News - The Best Shotgun Warzone 2. 0. Expedite 12. Best Class And Stats



Today's article is going to cover the Expedited 12 and why I think it's probably the best shotgun to use right now in Warzone. Now, it's a little subjective, and this is just kind of based off of my initial impressions of what I think works for a lot of different people, and honestly, the expedite 12 is a beast in its own right, so what I'm going to do is go over some basic stats and stuff like that, go over the class, and then give my thoughts on it overall.

If you're ready for it, let's go ahead and get into it.


The first thing I want to talk about is the damage, so if we take a look at Sim. GG, you'll see that you deal a hundred damage per pellet, which comes out to about 2.5 meters, and that is with no armor on. If you remember my last article, armor basically caps the damage you do per pellet depending on the shotgun, and for the expedite 12 in its first two ranges, it caps the damage at 30 damage propellant, which means that even though it says 100 here, you're dealing if they don't have any armor, which is pretty disgusting, so you're dealing if they have armor, but the moment they don't have any armor on, you'll deal 100 propellant, which means if they don't have any armor, and you're if they don't have any armor, but the moment they don't have any armor, which is pretty disgusting, you're dealing with 120. Damage for that initial shot and then for that second shot since the pellet cap is going to be taken off because you don't have any more armor, you're dealing basically kill him in two shots and that applies to the first two ranges which are basically making this gun have a two shot range of about 4.1 meters That's, not really that long, that's pretty short, but then we do have a three-shot kill out to about 10.4 meters, so that's actually not too bad.



That's more akin to like the Gala was in war zone one if you remember that had a really good three-shot range, and also the Jack 12 also had a really great three-shot range, but this gun, the expedite, does not have nearly that fast of a fire rate so it's gonna be a little bit hard to use in some situations.

Fire rate and ttk

Now, one important thing to note about these shotguns is how fast it shoots, and with the expedite, that's the best thing it has going for it. It's sort of a mix between the great fire rate and something a little more akin to the Gala. So that's akin to the Galakin, so that's more akin to the Galakin to the Galakin to like the Galakin to the a four-shot range, but the three-shot kill for two-shot kills is about 472 milliseconds.

best class modern warfare 2

I really can't say is the best in war zone 2 because we have so many guns that can just absolutely destroy you up close like the fennec my lord it's so frustrating to play against so, it can be a little difficult to challenge them at times but you deal so much damage and it does have a pretty decent fire you can kind of make it work so it's not awful trust me it's still very serviceable now, the thing is this gun also has an attachment to increase that fire rate which I always recommend at least for the Buckshot version and the Dragon's Breath version of this gun and that is the expedite L bolt which takes that rate of roughly to about 145.

Rounds per minute which, gives you a time to kill of about 413. Milliseconds, so that is a little bit better, but it's still not as fast as some of these SMGs, but hey it's a shotgun and we'll take what we can get now if you do take another third shot to kill it's basically going to double that time to kill so you're getting into like the pump action kind of rate of fire time to kill territory which is really not good but realist Basically, it's going to happen; it's not just going to be two-shot kills, even if you're close sometimes.

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You're just a little bit off with your aim, and so you're going to get three-shot kills or four-shot kills, so you kind of have to rely on the enemy being a little bit inaccurate, which makes this gun pretty challenging, even though it's sort of the spammy quote-unquote gun of the game. Not really super easy to use in a lot of situations, but it's a lot more forgiving than the other ones; the other shotguns are not nearly as forgiving, and of course the rate of fire really helps this one, so that's what this one has going for it now what I want to talk about is real-world performance.

Dragon's breath

Dragon's breath

You do a little bit less damage per pellet initially, but there is a burn that, at least in its first couple ranges, takes it past the damage that you could do with normal rounds, so that's pretty cool, and with it, it also seems like you get a better two-shock. Hill range, so with dragon's breath equipped.

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I was getting a two-shot kill of about five meters, so that's basically better from 4.1 to 5, that's not bad, that's a good little boost right, and plus you get a little bit more damage, so you might be thinking, "Okay, why not just use that?" Well, the problem I ran into was this kind of weird issue where in that third range, essentially past five meters for dragon's breath, really where you should be dealing about 25 damage per pellet without dragon's breath, you can't really effectively use it.

best expedite 12 class

Three-shot kills with dragon's breath are super strange, but if you're hitting body shots without head shots. I notice that it takes your health down to one, like basically just one health, and you have just a tiny sliver. I think some sniper rifles even do that, but it seems like the burn can't actually kill you if you're hitting body shots, but if you mix in some head shots, can you actually kill three people with dragon's breath?

It's a little strange, and I think they did that for balancing purposes. I don't really agree with it, but, hey, it is what it is, so if you're using dragon's breath, you better be a lot closer because it's definitely effective in most situations. Take four shots to kill if you're past that five-meter mark.

best shotgun modern warfare 2

I don't always think that dragon's breath is the best option to go with a War Zone on this shotgun, it's going to feel more like more of weird if you can hit headshots sure but that's just practically not going to happen very often so even though you do get a little bit more damage up close with dragon's breath and it's going to feel like more of a cannon, you're really only limited to that five-meter range at least with the base gun with no attachments, so I don't recommend it for most players.

I say just stick with buckshot, and you'll at least have a little bit more range and a little bit more consistency, and this is a shotgun where, if you have dragon's breath, the way that it shoots with the flames combined with the recoil of this gun can make it kind of hard to hit your shots, so I honestly just say stick with the bass rounds.

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The Expedite 12 is an amazing shotgun in WZ2. It has a great fire rate, awesome damage, and the class I'll give you will help deal with the gun's frustrating recoil. I even offer a best class for those who don't care as much about recoil and can manage it just fine with a high speed and mobility build.
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