News - Destroy Fennec Users With This Shotgun Warzone 2. 0. Lockwood 300 Is Amazing For 1v1 Cqb Fights



What if there was a shotgun that actually killed faster than both of these things, that's right, the Lockwood 300 is actually a monster of a shotgun with the right setup, and you have to have the right setup, that's the key here, or this gun can really get you killed; it is high-risk. High reward to the max, and it is a ton of fun as well, so today's article is all about the Lockwood 300 and why I think it's one of the best guns in the game for CQB and 1v1s, with one of the fastest kill times in the entire game as well.

So without further ado, let's hop into it, starting with some of the damage and ranges.

Damage and ranges (base gun)

So the first thing I want to talk about with this gun is the damage you can do and the range for that damage. So up close, out to about 1.8 meters, you'll deal about 200 damage per shot, and then out to about 5.8 meters, you can deal about 136 damage per shot.

Now, that number might vary a little bit; it'll probably be a little bit higher, but as long as you hit your four pellets, you're going to deal at least 136 damage in that second range and at least 200 damage in the first damage range, so that 5.8 meters is your max 2-shot range for the base gun, and that really isn't that great, but we can extend it with some attachments. Now the really other great thing about this gun is the fire rate because it only has two shots, but those two shots can fire very quickly, and it has about 83 rounds per minute.

Rate of fire and ttk

Rate of fire and ttk

According to Sim. GG, which puts our two-shot time to kill at about 350 milliseconds, which is faster than any of the other shotguns, including the expert I-12 with dragon's breath and its faster bolt for fire rate, and also faster than the fennec up close, this is one of the fastest times to kill in Warzone that I know of, and this thing is no joke, and it's so awesome to use for one-on-ones.

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In my opinion, this is one of the best shotguns to use for one-on-one engagements if you can get really close to them and get those two shots off.

The downsides.

This is one of the best shotguns in the game for that, but unfortunately, this leads me into the sort of downsides of this gun, which are the two shots, of course, and that's the very big, obvious one.

You only have two shots and then a reload, which is kind of a bummer on this one because you don't really get loadouts as often as you used to, and you need to have fast hands to make it work because your reload is about two seconds without sleight of hand, and that is with the base gun, so it works.

You need to have fast hands to make it work. You need to have fast hands to make it work. Your reload is about two seconds without It's just not good to have only two shots, so it puts you at a pretty significant disadvantage unless you get those two shots, so it's really, really high risk. High reward, and I'd say the reward is actually pretty good as long as you can make it in those first two damage ranges, but this leads me to my next really big deal breaker, and that is the damage potential when hip firing versus aim down sights. So I went in and tested this, and the same thing that happened in war zone one with the 725 is happening in war zone two.

The real deal breaker

The real deal breaker

So essentially, if you are hip-firing this gun with the base ammo type, your damage when you hit fire is limited to only three pellets. If you aim down sights, it goes up to four.

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You deal about 2,200 damage if you aim down sights, but when you hit fire, you're only going to deal about 150. This makes it very difficult to hit fire if you're using this with a range build, and if you're not in that first damage range, you're not going to get a two-shot kill. It's just not going to happen, and it's going to screw you over pretty badly.

That's why I think a lot of people are complaining about this gun on Reddit. I've seen a few bad clips because they tend to hit fire with this gun, and they don't know that you really can't hit fire with this thing unless you're Point Blank, like you legitimately can't, and you won't get the two-shot kill.

Dragon's breath stats

Dragon's breath stats

That is a big deal breaker, but I have one big but about that, and that is dragon's breath, because dragon's breath, in my opinion, just like with the other shotguns, is the way to go with this shotgun. So now let's go over dragon's breath and why I think it's so good. So the interesting thing about dragon's breath is that it seems to increase the damage you can do overall, and it also seems to increase your damage ranges, which is really nice.

So again, there's really no reason not to use it, but up close and personal, your damage is going from about 200 to about 220. Now it was a little bit finicky; sometimes it'd be like 210, and other times it'd be 220. It was probably something to do with the in-game stats and how they're rounding the numbers, but just know it's probably going to be around 210 to 220 points of damage, which is still better than of course the base 200.

In that next damage range, instead of dealing about 136 base damage, it's going to be more about 142. So again, that's basically just a flat increase to the damage you do, which is really nice. Now the ranges are also increased, and as you can see, they go up to about 3.3 for the max damage range and then 7.1 for the second range, so that means that your dragon's breath two-shot potential is basically extending from about 5.8 to 7.1. So again, as you can see, that's really the way to go, and that's with no attachments, so we can get this thing even better with ranged attachments.

The best thing about dragon's breath

The best thing about dragon's breath

The next great thing about Dragon's Breath is that it completely removes that mechanic where three pellets deal less damage, so you're basically getting that four pellet cap now overall, whether you hit fire or aim downsides.

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It's a four-pellet cap now, so you're always going to deal 200 damage up close, or 210 if you hit fire or aim down sights up close in someone's face. is another great thing about dragon's breath and another reason why it's the best way to go overall. I will say that sometimes it does feel a little strange with dragon's breath, like you kind of have to wait for that burn to kick in to really get that effective two-shot, but sometimes it doesn't really matter.

I've kind of had a finicky time with it at ranges, but overall I find it to be a lot more consistent than the base gun, for obvious reasons. So, now what I want to do is go over my favorite two classes that I've been running on this thing and what attachments I think you should be using for.

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