News - Dominate Warzone 2 Ranked: Top Loadouts & Classes You Need To Use

Full class setup

Full class setup

mod Warfare 3 rank just dropped, so let's run through everything. Starting off with the vest is only the infantry vest, so you've got one choice there. I'll go through all the side stuff and perks, and then we'll get into the weapons after tacticals. You've got two choices. Generally, you're going to be running stuns.

Smoke can be useful when it comes to lethal substances. You've got frags and grenades. It's a personal preference. I prefer frags. I like bouncing off walls, but Seex does have a place for field upgrades. You're going to be running for a trophy. Generally, you can run Dead Silence when it comes to things like Search and Destroy.

I tend to do this as it does remove you from the mini map, essentially giving you a ghost, and it does give a little bit of a speed boost to help you get around the map a bit quicker. For the gloves, you're going to be running either the Marksman gloves or the assault gloves, so the Marksman gloves are when you're using an AR or sniper; it reduces that Sway and Flinch while ad, and assault gloves if you're running and going using an SMG or a quick AR; it helps with that jumping accuracy and time to ad.

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You've got one option and one option only; everyone's going to be running in covert sneakers. Unless you want to get sound hoarded, you can run stalker boots or tactical pads; they are great options, but stick to covert sneakers. When it comes to the final piece of gear, generally, you're going to be running EOD padding.

Tac masks can come in handy, and if you're getting absolutely slammed by stuns. I'd probably Chuck that on mid-match, but generally. EOD is the best choice as grenades are very powerful and it will save your life.

Assault 1

Assault 1

Moving on to the weapons for the ARs, the first one we've got is the MCW. So for the barrel, we've got the second-line Mammoth heavy barrel to help out with that range and mobility, and for the muzzle, we've got the Jack BFB. Muzzle, which has a massive increase to our recoil control, adds a pretty decent drop to our handling, and a bit of mobility, but another downside with this one attachment, unlike all the rest, is that it does give you increased radar detection, essentially giving the enemy an advanced UAV on you so they know exactly where you are.

It actually lasts a bit longer than a normal dot, and they get directional information where you're looking, so it can be a double-edged sword, but if you are struggling with recoil on any of these weapons, chucking this on will massively increase the recoil control for the underbarrel. We've got a bit of mobility and handling, and with the DR6 hand stop, just to help out with that, for the optic, I run the MK3 reflector with a nice clean blue dot. I just run whatever you prefer for the optics, and for the stock, we've got the Regal heavy stock again to help out with that bit of recoil control, so this is how this thing fires on.

Assault 2

Assault 2

Over the SVA, which is my personal preference and choice for this season, we've got the barrel is the STV Precision Barrel, which increases our recoil control and range.

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As you can see, I've got the case brake muzzle just to help out with that little bit of horizontal recoil this thing has for the underbarrel. I've got the SL skeletal vertical grip again, a little bit of recoil control, which improves our ads and sprint to fire speed, a slight reduction to our hip fire accuracy, the optic again on it, and I've got the Man V6 stock to help out with that recoil control again.

Slight reduction in our sprinting speed recoil on this one. There is a little bit of recoil on this one, but as you can see when you're bursting, there is absolutely no reco at all, so you can pump close ones and you can just burst the last targets down when they're far away.

Sub 1

Moving on to the submachine guns, for the number one spot, we've got the Rival 9, and for the barrel, we've got the clear shot barrel, which increases our range and recoil control with a slight reduction to our mobility, and HIIT fire for the muzzle.

I've got the L4R, and the flash hder muzzle just helps out our recoil control. If you're really struggling with this one's recoil, you can chuck on the jack BFB and recoil again, a massive increase to our recoil control, however. I did find that it seems like it's got a little bit more horizontal recoil control when you put this one on compared to the flash hider move.

Now, under the barrel, we've got the DR6 hand stop again for that bit of mobility and handling. I've got the Close Quarters assault stock to help out with recoil control again on this one, and for the rear grip, we've got the vice assault grip again for that recoil control, as this thing does have a fair bit of recoil from stock.

The recoil on this one is nothing crazy, but pretty easy to do.

Sub 2

Sub 2

Control , moving on to the second SMG. I've got the Swarm here; this is my second option for the barrel. We've got the Reckless Lum Barrel, which increases our range massively and has recoil control for the muzzle. I've got the Jack BFB muzzle to increase our recoil control, as this thing has a shitload of recoil.

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I've got the WSP Venom grip; it's a special grip just for this thing. As you can see, it doesn't really have any cons, but it doesn't reduce our horizontal recoil control by a fair bit. We've got the Fortress heavy stock to help out with that recoil control, and lastly, I've got the Morant grip again to help out with that recoil control.

You don't like the sights on this thing; you can swap out either the mor grip or the under barrel and Chuck on an optic, but I think the recoil control for me is too much, so I prefer having these extra attachments. That's the recoil. This thing slaps.

Sniper 1

As for the snipers, you pretty much only have one choice: the cat, but the XRK stalker is the best option we have.

That's definitely the quickest aim-down sight for the barrel, and we've got the Handler LKP, short barrel, to increase our mobility and aim-down sight speed for the stock. We've got the LV light stock to help out with that ad speed. a little bit for the bolt, we've got the stalker light bolt to help out with that rate of fire rechamber, time as it massively increases that rate of fire.

For the rear grip, I've got the stalker factory grip to help out with that ad speed. As for the final spot, you can even chuck an optic on it. This can increase your aim-down sight speed and movement speed. The amount depends on which level you are at. If you're willing to give up a bit of flinch resistance, you can also put on these to increase your mobility.



Now moving over to our secondaries, you've got the obvious choice of the corit; this is a great choice. It increases your movement speed massively compared to the gutter knife, so if you need to get around the map quickly or you want to use a knife, I'd run the corit.

In this video, we're diving into the Best Class setups for MW3 Ranked Play! Discover the top weapon loadouts and builds that will help you dominate the battlefield.
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