News - Tremendous Stopping Power" Slugs On The Lockwood 300 For Warzone 2. 0 (stats And Best Class)

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Well, it's time to snap back into reality because in today's article, we're going to be talking about the Lockwood 300. Warzone 2, and more specifically, slugs, because I know I'll be getting a lot of requests for this, which are these sort of secret meta that not a lot of people use because I don't think I've seen anybody at all use these things.

We're going to dissect it today. I finally figured out the damage profiles and how they work with all the multipliers, so we're going to get into some nerdy damage stuff and then we're going to talk about the best classes, show off the gun a little bit, and then we'll get into my thoughts overall, so if you're down for that, make sure to stick around and Let's just get into it.

Comparing it to the 725 slugs

Comparing it to the 725 slugs

Slugs are a strange beast, to say the least, in this game because they're not quite as strong as they were in War Zone 1. If you remember in War Zone 1, a lot of them, specifically the 725, would one-shot headshots and could two-shot body shots or chest shots. Really, man, they were so much fun, and I missed them so much, unfortunately.

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The lock with 300 slugs falls short by just a little bit compared to its counterpart in the original war zone, which is really sad for me because I love them so much now. Let's go ahead and get into the damage, and I'll show you guys.

Damage and ranges overview

What's kind of going on, so here we are in spreadsheet simulator land where I'm just going to go over all this stuff kind of on paper to show you what's going on behind the scenes also, a huge shout out to Sim.

best shotgun modern warfare 2

GG I'm using their dummy models here to kind of represent some numbers and data and stuff. It's just capped at that for now. I think that's just something they're working on the site, or there might be some scripts behind the scenes that they can't really see with the damage, so that's where I come in.

I'm going in-game to test this stuff with a dummy account, and here is what I have found. So basically, we have multipliers that are done on different parts of the body. For the arms, it's basically our 1.0 hex, where we deal 100 damage flat, and then for the stomach, it's 1.2, the chest is 1.3, and then 1.62.

For head shots, what that means is that no, there is no way to get a one-shot kill or one-shot headshot with the lock and 300 slugs, but essentially, you're going to have to hit at least one headshot and one other part of the body that's not arms or legs, or, well, you can hit arms but you can hit legs once we get out to these further distances, and you see that the body multipliers stay this same, but the damage just changed a little bit so for example in that second range for about 13.2.

Meters you basically have to hit one headshot along with a stomach or a chest shot so that's not awful I mean having to hit a headshot that's, pretty difficult especially considering you're this close only 13 meters it's. It's definitely a hard thing to do, especially when people are trying to jump around a lot.

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If someone's sitting around, it's not as bad, but just the fact that Haven hasn't hit a headshot makes this thing really complicated to use in its third range, as you can see out to about 43 meters, which is really nice. You still do 129 damage per headshot, which means you can still two-shot a headshot, but the real big thing here is you can't do a headshot plus a chest shot; it has to be two consecutive headshots, which, again, makes this very difficult to use and, of course, past that range of 49 meters.

I'm sorry, 43 meters, plus it's.

Downsides and difficulties

Downsides and difficulties

Basically, you can't two-shot at all; you can't get two-shot headshots or anything, so Let's get into some sort of detail about this kind of build because it can be very difficult to use for a few different reasons. One is that slugs in this game are very inaccurate, so if you haven't tried them out yet in multiplayer or just in private matches, you'll know that up close to a certain distance they're really not too difficult; it means you still have to aim and hit your shots in that sense, but once you get further out maybe past that 40-meter range or so, it starts to kind of veer off in certain weird directions where you aim at someone's head and it might veer off and hit their toe elsewhere, like a couple feet away.

Really weird like that, very inaccurate at times, so as long as you're up close and not pushing the range too far, you can get some pretty good consistent shots, but another big downside to these is that the muzzle velocity is very slow. If you compare it to something like a standard AR, just a base AR, it's going to shoot at least two times slower.

I mean, they're really slow compared to a lot of other guns, which means you have to lead your shots in quite a lot of situations with these, especially in war zone especially, in war zone because there's going to be a lot more long distance battles, so you really have to be mindful of that. It also makes it difficult to use things like the sawed-off stock because the thing about the sawed-off stock is that it makes your aiming very stable. Very so it's possible to use it, and you get such a nice aimed outside speed bonus that it is pretty tempting to use, but in all honesty, you are probably better off using something with stability or just aiming down sights and not anything like that is a stock mod.

Sniper build

Sniper build

really hurts your visibility, so getting here into my two favorite builds, this is going to be sort of your long range trying to snipe if you want to call it that build, so for this one we're basically getting our max bullet velocity with, these two attachments basically the biggest barrel we have which is going to help with the tighter pellet spread as well which, in turn, helps with slugs and their inaccuracies at further distances, and then we do have the second db107.

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Which gives us a great boost in bullet velocity as well it's also going to be as fast as an AR but it does help and it's also going to keep us suppressed which is also nice you also get the most range from both of these attachments, in total now, of course we have slugs as well and then we also have the seven milliwatt laser because we do want somewhat of a Snappy aim down side speed and also it helps with the aiming stability which is really important and then of course we have our beautiful.

best shotgun warzone 2

65.3x magnification and scope, which is just something you kind of need to have if you're going to go all out and snipe with this thing.

Close to medium range build

It's just kind of funny that it's a little trolly; you don't have to use it, but I think most people are probably going to want to use it, especially content creators looking for that next build so for my other more favorite build for this thing is going to be the more standard more, close to medium range engagements build and, that is this build so we have the 711 Matusek.

Slugs on the Lockwood 300 harken back to slugs on the 725 from the original Warzone. They were incredibly fun, but difficult to use. With extreme damage and "tremendous stopping power", they were a good choice for people looking to try something new with some utility.
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