News - The Top 5 Best Shotgun Classes Warzone 2 (shotgun Meta)



I hear you, so today I'm here to give you guys the top five metas.

Bryson 800 build

The long -range build here is the build itself, and a few notable things are that we're using the rifle barrel and that we're also using the Bryson model now. I've talked about this before, but the reason I always go for the Bryson choke is because it gives you the tightest pellet spread possible out of all the chokes, even though it doesn't give you any more range.

You're tuning it for that, but I like it because it makes my shots a lot more consistent when I'm further away. So, it makes this build, even though it doesn't have as much range as using something like a suppressor or one of the other chokes, have the best spread, and it makes it so much more consistent one shot out, past that maybe 10-meter mark, that it makes it a lot better.

basilisk pistol

You can check out Sim for that if you want, but basically I stick with the Bryson show because I'd much rather have a really tight spread. Then I'm going to be using the VLK-7 milliwatt laser, but you can use the Point G3P if you're more of a hip-fire guy. I like to aim down sights a lot, so I like a snappier aim down sight speed, so that's why I opt for that, and then of course you're using the sawed-off mod as well as a demo tactical pump because we always want that good fire, and the fire rate boost we get from this is about five rounds per minute, so it's a lot better for a pump.

Action like this is a really solid build and probably one of the best shotgun loadouts you could probably have in Modern Warfare 2 just because it's so well-rounded. Such great range, very good consistency, and a nice high hip fire spread if you really want a hip fire, which I don't always recommend with this build, but it does work, so this is probably one of the best overall, but now let's go into the next one, which is going to be for the Bryson 890. The Bryson 890 is basically like the Bryson 800, but it has a little bit less range but better mobility, so we can kit it out to have a little bit more range, but it's not going to be as crazy as the price in the 800, so here's build.

Bryson 890 build

Bryson 890 build

I have for this gun as you can see we're using the Bryson tack fire; this is the barrel you want to use if you want the most range possible out of any of the other barrels; we also have the Bryson choke for reasons that I just explained seven milliwatt, again, of course, the same thing I said before, and the same thing with the other two, the sawed-off mod and the demo x50 tactical pump; very, very similar builds; the only difference is really just the barrel attachment; and the one-shot kill isn't going to be as good as the Bryson 800; on the other build, on the Bryson 800, the one-shot kill range was about 16.9 meters, but for the breast in a 90, you're going to get about 14.7 meters.

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With this build, it's not as good, but it's still great. You do have better mobility, a better aimed on site speed, and all that good stuff, even though it does shoot a little bit slower. We make up for it with, of course, that tactical pump. But this is another great build. Some might argue it's better than the 800 because it has a magazine with eight rounds in it already.

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is really nice, but I think that comes down to preference because I personally like loading in shell by shell, but I realize not a lot of people do so, so I can see why some people might say that the 890 is better, but they're both very good Shopkins, and I love them both. Next, we're going to look at the Lockwood 300, which can be a little bit finicky since it only has two shots, and I found it kind of inconsistent.

When I used it a lot. It's really slow, and I think that this build really suits this gun in general.

Lockwood 300 build

Lockwood 300 build

So, this is the hip-fire build for the Lockwood 300. As you can see, a lot of our attachments are basically going to help with that tight hip fit. So with the Machuzek A12 barrel, we're getting better range and a nice tight spread.

Same with the Bryson Series 12 Choke, this is like the Bryson Choke where you don't really get much range; it's more just for that super tight pellet spread, and then of course we have the VX pineapple grip. The secret to that is that you basically want to equip the VX pineapple grip or any of the other grips that have tuning so you can tune them for hip fire accuracy, and that's how you get an even better hit from a reticle that makes it super tight, and then of course we're going to use the point G3P laser to get us a nice tight hip fire spread, as well as a better sprint to fire speed and the high stock mod that's going to keep our hip fire reticle nice and tight when we move around.

best class modern warfare 2

This is a fun build to use, and it's definitely different. You can aim down sights at times if you want. I do find myself wondering if someone's kind of further out; maybe they're sprinting away from me or maybe they don't know I'm there. I'll pre-aim, you know, just kind of aim and make sure I get that one-shot kill, but generally I'm kind of walking around corners with this thing hit, firing as much as I can because I found the hipfire to be very, very good with this particular build, and it's so nice to have such a quick follow-up shot even though you only get two shots.

Having a follow-up shot this fast is really nice. Actually, this is really nice, and especially in Modern Warfare 2, when you usually run into one or two people, you can kind of get one shot for each of them, and then you're usually okay. Just make sure to run fast ends on this build, and you're good to go.

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Next, we're going to take a look at the expert I-12, and if you've seen my articles before, you know that this is one that I think is highly underrated, and it's probably one of the best shotguns in the game because it's got a great one-shot potential for how fast it shoots. It doesn't shoot amazingly fast, but compared to the others, it's pretty damn good. So, for this one, Bryson, We're going to use a seven-milliwatt laser because, in my opinion, aiming down sides with this one is more important than a lot of the other ones.

Expedite 12 build

Expedite 12 build

We also have the Schlager, Resonance, and Schlager Void grips to get a better sprint to fire speed as well as a better aim down sight speed.

Mobility overall, and then the most important attachment is the expedite elbow because we really need that faster fire rate. It's doable without this, but to be honest, why would you ever not run this thing? It's just so important, in my opinion, now. Like I said, this one is very good, and your one-shot kill potential is at around 10 meters now with the Bryson 800.

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