News - The Most Cursed Shotgun Build Warzone 2 (and Why You Should Use It)

basilisk pistol

All right Vaqueros Here's the deal: I'm kind of going insane playing Modern Warfare 2. I'm just kind of bored and also just kind of frustrated by the game constantly feeling like it's working against me, and I've just gotten to a point where I feel dull to the pain, and this article is kind of a byproduct of that because this build is hilariously weird and obviously it's not the best shocking class in the world; it's actually pretty bad, but it looks so damn ridiculous, and it plays kind of okay, at least if you're really, really close enough to get good reactions, and this will get you some good reactions.

If you play Search and Destroy, you have a shotgun that looks like this, with the pink camo being the cherry on top.

Cursed class

Cursed class

So to speak, here's the build. Have at it. I mean, it really is that simple. The big thing that you want to do here is make the gun look as ridiculous as you can, and that means having a super-small barrel with a giant suppressor and a giant sniper rifle scope. Really, what's going to get these reactions from people?

Also read:

Using dragon's breath has been the most fun for me, but if you want to go a little bit even crazier and get some weird reactions, just swap this barrel because then you can actually snipe people and put the scope to use, which is fun but very difficult, and because of the suppressors you put on it, your aim's downside speed is going to be very slow even with this barrel because you'd think with this and with like no stock or the stockless pistol grip that you're aiming, speed would be pretty fast, but it's really not so.

It's not really for quick scoping, but it's ridiculously fun. I will say another alternative, like you probably saw in the article, is to just use the Bryson choke to get an even tighter spread so that the bloom helps with the slug so you're getting a little bit more accurate shots, and also it does help with dragon's breath as well because the spread on this barrel, the 8-inch barrel, is a little crazy and it can get you killed because you'll get a lot of hit markers, especially with dragon's breath, unless you're barrel stuffing.

So just be mindful of that, but look how ridiculous it is, especially with this suppressor. I mean, what the hell is that?.

Thoughts overall

Thoughts overall

I don't know; I'm kind of in love in a weird way, but maybe I've just lost my mind, and guys, that's kind of it. I mean, the gun performs decently. Well, if you're within, like, seven meters of range and you're using that suppressor, it can get a little wonky because you don't have that nice tight spread from the Bryson choke, even though you do have a little bit more range.

It's not going to really feel like it's going to feel a little bit more inconsistent, because it's just so wonky to hit fire with this tiny little barrel that makes your spread so wide that even though it's technically giving you more range, it's not going to really feel like it, but I like it because, like I said, just look at it.

best class modern warfare 2

It adds so much to the gun in terms of its aesthetic because it looks so ridiculous, but if you're trying to be at least somewhat effective. If you're decent, okay, and good with the gun, you might want to opt for the Bryson choke instead to really get a tighter pellet spread that might make it a little bit more feasible to get your one-shot kills; otherwise, expect to get a lot of two- and three-shot kills, especially.

If you're using dragon's breath and pushing the range because we already know dragon's breath man that thing just kills your range, I said that's really it. I'm just kind of losing my mind playing this game, and I can't wait for some more content. Hopefully, we get a new shotgun; hopefully, that comes soon.

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I know the 15th is when the update is, but we get a Resurgence map that's going to be fun. At least I can try to get more Warzone content out there because I'm kind of done covering Warzone until the 15th unless something miraculous happens and they do an update. and, I don't know, buff a shotgun or something, but I have a few other fun gun builds coming and maybe I'll do another Cod mobile article.

If you play Search and Destroy, trust me, give it a shot; you're going to get some fun reactions.

I have been losing my sanity playing MWII, and to compliment this I decided to build the most cursed setup I could think of for the shotguns. Behold, the cursed Bryson 800 in all of it's glory! It isn't very good, but it does have some potential. And hey, it can get you some fun reactions.
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