News - Every Optic Wz 2. 0. Visuals. Zoom Guide To All Optics Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2. 0

True zoom values of optics & settings

True zoom values of optics & settings

Today's article is all about the optics in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. When we're getting close to update day on February 14th, it gets kind of hard for me to make articles because I know all the weapons are going to change things like that, so this is just an idea that I had to go through all the different optics and get the actual true zoom values at 115 fov with the fov settings set to affected because I think that's probably the approximately most common setting on Warzone and Modern Warfare right now, so I got the real zoom values we're also going to change.

We'll start going through all of.

Ar, smg, shotguns, pistol iron sight and 1x zoom differences

The optics, one thing I do want to mention, are the difference between different types of weapons in their iron sight zoom or their 1X zoom, so when you use iron sights with an AR versus an SMG, you get slightly different amounts of zoom; the same with shotguns and pistols.

If you measure it, it's going to be 0.76 X compared to an AR, but if you put it on an AR, it would be 0.8 X, so a little bit more zoomed out than the SMGs, and then pistols are 0.76 X, so even more zoomed out in the shotgun, so I want to clarify that any optic on this list that is 1x is going to have those values for that specific gun, so if you put a 1x optic on a pistol, it's going to be 0.76 X compared to an AR, but if you put it on an AR, then it's going to be just the same as what the AR would have normally so.

Also read:

Anything that's 1X doesn't affect the zoom amount of the base weapon, so it doesn't change it off of the iron sight values if that makes sense, so pistols will have less zoom than an AR with any optic that's 1X just like they do with iron sights. There's not actually very much for me to talk about in this article because it's mostly just zoom values, so what I'm going to do is put the optics ads on the left side and then zoom into that image on the right side so you can see the site picture really well in both cases.

Slimline pro

Slimline pro

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