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Ranked play mw3 invasion god spots

Ranked play mw3 invasion god spots

Here's how to instantly improve a Model 4 with three secret tips. The first spot you need to know is by a bridge. If you lay down and turn, you can completely hide underground but still have an angle on anybody pushing the a street there's obviously no way that they're winning this deep into that corner you are completely safe there and we'll have the whole street unlock, the next spot is front Cafe, if you hop on these handles and then up to the right you can strafe left and there's obviously no way that they're winning this gunfight, you can angle yourself to the left and watch the entirety of Left Flank on Search and Destroy as well as right flank If you're trying to work the bomb site, you can sit back, spawn, and watch the entire cross to B on defense, but good teams will bait that cross and then cut back to the left to plant A.


To get a guaranteed head count at B, the better rush route is to go into Cafe. Slide left and look out this window right here. That way, you can know for sure if anybody's crossing towards B or if they're faking it and trying to work from the side. Another great spot in the cafe is this corner here.

If you crouch and look through this window, you can see a fire car as well as the right side of the street. If you're trying to watch the full flank on defense inside a cafe, you can hop on this desk and then also on the lamp. Another way to check the fire car as well as the street flank—you already know about this spot up here.

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There's another way to get up top, which involves hopping on these suitcases and then jumping up this way. If you have a teammate open the doors into the back and front rugs, you can hop on this car right here, and as long as you shoot out this window, you have a line of sight onto the P1 dumpster.

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As well as the left side of that mid tank, since the bathroom is both a hard point and a control point, you need to know the best off-angles in here. One of them is on top of the water fountains. If you hop up on top, if somebody's pushing the hard point, they're not going to be expecting you at that high of an angle, and when you do see somebody, all that you have to do is jump, and it'll throw their aim off even more.

This is a great way to counter that. If you're working in the bathroom with a teammate, all you have to do is slide into the left corner of the vending machine. From the opponent's perspective, they'll only tag you with a couple of bullets and have a teammate follow-up who'll follow up and finish that guy off in the bathroom.

You can also lay down between the vending machine and the ATM; your opponents will not expect you to be there if you slide into this corner of the bathroom. Then lay down. It allows your body to be stuck in the corner rather than pushed out; nobody's going to be checking that low. I mean look how deep look how deep we are in that corner.

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That is insane for pretty much every single tank on this map. You're able to see between the top and bottom parts of it, and if you find the right angle, you can see people through it that might be playing deeper towards Fortress or the Fortress tank, and from the reverse side, you can do the same thing to look over P1.

As well as the mid tank, you can also check under the B tank for a better line of sight for anybody playing construction. In the courtyard hard point, there's a lot of open areas that's really hard to contest if you have control of mid and mid tank in the opponent's respawning fortress. You can lay down here if your teammates have control of the dark.

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You can also lay down behind this column behind this AC unit, or you can get up close to this wall. You can also lay down on this bike. You can grab time from here and shoot. Just be careful; there's no aim to assist through this grate, and it's pretty hard to tell that you're even there. If you're a top sandbag or top American, you should know that you can check for diamonds between this wall on both the middle side and the right side.

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Use this to get your centering on point before you stand up and challenge a b-tank. If you lay down and turn to the left, you can crawl pretty much all the way under the tank, and anybody pushing towards the B-bomb site is simply not checking that deep under the tank. It's very common for people to sit on top of the tank and crawl down to have a heady watchover, and a good counter for that outside of the DVD is to hop on the sandbag and look underneath the awning.

You can also hop on this lip here and then jump to the right on top of this concrete slab, which allows you to head-glitch this wall for anybody playing on the left side of the B tank. As well as those concrete walls in the back of Top Broken, you can hop into this window if you crouch and slowly fall down.

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You can lay down and watch the entirety of B Street. You'll be able to see if anybody crosses through Broken from Top Broken. You can also hop on these bricks, which allows you to check over the street, and if somebody's playing that white car, a lot of people don't know that you can get under this awning if you crouch.

You can hold the entirety of B Street this way. Just be careful because you don't get a lot of aim assistance from here since you're unable to strafe very fast. This is one of the new hardpoint locations on Invasion. The best spot to hold it is from this back corner, and if you get information that anybody's chinging from either one of those angles, you can lay down, look towards Treehouse, and from this side, you can watch your top ladder.

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If you sink down into the head glitch, you can also lay down and watch Your Flank from gas, as that's one of the stickier spawns on this hillside treehouse. One of the better head glitches in the game is to hold this angle right here. If you stretch the B bomb for this back right corner as far as you can, if you break into ice cream and then hop up on top of this left vending machine, you have a perfect line of sight towards that diffuse.

You can also go all the way back to American sandbags. Hop up on top of this left sandbag, and you have a perfect line of sight towards the bomb. Stretch the B-bomb for this corner here. Not only can you still check from sandbags, you can also check from top blue, even as far back as the blue ladder by P5.

For a bomb, if you plant towards this corner, you can check from dark. Just be careful that it doesn't get stretched if you come over to these concrete slabs by the bathroom. You can also lay down and check through the grass, then hop up and take them out while they diffuse, and if you plant a bomb at this corner back here, you can run all the way back to the bridge and get a clear line of sight on Bomb by standing up on top of these sandbags. Just be careful and tap fire as they're diffusing because you don't get any aim.

MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best Invasion MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots, Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Callouts. Hope you enjoy! Call of Duty Modern Warfare III.
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