News - Warzone: New Top 5 Best Resurgence Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Weapons

New resurgence meta loadouts after new warzone update

New resurgence meta loadouts after new warzone update

ladies, And gentlemen, hey. From pre-season five reloaded, and so today we are breaking down five of the absolute best surgeon loadouts you want to be running right now in addition to the general top 10 that we just covered the other day. We're starting first with one that I've really been enjoying recently.

Warzone tempus razorback & iso 45 loadout after update

It is the Razorback paired with the ISO 45. The Razorback is one of the more versatile weapons in the entire game. I mean, this thing is good in the mid-range for sniper support; it's good long range because of its low recoil; and if you pair it with an ISO 45, you've got the close range covered.

Smokes in all my classes, throwing knives in all my Resurgence classes as well for those insta-finish perk setups is going to be pretty standard. If there is an optic that you perform better with, always feel free to use that one. Of course, with a 60-round extended mag, you want the fire rates to be fast.

best loadout 2

This will help you know how to make sure you're not reloading in the middle of a gunfight. High-velocity ammo just has a better, more consistent feel over the mid- to long-range. The unique Proto grip for better stabilization, stability, and horizontal control makes this gun so easy to use. The new pair, with the Komodo compensator, makes it even more horizontal and controllable.

The pattern is like stray vertical and so simple and predictable that you can just fry this thing over long range of this thing and melt players, and I love the feel of this gun, in particular ISO. 45 is like the same old, same old here. This setup has not changed for so long because if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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This thing dominates up close with mobility, so I go for the KT85 compensator just for some control. I do go for the irons here, so there's a little bit of bounce. This helps minimize those seven millimeters. These are better than Sprint's sheer rear grip, which is also better than Sprint's cheetah and stock Sprint speed.

Crouch speed Strife speed ads, speed so fast, so snappy I love that we cap it off with a 45-round extended mag, which is very basic but necessary for all modes, right? I mean, you can't go wrong with either of these weapons paired together; they just dominate now.

Warzone 2 best kastov 762 & mx9 loadout after update

Warzone 2 best kastov 762 & mx9 loadout after update

The next loadout is a bit of a strange one that takes some getting used to, but it is a little bit more high-risk. High reward I say that because it's the 762 cast-off, which is one of the higher recoils.

I don't think it's anything too crazy, but some players might find it to be more noticeable than others, but it pays off because this has the best ttk out of the rifle category. Then I got the MX-9 secondary, and often overlooked, SMG because it's capped out at just 32 rounds, which stinks. I mean, it's going to be tricky to master this gun, but if you can master it, so be it.

Its TTK is phenomenal, and its mobility is phenomenal. You just have to learn how to squad fight with this smaller magazine, and you're good to go. I also go for the Q900, rear grip for better ads, and Sprint to fire just behind the face cam. I've got the C11, Riser, and Comb here for better ads, and Sprint to fire as well.

best loadouts

I don't like the OG iron sight, so I go for a basic Blue Dot here, the Corona Mini Pro, then lastly the S901 barrel, which makes it more of a mid-range close-range SMG with better range, better movement, and better velocity, which is nice to see. It's a pretty unique barrel, and I really like the feel of it, but I slept on it on SMG.

Trust me, if you can learn to master this magazine, The mx-9 hits, then the 762; pretty standard setup here for the mid- to long-range. We got a Mod V4 40-round mag, which seems small, but this is a small magazine, you know. I just realized here that the fire rate's not insane here, so you don't run out of ammo all that fast.

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High-velocity ammo: if you wanted to, you might be able to drop this in one of the barrels. Cast 10 for Resurgence because the velocity is not as important in some of those shorter-range fights but totally up to how you want the weapon to feel, Ripper. Honor barrel for better stabilization and control, then Talon suppressor for better control, better velocity, and better range.

I'm going to help out just with optimizing its mid- to long-range efficiency here. It's a very reliable and consistent setup, and like I said, it's really the best rifle in general now as we Continue on with the loadouts here today.

Best lachmann 762 & fennec 45 loadout in warzone

Best lachmann 762 & fennec 45 loadout in warzone

It would also be appreciated. This next loadout is all about TTK. It's not going to be an easy thing to acquire, but if you can do it, no one stands a chance.

Like, statistically, it's impossible to beat this. Basically, it's the 762 Lockman, which in full auto is the most broken TTP in the game, but it's hard to use. There's a lot of recoil here, so you're going to end up flipping between full auto and semi-auto, from mid to long range, then the Fennec up close.

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It's better than you think it's doable on Resurgence here. I feel like, especially with Fast Hands, you can get that faster reload. The damage per mag is noticeable here, like you're not going to be able to kill three people in one magazine and not have to reload like some of the other subs; you're going to have to reload, but at least in Resurgence you're going to have the information and the ability to do so, and.

meta loadout

I mean, up close, it's going to be tough to beat this; it's got surprisingly fast ttttk. So on the 762, like I said, you're going back and forth between semi-auto and full auto, so the amount of V4 and 50-round drum is going to be very standard. Ripper. Runner The barrel helps out a ton in general, but especially with the semi-auto version for the re-centering, it's going to make it more consistent for full auto bore 490, is going to make this recoil pattern the most manageable, can possibly be working on that horizontal RNG, and makes it a lot more predictable than the wrap.

The barrel also helps out with control and velocity, so like I said, it's a tough weapon to master. Spend some time with it and get locked down in the firing range. Really try and get that recoil pattern down, because if you can just land shots consistently, it's going to shred up close. Obviously you're just playing mad aggressive here, basically KT.

meta loadouts 2

85 compensator; there is some bounce here, so this helps minimize that seven milliwatt laser snappier ads, and Sprint to fire the 45 round mags the max here, and you have to run that with this fire rate. We got the rubber rear grip for the better ads and Sprint to fire, as well as the Loctite stock.

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