News - Warzone: New Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Setups

Warzone 2 best lachmann 762 & lachmann shroud loadout

Warzone 2 best lachmann 762 & lachmann shroud loadout

Loadout 5 is more of an experimental one, one that takes a lot of patience. V4's 50-round drum, so you don't have to worry about reloading Ripper, is going to be super clutch for semi-auto, in that recenter just making it easier to shoot 4490.

Is going to be super clutch for a full auto and make the gun a lot more usable and controllable than the Rap Barrel's better control and velocity. We just want as much control here as possible, and that'll help out a lot there, so this is a high-skill gap weapon. For sure, it's a mid-range base gun for full auto and semi-auto; it's the long-range style either way, though if you can land your shots, it'll fry the Shroud.

We're kind of just building this like we would our standard MP5, 40-round mag TCG 10-rear grip, again tuned for that better Mobility Mobile stock, and yet again. I'm going for the seven milliwatt laser. In this case.

Warzone best kastov 762 & bas-p loadout after update

Warzone best kastov 762 & bas-p loadout after update

This is a build that I've stuck with for some time and I keep using it because I'm familiar with it but you could build this out so many different ways you could throw on a stock you could throw on a muzzle you could throw on a barrel really, this thing's gonna be consistent regardless of how you approach it but I like the Chrono mini pro because I hate the irons on this thing seven, milliwatt laser for that snappier ads and Sprint to fire same deal with the brew and Flash rear grip as well the 50 round drum very standard you're going to have that on here regardless of how you want to build it out then I go for the over pressured ammo you could also throw on high velocity though too if you wanted more of a sniper support option if you leveled up to Damon and you have this unlocked the bass P does work well for this too so pick, your poison here look like I said there's just so many different ways you can build this there's no wrong answers this is just a very well-rounded .

Best mcpr-300 & chimera loadout after warzone update

Best mcpr-300 & chimera loadout after warzone update

SMG: Next up, we've got some sniper focus here for the MCP. Is the go-to just because it can get that one-shot kill when you have that explosive ammo on there, obviously if you're hitting that headshot, so in my opinion, this is the best aggressive one-shot sniper. I really like the feel of this.

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I go for the five-round mag as well, down from the stock 10, because it's going to have that faster reload; the faster the reload, the faster Sprint to fire, and it's just more aggressive in general. I don't love the base scope, so I go for the Forge Attack Delta IV. I like the feel of this one. If you like the base one, you could use that.

best loadouts 2

If you like a different optic, again, go for comfortability. Barrel is going to help out with that velocity, and, really, that's the only main benefit we get out of this because range doesn't matter if you're going for a one-shot headshot, so velocity is the important factor there. Then, same deal on the nail style 90: yeah, it helps out with range, but that doesn't matter for snipers; we just want that good velocity there, and because the explosive ammo kills it so much, having the nails done and having the omx barrel on there is the closest you can get to having a high Velo type sniper build here and still be able to one shot and I pair that with the Chimera because this thing just got buffed it's even better it's, close range first damage range is just insane than even the mid-range of fries as well this setup is nice and aggressive you can use it close range at 10 meters you could use it mid-range at 40 meters and it's going to work well so 45 around extended mag here brew and Flash rear grip better ads, and Sprint to fire very standard there aim out V4 or if you like the irons you could switch out for a stock or an under Barrel or a compensator totally up to you seven milliwatt laser snap your ads and Sprint to fire then the Phoenix Barrel better range better velocity, better control better pizza yet again this just helps out in that mid-range and makes it a bit more versatile like I said I love the feel of this and its stats are so good this thing does fry now Loadout ate a bit more standard yet again rifle SMG we got the M13 and the P90 both just super consistent, very easy weapons M13.

Warzone best m13b & pdsw 528 loadout

Warzone best m13b & pdsw 528 loadout

meta loadout

Got buffed again, so yes, you might say it looks and feels like a pea shooter, but realistically, if you land shots, it's got one of the best tcks. Out of the rifle category I love the feel of this thing in particular we're going for aim op yet again 60 round mag that high fire rate really does require 60 here for what it's worth , you really can flip-flop between the ammo under barrel and Barrel just depends on your level of comfortability I like high velocity and I don't feel like you always need an underbarrel because this thing is so easy to use and so instead I go for the echelon Barrel which I helps out with range velocity and a little bit of control too that said if you wanted to drop either the echelon Barrel or high velocity for a riff or under Barrel you could do so you could flip-flop between those three again no wrong answer right and Harbinger, suppressor on here as well for that better control velocity, and range thing rips from it in Long Range I just really like the feel of it very consistent very well-rounded rifle then the P90 we go all in on Mobility basically this thing's flying and frying so for some mid-range here because it's mid-range ttk is pretty good I go for the kc85. Compensator just to keep it consistent, and then all Mobility, like I said, seven milliwatt laser, the light rail helps out just straight up with movement speed and keeps that Ironside on there, the Q900, rear grip for ads and Sprint to Fire, and behind the face cam I've got the attack home comb for ads and Sprint to Fire, so this thing is snappy, this thing is fast, and I love the feel of this super slept on SMG now Lodo9.

Warzone best rpk & ftac siege loadout after update

Warzone best rpk & ftac siege loadout after update

Is my regain loadout, so if I need this in a certain situation, like when I'm coming back from the gulag or something. I'll grab this if I'm in a water end zone I'll grab this or if I want to switch up my perks I'll grab this as well because here I swap out overkill, for tracker and I swap out high alert for bird's eye depending on if I have a comms vest or not and, with this I can you know adjust my setup on the fly if I need because obviously you don't need your two primaries with Overkill anymore, but I use the RPK on this because it's so standard and so reliable, same setup as before and for my pistol.

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