News - Warzone 2: Major Meta Update Teased, Ttk Changes Addressed, More. One Shot Snipers

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Some sort of mini LTM, if you will, where snipers can one-shot, and it wouldn't matter if enemies had very little health, like maybe no plates, one plate on, or full health with all plates on -- it would be a one-shot sniper mode similar to how we had it for the majority of War Zone 1. But, you might also notice that right now I'm not sure what day this article is going to go out, so it's very possible it could be fixed, but at least at the start of season two snipers, it actually could.

One shot if you were to throw the incendiary ammunition type because landing A shot with your sniper to a certain part of the body, primarily the neck, head, or upper torso area, would allow for enough damage to be dealt with the sniper bullet that the incendiary burn could essentially finish the rest of the remaining health there and get a kill.

One shot kill now it's not true one shot sniping and also incendiary, which absolutely obliterates your ability to be effective with long range snipers because of the insane drop-off that it adds onto a weapon with a reduced velocity, but it's an option for snipers, apparently and potentially one shot, in a sort of cheesy way if you will now.

meta update warzone 2

One-Shot sniper playlist and one shot sniper LTM is. If it's something that is actually viable in this overall meta, they're probably going to look at the success of that LTM and say, Okay, tons and tons of players were playing this for long periods of time. The players' retention and sentiment were clearly fantastic.

There is an appeal to having one-shot snipers in the game, and they'll make their necessary balance changes and adjustments, potentially buffing snipers based on that. It's also very possible that they are currently aware, as I'm recording this, that these snipers have this One-Shot glitch with the incendiary rounds, and they're seeing how players are responding to it, you know, back at the end of War Zone 1, where we did have the point in time where snipers could only one shot within a certain range, and only the heaviest snipers could one shot over long range.

modern warfare 2

The sniping meta was definitely a lot less apparent. In the game, there were oftentimes a lot of rifles, a lot of LMGs, and very few snipers for medium- to long-range engagements. The data says so once they test things out and give us that one-shot sniper mode, so there are some interesting conversations here between the TTK and potentially changing it, which is also a very tricky thing based on how they want the game to play.

The entire meta could change with an update to snipers to make them a lot more viable. We'll have to see how things play out, of course, as any new changes are introduced in the game and the developers reveal any new information here.

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