News - How To Instantly Improve Warzone 2 Ranked Play. Warzone 2 Tips


All right So this is what we're going to do with your first Hills P1: you want to hold the P2 spawns. That's actually good that our team is going over TOS P2 to guarantee we keep those spawns. The other team's going to hit L2, the dub doors, or the back alley. Now they're going to be dub doors; they got to turn; right here they're going to be getting splits.

All right, my teammates, one spawn laundry, one spawn back alley—that means that there are people on both spawn points. Now we can hopefully block the tunnel spawns and give up the alley spawns, which now means that they are all going to be spawning alleys. I'll let my teammate watch the D doors while I watch his back; he's just getting free kills right there.

Okay, one got out too, and they might start getting some splits. You can't really tell cuz we're not influencing the spawns right now, so okay, they're going to be spawning tunnel, they're going to be spawning tunnel, one's already at new, the rest are going to be flooding over there, we're looking for the rest, the guy in Hill is just not peeking out though, so just going to get people hurt on the.

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Cross, got one, gunned, stairs, new they're going to keep spawning tunnel, yep, we're not blocking that spawn, we're going to climb up here. I'm going to get [__] on, and the rest are going to keep spawning tunnels. Though this is good, we have the ticket tickets; all we need to do is stun the tunnel, stun the tunnel, and stun her.

You know what it's late for, but I'm going to call the cruise missile to help our team break this hill right here. All right, there is going to be one garage, one in time, low, got the guy in time, get a little curve with that, and I'm going to use a smoke to push up right here. They're going to keep spawning tunnels, but we need to start rotating to the new hill.

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I think they're rotating too, so they're going to be rotating through the back abs and low mids. My teammates need to log it down so they can watch their garage pins from here, so all I have to focus on is their top middle and then their laundry. The other team will be spawning tunnels because the spawns right now are the ticket tunnel, only two spawns, sometimes garage, but.

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Don't worry; I'm trying to break it down for you guys. Now that we're getting kills, I'm going to block the ticket spawn, and I'm blocking the back P2 spawn. Wait, this guy sees me, so I'm not going to show that, but pretty much we want to get these kills and then spawn them eventually behind us.

Wait, did I see someone? I'm going blind. Actually, we could hit a pinch, right? I did see someone at the window. We're blocking laundry. Now this is good. We're blocking the laundry spawn. They're going to start spawning all back P2 and deep ticket, so we're going to look to M. I'm going to miss shots and die because I'm, buns, let's see what else.

Okay, my team has three over there, so I'm going to start rotating to the new. I'm going to look over it, give it a couple peaks, and make sure no one's there. We just got kills though, so they're probably going to be spawning out deep; they're going to be hitting tunnels or they're going to be hitting bottom M and ticket.


Wait, okay, there's one more top ticket we killed at New, but we got to make sure we're rotating to the new early. Right here, we're spawning out now, which means that they're going to be potentially spawning laundry, and you can get split spawns from time to time, like we're still spawning laundry but they're still spawning out, so spawns are a little weird.

You'll recognize if you get a weird spawn that, okay, they might still be on you when you check this door. My [__], my teammate, just told me I was going to say you want to bust the left door open and check your right corner; no one there, my teammate, can. Help, this guy is, just, guy's cracked right there, running back and forth, and that place is just a mess all right, and now this is good.

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They have old time, so one's probably going to be trying to run through a tunnel. We're going to kill him. We got to make sure we are staying in the garage. Someone's looking into the tunnel as well, so I'll put a trophy on the hill for my teammates. There's one at Old, and I can stay in the garage.

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God, yeah, they should start spawning behind me, because I think the back alley is the primary spawn. For the most part, they're going to be top-notch; they're going to be ticketing all that good stuff over here. Hurt, that gun keeps bouncing, the man keeps recoiling, and there we go, and now they're going to be where we spawn.

I can't really tell. Okay, so we spawn top mid, so they're spawning in tunnels still, which is good, which means we have rotation to new wait. I will wall him through that, but pretty much what you need to do is you need to block the back alley spawn. That's going to be the popular spawn point they are spawning back alley.

I'm going to try and CHS nothing now. I'm going to be blocking the back alley spawn, so they're going to be spawning tunnel after this and/or back P4. While I block this, my voice cracks. Where is this guy's gun? They're all going to be Tunnel; we're looking for this. They gave me money. What's good, Lauren?

cod mw3 ranked play

How are you doing? Don't spawn back Alle means they're spawn in tunnel, which is kind of bad because we don't have rotation to new, so we need to make sure we're guaranteed getting this time. You either need to get all the time on P1 or have early rotation to P2, and we do not have that right now.

So, let's see if they will troll and maybe give us some free kills. Don't stun that guy who's close right here, though he's going to knock CH out and die. I'm going to wait. Actually, are we okay? Let's see we're going to call this streak in. One's going to be dub steps, one's going to be garage, one's going to be tunnel, and we're going to try and go for the guy.

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Actually, we'll go for the guy out here. Actually, we killed two. That's good that means we can just fly at this guy on time and try and kill him, but they're going to be trying to reinforce from the tunnel, so we're going to do the back hop to make sure we do not get seen from the tunnel right here.

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I got that one guy, my teammate; you can stay in Hill. I'm going to go and kill; actually, some of them got some ticket spawnouts, not the end of the world. You want to just stay near your teammate on this hill and help them, so they're going to probably keep pinning this kind of mix right now. The last guy is going to be in the garage.

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