News - Destroy Fennec Users With This Shotgun Warzone 2. 0. Lockwood 300 Is Amazing For 1v1 Cqb Fights

Range build

best class modern warfare 2

The first build is going to be the ranged-focused, best two-shot kill class in Warzone; it has the best two-shot range out of all the shotguns, and that is going to be with the Matusek, an A12 barrel, and the second D-107, suppressor, dragon's breath, the demo carbon guard to get us a little bit better sprint speed because we need to be a little bit more mobile with this build, and then the high stock mod.

Now the big thing about this one is that suppressor. You can use the second db0107, or you can use the GW Max 99. I did notice they basically both give you the same boost to your damage range, but the second db107 gives you a little bit less of a penalty to your aimed on sight speed, so I usually offer that one now.

It used to be the GW Max 99, but ever since Sim. GG came out, it looks like that's not really the best way to go, so just go with the second DB107. Now another good class is.

Mobility build with sawed off barrel

Mobility build with sawed off barrel

I love to use this with the 11-inch barrel because now it's a little bit more viable since we don't have to deal with one shock hill. We're just trying to get up close and get those two shots off as quick as we can, and, boy, does this build feel so good? I love it.

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It's basically just swapping out that barrel for the 11-inch special barrel. You still want to keep the suppressor because you want that extra range with this thing, and this build is so much fun that you're going to see a lot of it in my gameplay. I've been having a blast with this thing, no pun intended.

It is just such a great time now, when you put on the 812 barrel and you do put on that second DB107. With dragon's breath, your two shots are around nine and a half meters, which is the best in class but not by a whole lot. I think the Bryson 800 could get to about 9.3, so it's pretty close there, but when you put on that 11-inch Bryson Special Barrel, it takes that down to about 7.6 meters with the suppressor, of course.

best expedite 12 class

I honestly think it's totally worth the trade-off for how quick you can be on your feet and how quick you can get inbound sights. I think this is one of the better builds, in all honesty, and I really enjoy using the good mobility from this barrel.

Thoughts overall

Thoughts overall

This barrel and, overall, my thoughts on this gun are: I love it; I've actually come to enjoy it quite a bit. It's like my go-to now for one-on-one engagements, at least with dragon's breath, and if you're tired of dying to some guns up close so fast, just spit this in their face, just throw a double barrel in their face, and it's going to kill them so quick they won't even have time to blink.

I mean, it's so fast and it's so effective that I really, really encourage you guys to try it out, especially that 11-inch barrel. It's just so much fun, and I really encourage you guys to try it. It's a little weird having only two shots, but again, dragon's breath is a must; don't forget that, and honestly, it's just too much of a good time.

best shotgun modern warfare 2

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