News - Warzone: New Best Reurgence Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Weapons

New resurgence meta loadouts in warzone after update

New resurgence meta loadouts in warzone after update

With the recent meta updates that we've seen in War Zone, we now have a bit more of a defined Resurgence meta here. So today I wanted to break down the top five best loadouts you want to run, whether you're playing Vonell or Isika, or if it ever comes back in the rotation, Alpha Fortress. It would be.

Warzone 2 best m4 & vaznev 9k loadout

Really appreciated, so initially here we are starting off with the M4 and the Vasnev, two weapons that complement each other really well but also thrive here on Resurgence. In particular, as we're going through all the setups here today, if you're noticing that hey, maybe this SMG is in here or this RI this lmg is in here, there's a good chance it's in the top 10 article that I posted just the other day.

best loadout

This is sort of an extension of that but more honed in on the Resurgence style gameplay, so if you're wondering where weapon A or weapon B might be, definitely go check out that top 10 meta article, but the M4. We know it's really solid; it's really consistent, but truly, it thrives in the early long range and the general mid-range, and that's perfect for a resurgence, so it works great here, and the vasnev up close, we know, is still a banger.

best weapons

This thing really hasn't changed since launch, honestly, and it just gets the job done, so as far as the M4 setup goes, we're really just focusing on making this thing controllable. And consistent right so I go for amot V4 there's a different optic prefer more always go for comfortability, there 60 runic Cinemac you could go down to 45 if you wanted to as well but you know for squads for trios, quads whatever the case may be, 60 always works fine for me also the fire rate's a little bit faster here, because I don't run a barrel on this particular build I just go ahead and throw on high velocity, it's a nice benefit to have on there when you can run it obviously the further you get out the more consistent it's going to make the gun feel but if you wanted to run a barrel instead you know High towers are a really good choice there; you could even go for something like a Mobility stock or a laser if you wanted to as well.

Then I got Ripper on here, better stabilization, of course, just making the gun more predictable, and then Harbinger suppressor. Obviously going to extend that range and velocity like pretty much all suppressors do, but this also helps out a little bit with that control as well, so makes it a tad bit easier to use and pretty consistent there, and I do like the feel of this overall.

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The Vasnev setup, like I said, really hasn't changed since the start of time, so same old, same old here we got the 45-round accent mag. Drew Tac reer grip for those better ads and Sprint of Fire, the autra at stock for better Sprint speed, and strafe speed on there, you could always try jumping up to something like stockless, for like Max Mobility, but for me.

I like The Recoil and just the precision of using the otra at on their Olay laser, better ads, and Sprint of Fire, and then I like the C one barrel, which extends that damage range by a few meters. That's the main con and drawback of the Vasnev, and why it lingers a little bit behind something like the Isos or the MP5. Just because its damage dropoff is pretty harsh, that does help out a little bit there, for sure, but overall, you mix and match these two together, and you've got a really nice combo for pretty much all ranges.

Warzone best hcr 56 & hurricane loadout

Warzone best hcr 56 & hurricane loadout

Next up, we've got the HCR, and the hurricane is a really fun loadout that has all the ammo in the world.

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Right, this is that spray and prey-style loadout, and it helps that both of these weapons are ridiculously easy to use. The HCR is one of the lowest-recoil long-range guns in the game and also has a very competitive TK. And the hurricane's super low recoil for close range good mobility and a ton of ammo, so you don't have to worry about anything for the actual magazine; you can't upgrade it beyond 50, and that works fine.

Initially, I like overpressure, and you guys see me run this a lot, but that said, this is a pick your poison scenario. Everything is right here, but armor piercing is a good hollow point. Obviously, slowing players down is hugely frangible, as is not being able to heal as quickly, and that's also clutch.

meta loadout 2

I like the view kick sort of flinch that this offers, but if you like hollow point more, definitely run that, and if you like frang more, run that. I do like some control here, you know, extending out to the mid-range with the KT8 Compensator, just making it nice and easy to use, especially because we're using iron sights here, which just limits the shake and noise there.

Olay laser yet again I go for the Quicks silver stock; this is for better Sprint speed 8s, speed strafe speed; it's nice to see there for sure; then also the X10 rear grip for ads and Sprint of Fire, so focusing a lot on mobility; this thing has great stats there but also can fry in terms of damage and ttk. And for the HCR, again we're really just focusing on the mid to long range efficiency very similar to the M4 setup here got the aot V4 yet again STI 40 rear grip for straight up better recoil control so it's going to be easier to use in general you don't need a barrel here you don't need a magazine upgrade so again I go for High Velocity cuz why not and then that combination of Ripper and harbingers on here as well to make that recoil a lot more predictable and extend that range and increase the v a little bit so this thing is very straightforward, very easy to use and Fries because of that now I did want to include one sniper setup for Resurgence because there are some players out there who do like that aggressive sniping and so I go for the mcpr, obviously since it can one shot, with the explosive ammo on there and I pair with the M13 C which is caught some Buffs recently and this thing's surprisingly.

Best mcpr-300 & m13c resurgence loadout

Best mcpr-300 & m13c resurgence loadout

I don't think people realize just how competitive the M13 C is in its first damage ranger too, so here I'm going for the Chron Mini Pro, your basic Blue Dot. I love that Sniper support helps out a lot in the mid-range, keeping enemies nice and visible. I go for the D37, rear grip for better control, helping out some there again, just making the weapon easier to use.

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The fire rate's a bit faster here, and because you know you're using at close range or mid-range where the damage may drop off, having that 60-round mag on there is definitely nice if you want to drop down to 40, though to be a little bit faster, that's totally, you know, applicable. As well, I got the edge at 4700.

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