News - 5 Pro Tips To Instantly Improve Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Warzone 2 Tips & Tricks

cod pro player

Look at the CDL. Look at the Challenger scene. There's plenty of kids that can shoot their guns, so pay attention to your mini map and understand what your teammates are holding, whether it's power positions or just simply blocking spawns. For example, it's common to hear someone scream; I thought you were watching that, and sometimes it can be misread on your part or your teammates are simply camping in the corner for useless kills.

I need you to basically check that mini map almost every 2 to 3 seconds and, basically, understand what's going on because if you're not, it's basically like driving a car without checking your rear mirror or your back mirror to understand what's going on the road, so just start paying more attention to these details and watch your game play improve just like drastically.

cod ranked meta

Just always ask yourself when you're playing Call of Duty, and rank if you have a bad game or a good game, what could I have done better? What were the mistakes that I made? A lot of people just have a really high ego when playing, and they think that they're going to get a CDL contract in about 2 months, but what you really need to understand is that even though bad or good, ask yourself what I could have done better to have a better game so I can obviously become that godlike player I really want to truly The next tip I want to talk about for number four is: Let's talk about communication.

Communication (how to call out)

Communication (how to call out)

Factor is a key in Call of Duty, so do you have that teammate who's still basically saying he's right there? Yeah, it's about time that you tag him in here so I can help him out, so how do you upgrade your communication? For example, since you're playing ranked, also watch Call of Duty League, and you definitely heard listening to how they communicate.

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I'm going to assume that you probably had your mind blowing off because when you're in rank, no one's calling out like that, and that's the thing: the problem is that the commonality of callouts is basically just saying where you died, like he's in our spawn, he's top AC, so what I want you to start doing is just adding a little bit more detail to these callouts to help your teammates instead of just saying where you died.

mcw ranked play

Add information, like he's in our spawn, but maybe he's also advertising. He's not moving, or he's probably just full-head sprinting at you towards you. What this is doing is giving your teammates more information to act on rather than just knowing where you died because many people, like myself, always look at the mini map, and it's not really helping for what you're trying to say when people give me instant callouts, like for me.

I'm a big fan of fast callouts, but some people are just really good at it, like wanting to have it. Well-read-out words, but for me it's like, especially when I'm in the middle of taking out one to two guys and I don't have the time to check my mini map, it's like a wakeup call when someone goes.

modern warfare 3

Hey, just one more guy pushing you on your left. A little tip that can help you guys get more attention from your teammates is to use certain gamertags. To focus your attention on a specific individual, just start using the ping option. I always live with people who tend to get away from me. It's like a CH code, like they're a live ping walking across the map for 5 seconds or just simply spam red ping on certain areas, such as if you know someone, there's an enemy in a certain location, such as crates hiding in there, just based on spawns.

If your teammates are not rotating, just ping it, and they'll know exactly what you're talking about, so upgrade that communication. Involve those descriptive words and situations; you can basically help paint a picture in your teammate's head. You can obviously translate effectively.

Composure (have fun)

Composure (have fun)

From there, the last and most important tip is that since it's such a competitive atmosphere and a lot of you people were having fun at one point, you're not having too much fun. Now, the thing is, seriously, have fun. You're also speaking to someone who's played competitive Call of Duty, basically from 13 up until 22.

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And the funny thing is, now I personally can't play article games normally without always trying to win because that's how I was wired when I was always competing. I think rank just gives us that chance to really kind of live up the field, so don't let that one bad game or one toxic teammate really ruin everything for you.

modern warfare 3 ranked play

I would just say to stay composed. Composure is the biggest tip that I have for you guys. People just really throw away their games, just like, for example, being down 40 to 200 at hardpoint is a really bad bummer, so just don't ever give up on those types of games. I think, for example, that composers are one of the weakest sides of things that I see in most average-ranked players because the most basic of players today get their entire game throwing because one guy suddenly got turned 360.

They're only down by 30 to 40 seconds in any game, and they're just crying. Nonstop they're on a losing streak, like five or six games down, so just don't be that guy. Have a huge outlook, look at the game, but remember to never give up because ranking is a testament when you're playing. It's not going to be easy, so use this as just a fun way to meet new players, keep pushing your limits, and obviously get better as the game goes on.

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There's a lot of freaks and unnatural beings on Rake that make it so bad, and I hear all day because people love coming after content creators like myself. Just be really appreciative. Some of you guys truly got better at Call of Duty, and I don't think some of you really give yourself a lot of credit.


The other day one of my close friends was talking about how he went from gold to platinum and rank play, and he was so happy letting me know that he actually started seeing improvements in his game play, and it made me actually so happy because most people, when they're playing public matches, can't relate to that, and he was just mentioning that by watching my game play by watching the Call of Duty League matches, doing certain things like that actually made him a better Call of Duty player, and these are just simple things, like if you take all these top five tips that I gave you today.

I swear. I promise you, it's going to make you a better player than just always shooting your gun endlessly. Thinking, like you're not really thinking about what's going on, so hopefully this did.



This is my first time doing something like this. Everybody else in rank play can definitely do parts two and three.

5 PRO TIPS to INSTANTLY IMPROVE in MW3 Ranked Play! MW3 Tips Tricks. Make sure to keep updated with me.
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