News - Warzone: New Close Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Setups

Warzone new close range meta update explained

Warzone new close range meta update explained

ladies, And gentlemen, hey. With the season 5 reloaded update, we obviously saw several different meta changes and meta updates, including some changes to the close range meta to just in general make things a bit more competitive, and so today we're going over the best setups and the best weapons you want to be using for close range slash and some sniper support, as well as getting into it all.

Warzone best iso 45 loadout after update

But There's no surprise here to start things off with ISO 45, honestly. I'm pretty surprised that this has not been nerfed in a couple of seasons now that it's been arguably the number one SMG in the game and definitely the number one SMG in the game in terms of general ttk. For a long time now, it's had some awkward iron sights; it's got some awkward, you know, bounce when you shoot it, but if you can get past that, this thing's unstoppable.

It's so good; it's so fast; fantastic; ttk, as mentioned, absolutely. Atop the close-range meta right now in my opinion, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it, the setup is one that I'm sure you guys are very familiar with by now, so kt85. The compensator will help out a little bit with the aforementioned.

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Shake right just makes things easier, especially if you're ever fighting in like the mid-range area with a seven milliwatt laser for that faster attack, and sprint to fire per usual 45-round drums to Max here. It doesn't have the craziest damage per mag ever, but this is totally sufficient with the shear rear grip, better ads, and Sprint to fire yet again.

I love the cheetah stock. I see a lot of people building with different stocks, and honestly, they're all like decent, but for me, going all in on the mobility here is just so satisfying because you can literally just fly and fry with this thing; it's so It's fun to use another one that's not really a surprise: the actual Lockman sub, the MP5 here in full auto.

Warzone 2 best lachmann sub loadout after update

Warzone 2 best lachmann sub loadout after update

Obviously, this thing, much like the ISO, could be considered a top-tier SMG Choice number one and number two; you could go back and forth between this and the ISO all day long; each one has its pros. Fast ttk here, the range isn't as good as the ISO, but for SMGs, that's not the biggest end of the world, like a deal breaker, right?

easy to use—much easier than the ISO, in my opinion, in terms of visual stuff like the iron sights and also general control—so you can't go wrong with this either. Here I'm going for the 40-round mag, but if you wanted to jump up to 50 and be a tad bit slower, you could. That's not a huge deal either, TCG.

10 rear grip, which is for a better controller, than I just tuned for the inverse of better mobility. There, the mobile stock was updated with season five reloaded, so it's actually going to give you more mobility benefits. Here, so I like this just making this overall way more aggressive as an SMG seven milliwatt laser yet again, then I go for the Falcon Barrel.

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It's a shame that none of the shroud barrels have been ported over to the MP5. I'm not sure why that is; they're in the same family, but anyway, you get better movement out of the Falcon, so that's nice and convenient. Like I said, this is a super snappy, super aggressive SMG, one that I'm maining right now here in season five.

Best vel 46 loadout in warzone season 5 reloaded

Best vel 46 loadout in warzone season 5 reloaded

Reloaded now, I am really glad that we can talk about the MP7 some more in the close-range meta. Basically, it's not absolutely insane at any given thing; it's just super well-rounded and pretty solid for close range, really good in the mid-range, super easy to use in terms of recoil control and whatnot; it's just solid.

I love this thing. I think a lot of players can pick this thing up and just fry with it right away, as opposed to some other weapons, which might take some more time to actually master. So here's the 50-round magazine again. If you wanted to jump up to 60, feel free to do so; you're just going to be a little bit slower there.

Again, for that mid-range just to make this thing an absolute laser beam, it's super easy to use with this on their seven milliwatt laser yet again. Soldier rear grip for those better ads, and Sprint to Fire, and then I also go for the RXT stock, which is for Sprint speed and ads speed mainly. You could definitely mess around with some of these other ones here, like if you want better control for sniper support, you could use this; if you want insane mobility, you could try collapse; but I think for most people, the recoil here is going to be a bit too much, so RXT is that nice sort of middle ground, if you will, but like I said. I love the MP7; it's almost a little bit slept on here because most people don't realize it's as competitive as it is now.

Warzone best vaznev loadout after season 5 reloaded

Warzone best vaznev loadout after season 5 reloaded

The Vasniv is also right up there with those other top TTKs, the SMGs. The damage dropoff in this one is a little bit harsher than the MP5 or the ISO, so it does take a step back there; it drops off a bit sooner and a bit steeper, but for SMG ranges, if you're running a gun with this thing, it is right up there with the best of the best for sure here.

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We're going for the 45-round mag, which is the max option here and the only option here, so of course you're using that True Tech rear grip for that better than Sprint to fire. I like the ultra-aggressive stock here a lot for the sprint speed and the strife speed; this is just a nice aggressive. Feeling built for it—I mean.

R7 is also pretty solid as well as stockless if, again, you want to deal with a larger control, but insane mobility is an option for some players, but I like the field of Watchers out with that better strife, especially in the overall sprint speed, which is a nice added bonus. Olay laser, ads., and Sprint to fire the same deal as seven milliwatts there, and then, as I mentioned, that damage drop-off is pretty steep, so I go for the cast one barrel.

This does extend that damage range a little bit; it's only like one and a half or two meters or something like that; it's not significant, but it's enough that, in close-range fights, it could keep you in that first game damage range and win you a gunfight, so I oftentimes see people saying. You know why you're using a heavier barrel on a sub?

In this case with the vasnev, specifically.

Best lachmann shroud loadout in warzone 2

Best lachmann shroud loadout in warzone 2

In burst, it's a decent sub, and I think most people will find it to be on par with some of those other top-tier options, but nothing game-breaking. Semi-auto, though, is where it has the potential to be so broken and insane as we've talked about, but you have to be able to spam this thing at its max fire rate basically to have that broken ttk.

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