recoil stabilization.

Just for some consistency, I go for the Chrono Mini Pro, your basic Blue Dot. I can't stand the irons on the AUG platform, so I've got to use an optic there. I go for the furthest die position and faster ads on those tunes, then lastly, the S901 barrel, Better range. better movement speed, better velocity—kind of your all-in-one barrel, honestly—and I go ahead and tune for better mobility.

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You notice that we're just focused on mobility here, basically because the recoil by itself is so easy that you can really enhance the weapon even more and make it even more aggressive for those close-range fights where you're going to dominate now as we move on into our final couple of options. It really helps the channel.

Warzone 2 lowest recoil lachmann 5.56 loadout

Warzone 2 lowest recoil lachmann 5.56 loadout

Next up, we've got a super-slept-on weapon, the Lockman 556 rifle. This thing is very easy to use, and because of that, it's realistic. Over the mid- to long-range, it's actually phenomenal. I'm really surprised more people don't use this. The recoil pattern here is basically just straight vertical; it's one of the absolute easiest in the game.

Now, the setup here does enhance the control a little bit, but really we're just focusing on enhancing the mid- to long-range efficiency as well as a mod V4. No surprises here for this position's faster ads. 40-round extended mag I don't feel like you need 60, but if you absolutely want to, go for it; it's just going to be a little bit slower.

High-velocity ammunition has better velocity in general, and tuning to enhance that in the damage range a little bit Echo, an 80 suppressor just like before, is going to be better for that velocity, and range we tune to enhance that velocity and get a slightly better ad, speed, and then lastly the wrap.

The barrel here has better velocity, better range, and better control, so it's going to make it even easier to shoot. I tuned to enhance the range and the control a little bit more as well. Once more, this weapon is so straightforward that you don't have to use an underbarrel. That way, you can capitalize on having an extended mag or having high velocity and still have a really easy setup.

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