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Mw3 best tips intro

Mw3 best tips intro

It's your boy. Omi, today we're going to talk about five tips that I have for you guys in Call of Duty to obviously get better just the other day, and this blew my mind. I was DM. Hi, I'm some random person who just watched one of your TikToks, and I was wondering if you had any tips for me to improve.

I feel like I'm stuck and I'm not making any progress that really hit me personally because, coming from someone who was basically nobody to basically when I was competing, at the time years ago. I realized a lot of players like you guys that are watching this article right now don't have anyone to really teach you guys and tell you to do this a certain way.

I think it's time for me to stop showboating. My skill is to help more people, and hopefully these tips will help you.

Rotations (late rotations, how to rotate)

best tips for mw3 ranked play

Guys, let's start with the first tip, and this is going to be rotations. The problem with rotating is that many people still have a hard time making that sacrificial play on making sure they have the next rotations on whatever hill it may be, so let's take Skidrow.

For example, everyone and their mom know that P2 is one of the god hills on Skidrow, as well as P5, basically meaning that if you get a full setup and a pre-rotation going on there, you get the little trade and chance of getting a full 60 Hill. The problem with rank today and how it's going to be an occurring play is that many people just do not like to rotate.

Also read:

People start rotating 10 seconds left on Old Hill and 5 seconds left on Old Hill, meaning that no one will be at the next hill, and it's one of the hardest things, especially solo queuing. Obviously. I know how to go for spawns the majority of the time, and when you're single-handed, trying to do that while you're taking three to four people on the next hill is just about impossible, so make sure that when you're solo queueing or playing ranked with your teammate that you make sure that these rotations are set up properly.

I would say for a lot of the god hills that maybe start rotating 30 seconds ahead of time, especially when you have control of the current hill. Now, why does this also apply to control, search, and destroy? A lot of people in the ranks are so focused and fixated on pre-aiming. Pre-aiming is sickening.

I understand it's a 34. MCW. Meta, but you also have to understand based on trades and what's going on in the map that your positioning also plays an effect, and you sitting at one spot for 20 to 30 seconds just basically playing TDM by yourself is not going to help your team.

Understand spawns/spawntrapping

Understand spawns/spawntrapping

My second tip for you guys is how to understand spawns and spawn trapping.

It has always been one of my favorite things to do, especially as an SMG player, because it tilts so many people. The easiest way to understand how to do this is to assume you're someone who has played Call of Duty for many years, just like those good old days of playing public matches. My favorite way to explain this is to act like this is a chess game.

Also read:

Ask themselves, Hey, they're sort of like doing flash cards for an exam. Spinning is basically coming down to a pure memory base, and the more you remember to spawn, the more people won't stand a chance against you. So for example, let's run through three situations where I end up dying, and I want you to take a couple of seconds based on the situation of where the hill is and where I'm dying.


Where do you think I'm going to spawn? This is P1. Right, there's 50 seconds on the clock, and you can see that I'm pushed in the back door. Right, get this guy on the cross. Do you understand what I'm doing right here because I know my teammates on the top left have control of the hill but are also probably sitting like back tanks or back walls?

These kids right here would never expect someone like me to do this right. Boom, easy now I want you to guess where I spawn. Right boom, I'm spawning, castle wall, so we still have these spawns for, like, P2. And this is exactly what you can like: truly fine, like games so much, exactly now you get what I'm saying right.

In my first weeks of ranking, of course, I tinkered around and messed up so much to find which lines were too far to push out because that's just the only way to learn, right? You have to make mistakes in order to perfect your game. Play another sneaky little bonus thing I'm going to add for you guys, and it's truly just kind of ratty.

I'm not going to lie; let's say you're going to the next hard point. Everyone's trying to rotate and get there, but now pay attention to this timer, as it's very crucial. It's a race to get control of the next hill, meaning every kill you get for this rotation will have a huge chance of rotating those guys back to the old hill and spawning them out.

So have you ever seen someone cut off a gap far from the next hill, but he kills two or three of your teammates and instantly runs back to the next hill? Just before time runs out on the old hill, what he basically did was play the spawn of a Tom Cruz Mission Impossible scene, my friends, which is what spawn manipulation is.

Also read:

When you die, remember those spawns. Let's say you die in P3, and you spawn up. Remember that spawn because the next time the rotation comes around and you're in P3, let's say you have controlled the hill this time. You're going to remember that hey. I spawned not right over there the last time we spawned out, so I'm going to basically look that way, use that information, and basically fry , moving on to tip number three awareness.

Awareness in ranked

Awareness in ranked

Have you ever had that teammate who often says. What's going on? I literally have no idea what's going on, and it turns me off instantly.

Because I think this guy is. I'm not going to lie, I'm an idiot, but I know that happens some days when you hop on Call of Duty and you kind of just have a slower thought process when it comes to the game, but what is awareness? I mean, understanding how many enemies you eliminated and how many more are left, are you looking out for one or two more opponents after you and your teammates have taken care of some regarding the objective ver to spawn?

Are you keeping an eye out for a play player on a five-star streak? who's currently playing for the cruise missile, and these are questions you should be asking yourselves. Repeatedly in the middle of a game, because if you're really not just trying to outsmart your opponents and you're just kind of shooting your gun, it's one of the worst mistakes you're going to be making.

5 PRO TIPS to INSTANTLY IMPROVE in MW3 Ranked Play! MW3 Tips Tricks. Make sure to keep updated with me.
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