News - How To Prepare For Ranked Play Warzone 2


In today's article, I'll be showing you guys the best ways to help you prepare for rank play. In Modern Warfare 3, rank play comes out next week on January 17th, and if you don't know already, you have to be level 55 in order to access rank play. They're doing this to try to stop the hackers a little bit.

It is way different than pubs if you've never played competitive before. People play way differently; it is only 4v4 instead of 6v6, and it is very team-oriented. The modes are hardpoint search, destroy, and control, and all of the maps you are going to be able to play are high-rise terminal skidrow, invasion, Karachi, and subbase.

So I would get familiar with those maps, maybe run around, choose some bots on those maps, play some public hardpoint matches, and control on those maps and try to get as familiar with them as possible, and to help you guys even get more familiar with the maps and modes. I would really, highly recommend watching the CDL.

cod mw3

The CDL came back this past weekend, and it's going to be on tomorrow, and it's going to be on the next few weeks from here on out, so every weekend. You guys should definitely tune in to the CDL if you haven't already. You can even go on YouTube and look at past broadcasts of the CDL and kind of mirror what the pros do in every single game mode and try to copy their play style.

Obviously, you're not a pro, so it's not going to be exactly the same, but it does help a lot. That's kind of how I got all my strats, all my routes, and everything from the past-ranked games. You're not going to shoot like them, obviously, but it does help. It makes you a smarter player, and you start understanding the game more just by watching them.

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Another thing you guys are going to need to know is all of the meta classes that the pros use because these classes are going to be what everyone is using in rank play, no matter what rank you are. I made a article on this the other day if you guys want to go check it out, covering all the attachments on all the guns and going into full detail on what everything actually does, but I'm going to just go through it briefly if you guys don't want to go watch that article.

cod mw3 ranked

The metal weapons are going to be the MCW, and the Rival 9 is the main MCW. The class that everyone uses is this one for the muzzle, which is the t51r. Please break the barrel, which is the MCW Cyclone long barrel. This is my favorite optic, but honestly, you guys can use whatever optic you want.

The stock is the RB Regal heavy stock, and the rear grip is the RB claw. PSO, grip: this is the main one that probably everyone's going to be using. If you consider yourself a faster player, there is a different AR that people like Kenny use and some other pros. All you're going to do is change the rear grip, and you're going to put an underbarrel, and it's the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop.

If you guys want to hear full detail on what these attachments do, you guys can go check out my latest article on it, and I leave the attachments up longer so you can get a screenshot. You can do whatever you want with them, and for the Rival 9, this one is the most used one by all of the pros; probably 90% of the pros use this one just because it is a beamer.

cod ranked play

The muzzle is the Purif file muzzle, and the barrel is the Rival SE clear shot. Barrel The stock is the MTZ Marauder stock, the rear grip is the Rival Vice assault grip, and the underbarrel is the DR6. Hand-stop the secondary; everyone's just going to be running the retti the whole time, and for this one, I run a muzzle.

I run the Comp 90 5f pistol. The barrel is the MLX short competition barrel, and I run just a regular red dot slide, which is the Slate reflector, and an EF lipstick grip, so that's kind of like the main retti class you can use depending on what game mode you're playing. I would change the lethals and tacticals.

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I have a smoke grenade on just because I do play sand and wager a lot, but it's obviously going to change to a stun once I start playing hardpoint, and all that said. I do run a trophy as well, and for gloves. I run the assault grip for the boots. I run the covert sneakers, which are dead silence, and for gear, you can either run EOD padding or a Tac mask.

lunch time

EOD padding is the blast shield, which protects you from grenades, and the tack mask is obviously. It helps you against stuns and all that, so now that you guys have the classes, you guys are obviously going to need practice shooting because this isn't a public match. You're not going to be going against bots; you're going to be going against people that actually know how to play the game.

You're going to be going against people that are your skill level and that can shoot great and know what they're doing. Everyone has all the pros. All your favorite YouTuber content creators, no matter what, shoot an insane amount of bots. I'm pretty sure all of you guys know how to set up bots, but if you don't, you just go to private matches.

I change it to game mode of free-for-all on the map I like to play on Scrapyard. And then to add the bots, you go to this little plus sign on the right, and I like to add the max amount so you want your hands to be warm as much as possible before you start playing. A private match is also very good for learning rotations, practicing lines of sight and spots, and testing out all the guns and attachments you can.


I would really utilize private matches as much as you can if you don't already. The next thing I would do is find people to play with, no matter if they're your friends or if there's some random person that can shoot back that you met in public matches. Or, as I'm telling you right now, you do not want to solo queue and rank play because you will not be able to reach that Max rank that you want to reach.

There's so many people that I've seen that try solo queuing all the way to Crimson Iridescent, and they literally lose their minds trying to do it. Luckily, I have people that I play with because I've been playing for a long time, so we just play four or three stacks; however many people there are, the more the better.

modern warfare 3

And we just ran everything I got to Iridescent every season last year, so I'm hoping to do the same this season. My best tips to find people to play with are: obviously, one is your friends; even if they're kind of bad, still play with them; it still makes it way better and way more fun, and when rank play does start, you could solo queue and the people that you win with on your team, invite them to your party, and keep playing with them.

In todays video im going to be showing you guys the best ways to prepare for ranked play in MW3. You guys are gunna wanna reach that highest rank so its best to be ready.
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