News - The Shotgun "quick Scoping" Class Of Warzone 2. 0. Explosive Slugs On The Bryson 800 For Aggression



In today's article, we're going to be taking a look at the Bryson 800 with explosive rounds, one of my new favorite ways to run this gun in Warzone, and it is a lot of fun. But what we're going to do is go over the damage profile and the ranges on {128}, and then we'll go over the class in game to kind of show you guys how I built it mostly for speed and aggression, but I'll give you guys some pointers for some other ways to build it as well.

So without further ado, let's go ahead and hop into {128} and check out the stats for the gun.

Damage and ranges stats

Alright guys, so here we are on SIM, And here are the explosive rounds for the Bryson 800. As you can see, we do a lot of headshot damage out to about six and a half meters, but the really cool thing here is that we can hit one stomach shot and one chest shot, and that will give us 250 health, and that basically is a two-shot kill.

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Unfortunately, there are no one-shot headshots or one-shot kills for the slugs, but this is actually really good because it means you just have to hit two shots above the waist as long as you don't really hit the arms, and bam, you get a two-shot kill off to six and a half meters. That's not as good as, like, dragon's breath, where you don't have to be as accurate, but still, it gets a little bit better after this range, so you see that from about 6.5 to about 19 meters, we can still do a ton of headshot damage, so basically, you need to hit one headshot along with one chest or stomach shot, and that will give you a two-shot kill.

That is pretty difficult to do in a lot of situations because having to hit consistent headshots can be a bit of a challenge, but if you're a good player and you can really aim high, aim true, and, you know, hit those dang shots, well, this will be a fun build to use, and it's really rewarding if you can do that.

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It's almost like a hybrid between a shotgun and a marksman rifle. Now if you go out past 19 meters out to about 46, as you can see, we can still get a two-shot headshot, but you can't really get anything other than that; it's going to take three body shots, so it starts to get a little bit more unforgiving past 46 meters out to 94.

Again, you can't really do much here. You need to hit three headshots and four body shots, and it gets a little crazy, so this isn't really a sniper shotgun per se. You can do it, but the real trick is getting these slug shotguns to work. This game in Warzone is about getting into that close-to-medium range, so about zero to 20 meters is where you want to be, and really aiming high. You really want to hit those upper chest shots, those head shots, and that is how you're going to take these people down, so here we are in game in the create a class section.

Best class for bryson 800 explosive slugs

Best class for bryson 800 explosive slugs

As you can see, this is my speed, aggression, and explosive slug build. This is very good because you are so quick on your feet, you have great strafe speed, and it is just a monster of a gun when it comes to your mobility.

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I mean, just look how quickly you can move around, and look how quickly you can aim down sights. I mean, that's a little ridiculous, but you can still hit some good shots. It's a little far; you probably won't be able to hit it simply because it's so far. Hit it there, but the slugs get very inaccurate at those distances, so really your best bet is to stay in this sort of zero, to 20 meter range; that's the kind of sweet spot you want to be in with slugs, as I found out.

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Really, you don't want to be sniping too much with these because they get so inaccurate. It's possible, but I don't recommend it now. If this is a little too much for you, for example, if you notice that when I move left and right when I'm aiming, the sights are a little wobbly, if that's too much for you, there are two ways you can fix that first swap: by swapping out the Bryson choke for the rifle barrel.

This will give you more range, and it's also going to keep your sights a lot cleaner. As you can see, there's no ghost ring site; it's basically just a little pin right here at the end, and it can be nice and it can be done. It is a little bit easier to kind of strafe left and right with it on, but if you do want to keep the choke on instead, which helps us with our tighter spread and helps with the bloom that slugs, what we can do, what we can do, is swap out the sawed-off mod for the FSS Guardian stock, which gives us some stability as well as some good speed benefits, and, as you can see when I move left and right, we don't move as fast, but look how steady that is! I mean.

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This is just downright nasty, how stable it is when you move left and right, so even though you're a little bit slower, you can hit shots a lot more effectively if you choose that stock, but I like to be aggressive and get in people's faces, so I typically go for this in wars, in particular in multiplayer, where it's a little bit different since you can one-shot kill, but the demo X50 tactical pump is great because it gives us a rate of fire boost as well as aiming on side speed, so I always recommend this attachment in particular.

You might notice it only gives you aiming idle stability, but you can actually tune the attachment to give you just a little bit more aiming downside speed, and your sweet spot is going to be around this area right here. You can even just max it out because of recoil. Stabilization doesn't matter too much with the pump action, so you could just put it all the way down, and then you'd still have a very snappy aim and sight speed.

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I mean, that's just really, really nice. So slugs are a little bit of a weird beast because they do have a very slow muzzle velocity, and like I said before, they're also very inaccurate at longer ranges. Sometimes you can hit some good shots; sometimes it's very difficult, but, like I said, this build is right here if I just put on my laser; this is my go-to; this is how you want to play if you want to be aggressive and hit those close-range shots overall.

Thoughts overall

Thoughts overall

My thoughts on this gun in this build are that it's a very skilled gun to use, but it's also a lot of fun, and it's just so much fun to use slugs in general in Warzone even though they're very difficult to use in a lot of ways.

I treat them as hybrids: a marksman rifle shotgun with not as much range as a marksman rifle but more range than a traditional shotgun was spread, but it's also harder to use, and because of the inaccuracies of slugs, you have to use a choke or a suppressor; it can be a little bit daunting, but I really don't recommend sniping per se with these things.

Explosive Slugs have some quirks, but are ultimately a really fun way to run the Bryson 800. They deal great damage and have a decent fire rate for a pump action. My build is catered towards aggressive players who want good sprint speed, ADS speed, and overall mobility. Feel free to use a scope for more of a "sniper" feel.
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