News - Warzone 2: Hidden Attachment Stats Completely Change The Meta Loadouts. Warzone 2 Best Setups

best attachments warzone 2

We've already broken down the underbarrel stats, so when I was looking at the muzzles, I came across some pretty interesting data. Obviously, if we were to go ahead and look in-game here, you'll notice a lot of these suppressors in particular—that's what we're focusing on here—have very similar pros to our cast-off 762.

Here I've got the Custovia DX90 suppressor, and this is one that I've been promoting for several weeks at this point because it's one of the few suppressors that offers an increase to your velocity and your recoil control while not hurting your damage range. According to the cons, however, there are also others that are similar, like, for instance.

Zulu, where it says it hurts your damage range but still gives better control and velocity, but you can't tell which one actually gives more control or more velocity because those stats aren't available. You also have things like the echoline, which apparently give you just better control but no better velocity.

Things like the talents say they're giving you better recoil smoothness, but according to all the data mining and all the tests, smoothness is not really adjusting that much. However, there are actually secret benefits to this that aren't listed in the game. You have things like polar fire again, saying recoil smoothness range velocity but how much versus something like maybe the hush silencer, so there's a lot of interesting information here that is not necessarily apparent in game, and that's when we turn to Sim to figure out what's actually going on, so that's where we're at now, this is the Sim.

Hidden attachment stats change the meta setups in warzone 2

Hidden attachment stats change the meta setups in warzone 2

However, you can see it's actually hurting your damage range just behind the face cam damage range minus three percent, so your damage range, despite the Custovia, is actually hurting because it's actually reducing your damage range a little bit, also on the Zulu, as we saw this one say that it hurts your damage range, even though it's actually helping.

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Your damage range—you can see the damage range marker there—is plus five percent, so these two attachments have incorrect pros and cons on their lists. You can also see that this is helping your velocity by 117 meters a second, so a little bit better than custovia, while adding two percent to the view kick and the gun kick there, so you're actually getting a slightly better damage range and slightly better velocity at the cost of a little bit less control and a slightly slower ad time there as well.

Custovia is four whole milliseconds faster, but it's interesting to see that those stats are actually incorrect. In game, and you wouldn't have known that if we didn't have these raw datamine stats, which again, we've said this many times as we've gone through and broken down the best loadouts for stuff and the best setups in certain attachments, you can't always trust what's displayed in game.

Certain warzone 2 attachments don␙t have accurate descriptions

Certain warzone 2 attachments don␙t have accurate descriptions

The bars that we have that represent the damage range and that represent the controller's accuracy are not accurate, and it seems that the pros and cons of these are also not accurate, as we see here in the game with the Talon, which is supposed to help your recoil smoothness, your range, and your velocity, but there's nothing mentioned about control.

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But if we were to look on Sim here, if I open this back up, you can see that the Talon is actually giving you three percent control benefits there, helping out your damage range, and helping out your velocity a ton there as well, with 177. There, which is significantly better than Custovia and Zulu, for instance, though it's going to come at the cost of a slightly slower attack speed, similar control aspects, and also a much better damage range.

best setups warzone 2

Polar Fire again is an interesting one. It says recoil, smoothness, damage range velocity, and if we were to go ahead and look at the same thing here, polar fire is actually just giving you better velocity and actually giving you better range, which is particularly interesting. So this one with the plus recoil smoothness is not giving you any benefits to recoil according to the datamine stats, whereas the Talon with the recoil smoothness is giving you a better view kick by 4 percent, 3 percent horizontally, and 3 percent on your actual gun pattern as well, so we have the exact same pros here between the Talon and then also polar fire except.

They're not giving the same pros, so there are a lot of inaccuracies, and this is just one example on the 762; there are also things you want to look out for on the other weapon platforms. Obviously, a lot of the suppressors are shared between a lot of the guns in the game, and they're going to have similar stats, if not exactly the same properties (you know, three percent control at 177 meters per second on the velocity); they'll differ depending on the gun a bit, but the fact that these pros and cons are not accurate is a pretty huge deal.

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I've got you covered with all things going on in the world of Call of Duty, so if you want to stay up to date with the latest news updates and class setup tips, you'll find all that right here. Let's try to aim for 2,000 likes on this one. So what's interesting, here on the tag 56, is that currently I have the Harbinger equipped to the Zulu.

It's going to give you better sound suppression, velocity, damage range, and recoil and smoothness, and if you compare this to the Zulu, it's going to be similar except the Zulu will hurt your damage range and give you better control instead. So if we were to go ahead and look at Sim, we could see if that's actually accurate.

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So Harbinger is giving you better velocity and better recoil control again with the gun kick, and the better damage range is three percent here at 14 for the damage range. If we look at Zulu, this is supposed to hurt your damage range, but you can see the damage range multiplier is a five percent increase, so another inaccurate statement.

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There are also cons: this is also giving you a 117-mph velocity versus the 177-mph on Harbinger, and it has faster ads for one percent less. You know, kicking here has one percent less recoil, so with Zulu here, you're kind of getting more bang for your buck. It's got a 30 millisecond faster speed, only 60 less meters per second on the velocity, and one percent less on the recoil, with a decent increase to your range as well, so like you're getting a lot less cons here also, the added pro of damage range, so Harbors are going to be a lot slower for slightly better range and velocity.

Zulu. A little bit faster for basically what's going to be the same amount of recoil control if you're looking at just those two specifically, you can see echoline here is supposed to help with your recoil smoothness and only hurt your damage range, however, if we go to Sim, we can see echoline is only hurting your damage range.

Secret and Broken Attachment Stats in WARZONE 2 are Changing the META.
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